Sunday, June 21, 2020

New Cuban Food in Ybor City


Ybor City Chicken Killer

We need the community’s help. This guy unleashed his dog so it could attack and kill chickens in Centennial Park today. He walked down 19th St, turned onto 9th Ave, and then went up 18th St. it’s possible he lives in one of the rental communities clustered right there. HERE
The Tampa Police Department has been notified.

If you have any info on who this guy is call TPD or the
Ybor Chickens society HERE


The Candy Lowe

Lasting power of protests gives black business owners hope for real change.
Lowe said she’s never seen anything like it.
“I’m 56 years old, and I’ve never seen it the way that it is now. When you get white people on the front line, saying that things are wrong. We want justice. We want justice for all the people that have been dying, have been killed by the hands of officers across this country,” Lowe said. MORE

Visit her Black Business Bus Tour HERE

On this blog HERE

Message From Tampa Mayor

Ybor City

Friday, June 19, 2020

Juneteenth in Ybor City

White Lie and Bad Monkey had water and snacks for the protesters

Ybor City, Florida