Monday, December 16, 2019

Feeling The Bern in South Tampa

Barnstorm for Bernie

Standing Room Only 

Bernie's Army

Tampa Shit Water Company Still An Option

”Guido Maniscalco, who voted against it this summer and still opposes it, says the political landscape hasn’t shifted. HERE
“There is no reason for them to switch their votes," he said. “Nothing else has come forward. I thought it was dead and done.”

Local Musicians

Meet George
Guitar Player
At Hillsborough and Florida in Tampa

Pam Bondi Rigged Impeachment

Pam Bondi, said that the White House has every right to work with GOP senators in the lead-up to the Senate impeachment trial.
Fox News asked Bondi whether it was appropriate for senators - who are asked to be impartial jurors in the trial - to be coordinating with the president, who is essentially the defendant.
Bondi said that the White House "should be working hand-in-hand with them."

Ybor Rob Arrested in Ybor City

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Future of The Democratic Party: the Left vs the Libs

The 2020 Democratic Primary is revealing an ideological struggle which is best represented between  congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the Left and Presidential hopeful Mayor Pete Buttigieg representing the liberal class for the future direction of 
the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party began the process of abandoning the working-class and poor in the 1990's under President Bill Clinton and his embrace of neoliberal economic doctrine . A doctrine that defers to Wall Street with  balanced budgets, privatization, and de-regulation, to name a few characteristics. President Obama continued this fealty to Wall Street, though in fairness Obama's first term in office  was hampered by the Great Recession- much of which was caused by Clinton and his Treasury Department. This narrative finally changed when Bernie Sanders ran for President in 2016 on a platform of Roosevelt style "New Deal" big government  approach to solving America's  and the working-classes economic and social malaise.

The current ideological struggle between AOC and Mayor Pete will set the course of how our country, and the world at large, approaches the problems of the 21st century. AOC, whose meteoric rise to Washington  has captured the imagination of  the Left and  more importantly, Generation Z, was inspired by Bernie Sanders and his message of taxing wealth and rebuilding the working-class and the welfare state stands in stark contrast to Mayor Pete and his approach to market logic and deference to the donor class. Both candidates have broad appeal. Mayor Pete is very articulate and feels that much of what has been lost in our culture is civility and sanity. AOC on the other hand, feels that the system that produced Donald Trump ( the neoliberal system) must be dismantled and a more robust democracy created that gives voice to all people. Which one of these rising political stars will guide the Democratic Party into the 2020's and beyond? Stay tuned!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Meet Leslie and Brandon

They make great BBQ Tacos
 Visit them HERE

Candy Lowe's Party At Kay's Kitchen In Tampa

Friday, December 13, 2019

For The Record: Florida GOP Greg Steube - December 13, 2019

Mr. Steube votes no

Wanted for crimes against America 

For The Record: Florida GOP Matt Gaetz - December 13, 2019

Mr. Gaetz votes no
Wanted for crimes
Against America

American Traitor: Florida Edition

These people want unlimited, unfettered, unrestrained, unaccountable power. They want this power to enrich themselves, enrich their friends, maintain their social status, and forcibly impose their so-called “values” on everyone else. These people do not—DO NOT—believe in the principles on which a democratic republic rests. In fact, they emphatically reject them as “mob rule”. 
Being “conservatives” (a word the meaning of which has been utterly distorted), they advocate the same things American conservatism has always advocated: rule by a small group of wealthy white men. Because there’s a phrase in the Declaration of Independence they hate with the 
heat of a thousand suns:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Rapper Saucy Santana Shot In Miami

Matt Gaetz Says Trump Is The VICTIM and Democrats are the BULLY

Matt Gaetz calling the kettle black

The House Judiciary Committee debate over articles of impeachment against Trump took an ugly turn Thursday when our clown brought up Hunter Biden’s past drug use while defending the president's call for Ukraine
 to investigate him.
Rep. Hank Johnson, of Georgia took issue with Gaetz, who was arrested for DUI
 in 2008. HERE