Friday, September 28, 2007

Stealth War Authorization: Attacking Persia

Chickenhawks Joe Lieberman and Jon Kyle
Want the US to attack Iran, but because they know most Americans know that is a crazy idea at a time that the US is already bogged down in a losing war in Iraq, they want to authorize this disastrous expansion of the conflict secretly. That’s why, instead of introducing a war authorizing bill in the Senate, they have introduced a war-authorizing amendment, attached to the latest Defense Authorization Bill currently working its way through

The $5.5 Trillion Bush Legacy

Whatever happens over the next 16 months, Bush will leave office having presided over one of the fastest accumulations of government debt in the history of the United States. During his time in office, federal debt held by the public – Washington's equivalent of a credit-card balance – will have increased by more than 50 percent, to about $5.5 trillion. Uncle Sam will be paying interest on that sum for years to

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3,801 And The Killing Continues

Solidarity Action With The Coalition Of Immokalee Workers

This Sunday, September 30, members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) a farmworker organization from Immokalee, Fl will be stopping in St. Petersburg as part of a state-wide "Focus on Florida" mini tour to bring people together for education and action around its current campaign against Miami-based Burger King......More

6:30pm - Peaceful Rally for Justice at Burger King: 4570 34th St. S. Join the CIW and their local student, faith and community allies for a spirited action at Burger King. Art will be available, but feel free to make and bring your own!
7:45pm - Film Screening & Campaign Presentation: Cafe Bohemia, 937 Central Ave. Come out to learn more about the lives of Florida farmworkers, the CIW and how you can take action locally to support the Campaign for Fair Food. A silent auction of donated art work will be held during the event.

Our Very Own Newt

Wengay "Newt" Newton for City Council District 7
Wengay Newton has now filed his candidacy for the vacant seat. Newt his wife Melissa, children and grandchildren are District 7 residents. Newt was born and raised right here in St. Petersburg, 44 years home grown

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Faith Hill Baptist High School

17-Year-Old David McSwane's Sting Operation Busts Recruiters

Monday, September 24, 2007

Roseland Indiana Cop Beats Up Council Member

Roseland council member David Snyder was taken to St. Joseph County jail and held overnight after an incident during a Roseland council meeting. He was released after the prosecutor's office reviewed the police report and decided to drop the felony charge, clearing way for Dorothy Snyder to bail him out. David Snyder was ejected from a budget meeting Friday night, before being taken to the ground outside by a Roseland police officer. The melee started because David Snyder protested after being given only one minute to speak by council member Charlie Shields. After a heated argument, laced with profanities, Shields kicked Snyder from the meeting........The Video here......YouTube Pulled Video
What Are They Charging The Cop With?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Rather: Government, Corporations Influencing Newsrooms

Dan Rather said Thursday that the undue influence of the government and large corporations over newsrooms spurred his decision to file a $70 million lawsuit against CBS and its former parent company. Somebody, sometime has got to take a stand and say democracy cannot survive, much less thrive with the level of big corporate and big government interference and intimidation in news....more

80% Of Columnists Featured By The Tampa Tribune Are Conservative

Wow What A Surprise
Only the Winter Haven News Chief, the Villages Daily Sun and the Fort Walton Beach Northwest Florida Daily News had highest percentages of conservative columnists. The St. Petersburg Times is shown featuring more progressives than conservatives, with 43 percent of columnists considered progressive and 29 percent considered