Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Street's Of Tampa

Florida Aquarium Exhibit To Be Wi-Fi Friendly

The AT&T Foundation is partnering with George S. Middleton High School to provide learning opportunities at the Florida Aquarium. Through a $17,309 grant from AT&T, students at Middleton will develop "learncasts," utilizing Wi-Fi technology for the Aquarium's Ocean Commotion exhibit, set to open in

Closet Republican: Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Democrats believe for the first time they have a good chance of unseating one or more of the three Republican Cuban-Americans representing South Florida. The Democrats running to unseat them will have to do so, however, without the support of Wasserman Schultz. Her ties of friendship with the three Cuban-Americans are such, she says, that she cannot support her fellow Democrats. She will have to sit this one
Looking For A Ned Lamont

Scientology A Good Neighbor In Plant City, Florida

The story of what has happened in the year since the Church of Scientology opened in Plant City is best framed by telling what did not

Florida Lawmaker Hopes to End Ban on Gay Adoption

Florida state senator Nan Rich has introduced a bill that would bring the Sunshine State a little bit closer to ending its ban on adoptions by same-sex

MLK And Florida Ave, Tampa

MLK BLVD is an "open source" photo/journalism project. What that means is: All are welcome to contribute or

Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan

Rules of Engagement

Meet Team McCain: Pastor John Hagee

Tampa Bay "End the War Candlelight Vigil"

Tampa - Federal Courthouse, 801 N Florida Avenue, 4pm
St. Petersburg - Congressman Young's Office, 360 Central Ave., 5pm
Sarasota - US 41 and Gulfstream, 7pm
Sarasota- US 41 and Beneva, 4pm
Bartow - Main St. and N. Broadway Ave., 11am
Brooksville - 20 North Main Street, 11am
Find One Near

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Florida Has America's Cleanest Cities

Led by Miami, the Sunshine State dominates our 2008 list of America's Cleanest Cities with four metro areas in the top 10--Jacksonville (No. 3), Orlando (No. 4) and Tampa-St. Petersburg (No. 8) all make appearances. Clearly, a state that relies so heavily on tourism and part-time snow-bird residents knows the value of keeping itself spruced up for

Pets The Latest Casualty

Signs of economic turmoil have been popping up around the Bay Area for months now. Most of them say For Sale, Space for Lease, or Sale! Sale! Sale! The most disturbing may be at the Tampa Bay Human Society, where families are sacrificing their pets in order to save a few

Tampa Bay Iraq War Protests

The Iraq war reaches a milestone Wednesday and local activists in the Tampa Bay region will mark the five-year anniversary with a mix of protest and

Book Banning In Hillsborough County, Florida

"There needs to be an examination of these words that elementary school kids are reading," said Darryl Brown, who lives in Live Oak in northeast Hillsborough. "I want them pulled."

Hillsborough Bus Ridership Grows

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority continues to gain ridership on its fixed-route services. Ridership increased 11 percent in February, to 975,893, compared with the same month last year. The system has gained nearly 9 percent

Obama: 'A More Perfect Union'

Free Parking In Ybor City

At long last, those going to shop or dine in Ybor City can enjoy free parking at some locations. The city is removing meters from the streets of Ybor City and turning the spots into two-hour parking

Florida's Cuban-American Congressional Republicans

After the 2006 elections, Garcia said polling in the three congressional districts based in Miami-Dade County produced results he termed amazing. "The most Republican of the districts is Lincoln Diaz-Balart's. His signature issue is Cuba [but] 54 percent of the district disagrees with his position on Cuba." What's more, Garcia said, Cuba was only the fifth most important issue in the

The Corrs - Toss The Feathers

Street's Of Tampa

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tampa Bicycle Cooperative!

Tampa will soon have a bicycle cooperative! This is very exciting news for the Tampa cycling community in that a bicycle co-op is a good sign of a healthy and growing bicycle

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Anonymous In Clearwater, Florida

Florida Panther Tracks In Volusia County

There is proof a panther has been roaming around Central Florida, according to wildlife officials. Recognizing the recent discovery of the panther tracks, Gov. Charlie Crist designated Saturday, "Save the Panther Day," and is urging people to help preserve and protect the remaining population, estimated to be anywhere from 80 to