Friday, November 23, 2007

Bill McCollum's "Do Not Shop List"

Florida's Attorney General is urging parents to make a toy list and check it twice, and he's helping you find out who's been naughty or nice. Bill McCollum's "Do Not Shop List."

Burger King Exploits Florida Farmworkers

Attempts To Boost Wages For Florida Tomato Pickers May Fail Under Pressure
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers fought for years to persuade fast-food giants McDonald's Corp. and Taco Bell owner Yum Brands Inc. to pay a penny more per pound of Florida tomatoes - with their suppliers passing the money on to farm workers........more
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Eat Local

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bob Hite, A Local Treasure

Florida's Key Deer Making A Comeback

Florida's Key Deer National Refuge
Recently marked its 50th anniversary.The first ranger at the refuge used to chase off hunters by shooting at their trucks. Things are calmer nowadays, but the conservation efforts started 50 years ago have paid off big time for the little deer.Key deer are found nowhere in the world except the lower Florida

Florida Teacher Chips Away At Thanksgiving Myth

Robyn Gioia
Doesn't look like a troublemaker. Far from it. Gioia is a wife, mother and teacher, and her green eyes twinkle when she talks about her fifth-grade students at the Bolles School just north of here in Ponte Vedra. But Gioia, 53, has written a children's book, and just the title is enough to peeve any Pilgrim: America's REAL First My Florida History
"I became rather famous at the time for saying that by the time the Pilgrims came to Plymouth, St. Augustine was up for urban renewal."

Cost Of Thanksgiving Soaring

The cost of Thanksgiving is soaring, according to investment bank Merrill Lynch & Co, which may help explain the gloom among U.S. consumers as they head into the holiday
"Black Friday," the day after Thursday's Thanksgiving holiday and the start of the traditional year-end spending spree, threatens to be a Bleak Friday this time around.
If They Make Us All Poor, Who Is Going To Buy Their Stuff?

Antidepressants Truth About

Bush continues to ignore the growing deaths in children using psychiatric drugs....

Eat The Rich In The Conch Republic

The Florida Keys are at a crossroads, beset by shortages of high-paying jobs and affordable housing, rising property taxes and insurance, and environmental concerns. Yet the move to "upscale" the Keys is gaining steam, a sign of growth that's commonly experienced by tourism-dependent communities. Such growth is leaving many Keys residents feeling priced out or

Chasm Between The Haves And Have-Nots In Florida

The economic chasm between the haves and have-nots in Florida is wide and getting wider, fueled by low wages that fail to cover the most basic needs, especially for families with small children, according to a report released

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Seeking Nookie On Florida Beaches

Martin County, Florida has a new way to scare people from having sex on their beaches, They are looking to install cameras and loudspeakers that would try to detect and warn anyone seeking nookie. "FlashCAM devices sense motion and then flash a bright light," After being activated, the cameras issue a pre-recorded verbal warning to let people know they are under surveillance. A minute later, the camera starts

Howard Dean's Vermont Country Baked Ham Recipe

One 8-pound ham
3 quarts sweet cider
2 cups raisins
2 cups Vermont maple sugar
2 teaspoons dry mustard
1 teaspoon powdered cloves
1/2 cup water
Simmer ham in cider for 2 hours. Drain, skin ham, and cover it with paste made from maple sugar, mustard, cloves, and water. Place in baking pan, pour cider over it, add raisins to pan, and bake 2-1/2 hours at 325 degrees. Baste frequently. Make thickened gravy of cider raisin drippings.
Serves: 16 Source

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Florida Soldier Killed While Giving Toys To Kids

A soldier from South Florida was killed in Iraq while giving toys and candy to children. Private First Class Marius Ferrero, 23, of Miami, was killed Sunday in Baqouba, Iraq, with two other Army soldiers from his Stryker brigade. Three children also
Family Says 23-Year-Old Thought War Was 'Stupid'

Kucinich Weekly Update

No Room At The Inn For Florida

Democratic activists and a lone Republican asked a Leon County Circuit Court judge Tuesday to tell Florida to push back its early presidential primary one week. The lawsuit, filed in Tallahassee, seeks to order Florida's Secretary of State to change the date of the controversial primary from Jan. 29 to Feb.
Jon Ausman, a Democratic state committeeman from Leon County, called it "unconstitutional infringement on my First Amendment rights of free speech and political association.'' This made me angry, Ausman said. But his real anger is aimed at the state.

Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act

A little-noticed anti-terrorism bill quietly making its through Congress is raising fears of a new affront on activism and constitutional rights. The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act was passed in an overwhelming 400 to six House vote last
“The impetus is that homegrown terror is something that we now see in Western Europe. It’s by far the number one threat to security in Britain,” Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pinellas County, Florida And Ron Paul Signs

Dean Slams GOP at UJA Assembly

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean
Told the United Jewish Communities' General Assembly (GA) in Tennessee that the Republican party (GOP) is religiously and racially exclusive. Dean followed by accusing the Republican party of leading the United States towards a theocracy. "The Democratic Party believes that everybody in this room ought to be comfortable being an American Jew, not just an American, that there are no bars to heaven for