Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Matt Gaetz Flexed His Muscle And Got His Butt Kicked

Local Historian Ybor Roger - Ybor City Establishment

In the early 1880s, Tampa was an isolated village with a population of less than 1000 and a struggling economy. However, its combination of a good port, Henry Plant's new railroad line, and humid climate attracted the attention of Vicente Martinez Ybor, a prominent Spanish cigar manufacturer.

Ybor had moved his cigar-making operation from Cuba to Key West, Florida, in 1869, due to political turmoil in the then-Spanish colony. But, labor unrest and the lack of room for expansion had him looking for another base of operations, preferably in his own company town. MORE

Ron DeSantis Is Helping Insurance Companies Screw Over Floridians

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Maxwell Frost: They’re going to hear us loud and clear

Throughout my entire campaign, Ron DeSantis and GOP leaders in Florida and across the country discounted me and our youth-powered movement.

When Ron DeSantis told me “nobody wants to hear from you,” it only strengthened my resolve to prove them wrong on Election day. And that’s exactly what we did.

Last month, we delivered a HISTORIC win – for Floridians, for Gen Z, and for everyone who believes we deserve a better, more livable future and that we’ll no longer be silenced. They’re going to hear us loud and clear from here on out.

But this win didn’t come easily, and the next win won’t either. There is no shortage of people who want to see us fail. Who are desperate to keep young voters from casting their votes. Who are so determined to maintain their chokehold on our futures that they will spend MILLIONS attacking a young Afro-Cuban organizer’s campaign to make history and make change.

Together we defied the odds and proved everyone wrong. But the GOP, gun lobby, and countless other special interests won’t underestimate me or our movement again. Even though we just wrapped up this election, there are people already plotting to replace me in the next election.

I know this team is ready to fight back. But being elected as the first Gen Z member of Congress took every single dollar we raised, and if I’m going to keep our fight in Congress, we can’t take a single day off.


'Tis the season: 100 families gifted bikes by Tampa business owner, organization

Gloffapalooza: Annual Jeremy Gloff Birthday Show in Ybor City

Crowbar - Ybor City

Crooks steal Tampa nonprofit's scholarship money for minority students

Tampa Traveler Jeff Z at Atlantic Fish Co. - Boston

My absolute favorite restaurant in Boston!


Trump Fan in Ybor City

Stogie Recommends: Wander Darkly

Beautiful film. Great acting and direction. 

Ray Volt Electric Bike Store in Ybor City

WMNF Mid Point

LISTEN IN: To MidPoint, Dec. 21 at 10 am on WMNF Radio 88.5 FM & for our end-of-year wrap-up. Shelley will host Pulitizer Prize-winning editorial writer for the Tampa Bay Times and Visiting Prof of Professional Practice at USF Honors College, Dan Ruth! Dan will review the year's big local news stories, decry the death of civic literacy and civility in politics, and answer your questions from his perspective as a long-time journalist, political observer, and satirist. If you missed Dan at Tiger Bay, don't miss this! Join the convo for Dan's AMA by calling 813-239-9663, emailing or texting 813-433-0885.

Photo: KImberly DeFalco


Tampa Traveler Jeff Z in Midtown Manhattan

Holidays in the city..

DeSantis expects lawmakers to pass a permitless gun carry law in 2023

Monday, December 19, 2022

Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

City of Tampa Prioritizing Pedestrians, Bicyclists with Citywide “Walk Signal” Overhaul

29th Annual St. Pete Beach Corey Area Craft Festival

COLUMBIA RESTAURANT REVIEW (Best Restaurant in Tampa??)

Safety Harbor Art and Seafood On The Waterfront Festival

FEBRUARY 25, 2023 AT 7:30 PM - TIX

GOP Humiliation: See DeSantis Shred His Own Vaccine Record On TV

Is The Florida Democratic Party Salvageable?

I wanted to share this Open Letter to the Florida Democratic Party that was recently reprinted in the South Florida Sun Sentinel. I want to thank my Co-Authors Carolina Ampudia, Lorenzo Canizares, Osvaldo "Oz" Hernandez, and James "Jim" Langford

The Open Letter to the FDP, Is The Florida Democratic Party Salvageable"?:

The Florida Democratic Party (FDP) is in crisis. The dismal results of the 2022 midterm elections in our state show this unequivocally. Florida is now a red state.

We must identify the root of the problem and find a solution if we are ever to become a viable party that contributes to Democratic victories for the people at the local, state and federal levels.
Let’s start with an example of how not to do this. In 2020, current FDP chair and former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz ran on a platform he never began to deliver. He did not build his planned 67-county strategy. In his post-midterm public letter, Diaz admitted having visited just over half of our state’s counties.

In the FDP, two state committee persons from each county vote in party chair elections and for other major decisions, but their votes are weighted so that the more populous counties have more votes divided among those two representatives. When Diaz ran, he campaigned only in approximately the six counties with the most allocated weighted votes. He failed to deliver on his campaign promises, including his own platform point No. 9: Eliminate the weighted vote, which disproportionally gives money, power and representation in state party matters to specific people and regions of our state, a violation of the Democratic National Committee’s recommendations.These are just some of his administration’s failures. Absenteeism, finger-pointing, excuses and incompetence characterized his administration. At the personal level, Diaz was known for failing to consider the views of progressive and other party leaders and for canceling important meetings with other leaders in direct violation of party bylaws.

Manny Diaz broke FDP bylaws since the very day he was elected, manipulated the Florida DNC elections and went to illegal endorsements of candidates. Under Chair Diaz, there has never been any actual finance status report. The only numbers presented to the state party’s central and executive committees in the past two years included an aspirational number (based on fundraising goals) in December 2021.

The FDP was wiped out in November. Diaz’s campaign and tenure serve as an example of how not to save the party. Diaz’s strategy, already a mediocre one, was doomed to fail by not analyzing the party’s state.
If we are to save the FDP, we need an honest assessment of the party’s ability to represent Floridians. Past mistakes serve as lessons. The FDP must be able to diagnose the problem and identify solutions.

Why is the FDP failing? The party does not adequately represent the needs of the people. The problem is so bad that voters can barely notice a meaningful difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. Indeed, the FDP has diluted values and messaging to attract voters from the right. Either way, neither party provides solutions to the everyday needs of the majority.

What do Florida voters want? The top concerns are economics, health care and housing. Floridians are also concerned about education, LGBTQ rights, environmental policies, racial justice, immigration policies and justice reform. If this sounds like Florida voters are more left-leaning than the officials they elect, you are correct. When asked about specific policy proposals, Floridians tend to favor left-leaning policies (just like the rest of the country). Just look at the constitutional amendments

 Floridians have approved in the past several election cycles raising the minimum wage, legalizing medical marijuana, granting voting rights to ex-felons and investing more state money in the environment.

It’s no surprise that successful Democratic candidates are progressive ones that people trust and that have adequate financial support. 
The solution to saving the FDP is straightforward. The party needs to get behind bold, progressive candidates instead of demonizing them. These candidates inspire young voters, the largest growing group among Democrats and the party’s future.

So why isn’t it? The answer is that special interests, dark money and corruption have hijacked the party. The gatekeepers and outside consultants must go, and we must change the state party’s bylaws. Popular candidates need a level playing field, and the party needs to support them. The bylaws need to enable this.

Until this happens, the FDP will continue to lose in Florida, and the majority of Floridians will pay the consequences.

DeSantis Appears To FLIP-FLOP On Covid Vaccine, Aiming To TAKE Trump’s Base?