Thursday, April 4, 2019

Extinction Rebellion Tampa Bay Presents Death and Noise for Week of Action

A call for international rebellion has been issued for between April 15th 
and April 21st

Local climate action chapter Extinction Rebellion Tampa Bay has announced a calendar of actions and protests for the week beginning Monday, April 15th. The plans are part of a week of “International Rebellion” called for by Extinction Rebellion (XR), which brought its message of non-violent mass action and climate emergency to the UK in October and has since spread quickly across the globe to include tens of thousands of active participants. The primary action will be held at 10am on Friday, April 19th at Tampa City Hall, in solidarity with
 climate strike students. 

It will feature a die-in protest and funeral procession to symbolize the deadly seriousness of the climate crisis, and comes ahead of Tampa’s mayoral runoff election on April 23rd. On March 15th over 1.6 million students went on strike from school around the world to demand significant action against greenhouse gas emissions. Other events planned during the week include rallies at the Tampa office of Chair of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Kathy Castor and at St. Petersburg City Hall, a noise demonstration at TECO headquarters in Tampa against their plans to build a fracked gas unit, and a social “Beach Uprising” event at the weekend. The full list of current details can be found at the event page.The broad intention behind the week of action is to build links between XR and other movements, and to further support for XR’s long term strategy of coordinated and sustained economic disruption to prevent climate breakdown. 

Actions are being planned in dozens of U.S. cities and around the world, including an indefinite occupation of central London and a climate action camp in Los Angeles. Previous events held locally since XR Tampa Bay was formed in November include a St. Petersburg march and mass artwork protest during a national day of action in January, and a noise demonstration against the Spring Coal Forum in Clearwater Beach in March. In the run up to the week of action the group will be holding an introductory talk at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Clearwater on April 7th, and tabling at the St. Pete Earth Day Festival on April 13.

Lenny For Tampa Mayor Fans

Visit him HERE

RAW YBOR: #5 To Ybor City

Tampa Killer Cop Gets Off

Hillsborough County Deputy Philip Montesi, the guy that killed 15-year-old Josiah Pinner while speeding in his patrol car will get  a five-day suspension without pay. more.

Susan Valdez Votes For Charter Schools

 She was the only Democrat 
that did! HERE

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Fight For 15 Protest In South Tampa

Dale Mabry and Interbay - Tampa

Visit them HERE

Ybor Life

7th Ave

2019 NCAA Womens Final Four Fans Visiting Tampa Please Note

This is what Gaslight Park looks like when you are not here. The benches and people have been
 removed for your visit.

This is what you will see. You can thank our mayor Bob Buckhorn and his city council. Wanna see the real Tampa, visit Ybor City. No, it is not a city anymore, it is a neighborhood of Tampa. You can take the street car there or bus #8, #5 and #12. For the top 5 restaurants there click here 

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pho Bowl
At Asiatic Street Food & Noodle Bar - Ybor City

Gaslight Park Crackdown Begins

Tampa, Florida

Big event in town this weekend 
so the city removed all the benches. 

The community got together 
and brought people chairs. 

They were having this today.

This guy enhanced my experience

By telling me I could not take pictures.