Sunday, February 18, 2024

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave


Ybor Life

7th Ave

Imani Dawson Jumps in The Rotation

2023 Sydney Eastman Courage Award: Julio Rodriguez

Hello fellow Stogie readers,
I am honored to present my 2023 Sydney Eastman Courage Award to Julio Rodriguez!

At first, when I offered to present Julio with the award, he said “no!” … However, I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving. Julio is the founder of the Ybor City Stogie, a committed activist on behalf of marginalized groups such as Tampa’s homeless community, which he memorializes with his photography.

I met Julio during (per memory) a bus trip to a Fight for 15 rally, in Orlando (again, per memory). This man fights for what he believes in, whether that is an important issue that affects those with less, or advocating on behalf of candidates who are dedicated to empowering the people like Pat Kemp & Max Frost.

Additionally, Julio’s courageous acts led him to helping me drive a 20-foot U-Haul, towing my old Chevy, with myself, two cats, and a hedgehog ALL THE WAY up from Tampa, FL to Bennington, VT. If that isn’t the act of a friend, the act of a courageous individual who CONSISTENTLY puts others before himself, I don’t know what is… Julio embodies the courageous spirit that I saw in Syd Eastman when I met with her all those years ago back at Nikos Diner in East Tampa. I hope you will join me in congratulating Julio, as well as the Tampa Five and Rep. AOC, while remembering Syd Eastman as the symbol for courage in activism, and beyond.

Stay groovy,


ZOOM Meeting: Mid-Session Legislative Updates

Florida bill could establish ‘fetal personhood’

The Florida Senate is on the way to passing a bill that critics say would establish “fetal personhood” in civil liability cases.

But Democrats and critics of the bill argued it’s a roundabout way of creating fetal personhood, a belief that a fetus should be recognized as a legal and moral person with rights, often including the right to life, from the moment of conception.

Lions and Tigers and Nuclear Space Weapons, Oh My!

Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with his Chinese and Indian counterparts at a conference in Munich, Germany, on Friday and Saturday, trying to convince them to talk to Russian officials about not putting a nuclear weapon in space, according to The New York Times.....Read More

Saturday, February 17, 2024

2023 Sydney Eastman Courage Award: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I'd like to give the 2023 Sydney Eastman Courage Award to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Rarely do you find a Representative in Congress who thinks beyond the bounds of their own district and beyond the count of votes they need to win re-election. Rarely do you find a Representative who is aware that what is good for the whole country is good for each individual in their constituency. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of those rare individuals. She is a shining example of a public servant with the sound moral, unwavering principles our country so sorely needs right now. While our government teeters on the edge of authoritarianism, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stands with the wisdom and a sense of purpose to advocate for the ideals of freedom and justice our democracy truly represents.

DeSantis Officially BACKTRACKS Book Ban After Humiliating Backlash Erupts

2023 Sydney Eastman Courage Award: The Tampa 5

My Sydney Eastman Courage Award for 2023 goes to the Tampa 5. While exercising their right to free speech at the USF campus, Chrisley Carpio, Gia Davila, Jeanie Kida, Lauren Pinero and Laura Rodriguez, among other protestors were brutally assaulted by the USF Police. These five courageous women were unjustly arrested on felony charges that were fabricated in order to justify the illegal actions of the police.

Facing 10 years of incarceration if found guilty, the Tampa 5 were offered a plea deal that would have required them to publicly apologize for crimes they never committed. Standing in unity, they refused to offer this bogus apology and demanded a trial by jury. All of the video evidence that was available showed clearly that the USF Police were the instigators of the violence and that the protestors never acted aggressively toward their assaulters and on the first day of the trial, the Florida State Attorney, Ashley Moody, dropped all felony charges against the Tampa 5.

Their courage makes the Tampa 5 ideal recipients of the Sydney Eastman Courage Award.

Long Way 'Round - Cassie Jean and the Fireflies

The Wandering Hours in Seminole Heights

2.25.2024 - 3PM

Ella's - Seminole Heights

Ron DeSantis Freezes When ASKED PUBLICLY About His WEIRD SHOE LIFTS!

Ybor Life

Centro Ybor

What's that bass sound in Tampa Bay?

Staying in Riverview

Had to stay at my daughters house for a few days while my place got tented. I infected her frig. 

Rep. Maxwell Frost Jabs Republicans For Fighting For Their Friends In Big Oil Longer Than He’s Been Alive

Ybor Paparazzi


Ybor City Nightlife - Tampa Nightlife

Emergency Action for Rafah

We must protect the right to seek asylum

Last month, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) ruled that a petition brought against the United States on behalf of six Haitian people who were deported to Haiti in the middle of the cholera epidemic may move forward. The ruling comes 10 years after the initial petition, which asserted that the U.S. deported the Haitian nationals without consideration for the human rights and humanitarian crisis that gripped the country, and which was in direct violation to the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man.....Read More