Friday, November 5, 2021

Greta Thunberg Leads Massive Climate Protest in Glasgow

Rebel Hearts Publishing - Tampa

support them here

DJ Philip in Ybor City

Safety Harbor Wine Festival

11.6 - 6 PM
Main Street, Safety Harbor

Progressives Disappointed With Kamala Harris

When Fernando García met with Vice President Kamala Harris in June to discuss the humanitarian crisis at the southern border, he left hopeful she could deliver major immigration policy reforms.

Months later, his optimism has evaporated. here

Desperate, Deranged DeSantis Devolves Into Dumb Troll

At this point, I almost don’t know whether to view Ron DeSantis with 
contempt—or pity. more

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Chillum - Ybor City


Afghan refugee family finds new home in Tampa Bay

Ron DeSantis Big Lie Police

DeSantis has announced plans to create a state law enforcement agency meant to target the sorts trumped-up election issues which figure prominently in former president Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. more

Shop Small This Holiday Season

Stogie #Tags

Ybor City Chickens Last 6pm Sweep-n-Sleep

15. 6 PM
The babies' bed time gets bumped up an hour after this week (due to the time change), so the Sweeps will start to tar, it's a one-man show this week, so if you can help, let us know! We'll introduce you to a chicken or two.
Centennial Park - Ybor City

Monday, November 1, 2021

Rebel Hearts Publishing - Tampa


Vague History - Ybor City Cigars

Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil - Downtown Tampa

Join PFLAG Tampa for this year’s Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) Vigil, as we honor the memory of our transgender family who lost their lives in acts of anti-transgender valance.
Gaslight Park - Tampa

Val Demings - Her Story

I was raised in Jacksonville – and I've got to say, when you grow up in the South poor, Black and female, you've got to have faith. It's something I learned from my parents. Mom was a maid, Dad was a janitor, and my goodness they worked hard. And although we didn't have a lot of money – although life was tough sometimes – we had each other. We had love. We had faith. I've carried that spirit with me my entire career.

That faith that things can get better, that we can do some good in the world, inspired me to get into public service. In fact, my mom used to say to me: "Never grow tired of doing good, Val – never tire." And so for me, growing tired was never an option. It's what pushed me to become the first in my family to graduate college. It's also what pushed me to serve 27 years in the Orlando Police Department, where eventually I became the first woman to lead the department. And it pushed me to run for Congress and represent my community.


AOC Grills Oil Executives

Friday, October 29, 2021

Fraud and Phony in Florida

The editorial Board of one of Florida's top newspapers is criticizing Republican Governor Ron DeSantis as a  "fraud" and a "phony" for his horrific handling of the Sunshine State's 
COVID crisis. HERE