Tuesday, July 16, 2024

‘Humiliation parade’: DeSantis, Haley speak at RNC after Trump’s relentless attacks

Lakeland Police Department facing another police brutality allegation

A high-profile law firm said it would be getting involved in what they called an effort to hold Lakeland PD accountable. A man is accusing Lakeland police officers of using unnecessary force, stemming from an incident in February.....MORE

St. Pete City Council poised to vote on Rays stadium deal

After a final workshop session Tuesday, council members will vote Thursday on a $6.5 billion redevelopment project, which includes a new stadium for the Rays.....MORE

“Blank Check” for Genocide: Court Dismisses Palestinians’ Case Against Biden Admin over Gaza War

A lawsuit led by Palestinians and Palestinian Americans that accused President Joe Biden and other top U.S. officials of enabling genocide in Gaza was rejected Monday by a federal appeals court, which upheld a lower court’s dismissal of the lawsuit. The three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court ruled that courts cannot review the executive branch’s decisions on foreign policy, even when there is a risk of breaking domestic and international law. We speak with Katherine Gallagher, senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, which helped represent the plaintiffs in the case. She says the court has “essentially given a blank check” for U.S. governments to do whatever they want in times of war.

Study: Tampa is an urban heat hotspot. What does that mean?

Depending on where you live in the Tampa Bay area, it could be up to 9 degrees hotter than the area's given forecast because of the urban heat island effect. This concept states that cities are bound to be hotter because buildings, roads and other heat-absorbing infrastructure replace vegetation in those areas.....MORE

Cheney: Vance would help Trump ‘illegally seize power’

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said on Tuesday that Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) would help former President Trump “illegally seize power” if they were elected on the GOP ticket in November.....MORE

New ad accusing Matt Gaetz of relations with a 17-year old

All 4 Peace: Unity in the Community

Friday, July 12, 2024

Trump teases Marco Rubio in Doral

Tennessee Brando on Project 2025


I have to agree with Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  Our best chance to prevent Donald Trump from estalbishing an authoritarian government that caters only to the rich and powerful is to support Joe Biden in his bid to become our next president. Biden has a history of supporting causes that support our democracy and the people of this country, he is well respected around the world, and his proposed policies for his next term in office will be sound measures that will benefit our democracy and our people. And IF something should happen that requires Biden to step down from office, Kamala Harris would faithfully manage this country far, far better than Trump ever could.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

'Trump doesn't have a plan': Rep. Frost torches 'incredibly unpopular' GOP platform

AOC Delivers Major Floor Speech on Articles of Impeachment Against Justices Thomas and Alito

Civil rights groups ask for federal investigation into campus protests response

Multiple civil rights groups are asking the Departments of Justice and Education to investigate the police response to the campus protests surrounding the Israel-Hamas war this academic year. 

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the National Urban League and numerous Arab and Jewish groups are demanding civil rights investigations into multiple schools that saw demonstrations, including Columbia University, Emory University, the University of Texas at Austin and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

They want the federal departments “to investigate the allegations of law enforcement abuses — in response to peaceful protests occurring in cities and on university campuses across the country — that may be in violation of federal laws.” 

More than 2,000 individuals were arrested among the dozens of pro-Palestinian encampments that were set up on campuses, largely in violation of school policies regarding camping out on college property. 

Students at Columbia University went as far to take over a campus building briefly, and other schools saw vandalism and disruptions during finals week. Violence broke out at UCLA as pro-Israel protesters invaded the camp of the pro-Palestinian activists.

The groups are concerned about police force that was used at some protests, allegedly including tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper balls. 

“Many current peaceful protesters, including students, faculty, and other stakeholders, are similarly exercising their constitutional rights by expressing their condemnation of the extreme and escalating violence in Gaza,” the letter to the departments reads.