Thursday, April 4, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Fight For 15 Protest In South Tampa

Dale Mabry and Interbay - Tampa

Visit them HERE

Ybor Life

7th Ave

2019 NCAA Womens Final Four Fans Visiting Tampa Please Note

This is what Gaslight Park looks like when you are not here. The benches and people have been
 removed for your visit.

This is what you will see. You can thank our mayor Bob Buckhorn and his city council. Wanna see the real Tampa, visit Ybor City. No, it is not a city anymore, it is a neighborhood of Tampa. You can take the street car there or bus #8, #5 and #12. For the top 5 restaurants there click here 

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pho Bowl
At Asiatic Street Food & Noodle Bar - Ybor City

Gaslight Park Crackdown Begins

Tampa, Florida

Big event in town this weekend 
so the city removed all the benches. 

The community got together 
and brought people chairs. 

They were having this today.

This guy enhanced my experience

By telling me I could not take pictures.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Lenny For Mayor Campaign Kickoff Party Tomorrow

1512 7th Ave - 5 PM

Tampa Locavore: Passion of the Heights

Parrish Solar Farms

FPL plans world’s largest 
solar battery system.
Parrish is 30 miles from Big Ben. HERE
Two power companies going in 
opposite directions.

Tampa Parents Beware

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Lenny For Tampa 2019

Visit him HERE

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz's Lack of Purpose

Matt Gaetz one of Trump's most ardent and frequently embarrassing defenders, said he would essentially be lost in Congress if he couldn't shill for the unpopular president.

"I don't know how I'd fit into this place in the absence of the president," Gaetz told Buzzfeed, seemingly describing his own lack of purpose in a scenario with Trump out of the picture.
He thinks he's in Washington to be Trump's human shield, not Florida's congressman.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

StogieVision: Lutz Charter School

Spokesperson for Boricua Vota, threatens Jose Vazquez

Luis Adorno Juarbe, spokesperson for Boricua Vota, threatened the activist / community leader Jose Vazquez and excused him from an event apparently because he did not support the same candidate that Luis Adorno Juarbe supports, Jane Castor.

Lenny For Tampa Mayor Fans

Visit him HERE

Tampa Berner Showtime