Saturday, February 4, 2017

Tampa Going To War With FDOT

Grassroots advocates in Tampa are going up against Florida DOT in a standoff with huge implications for the future of the city. here

Friday, February 3, 2017

Sen. Bill Nelson Un-Busy Your Phone

Bill Nelson have someone 
pull vm messages & 
make room for other callers. 
Un-busy your phone. 
Take our calls or we'll 
primary you in '18 here

Florida GOP Alert: Aaron Bean & Larry Metz

State Sen. Aaron Bean, Fernandina Beach and Rep. Larry Metz, Yalaha, are drafting legislation that will seek to impose “consequences” on sanctuary” cities and counties. here

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz Wants To Abolish The EPA

Matt Gaetz has drafted legislation that, if passed, would do away with the Environmental Protection Agency. here

Florida Activists To Strategize On What Happens Next

Jimmy Keel Regional Library
St. Pete
Nova 535
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville


Florida GOP Marco Rubio Praised Right Wing Extremist Neil Gorsuch

Rubio praised President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch of the Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to be an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. here

Thursday, February 2, 2017

In Support Of Muslims In Tampa

Massive crowd at the county center




Cathy and Susan


Susan and Jim

"At the Diversity Council meeting so many people have shown up in support of Muslims, Refugees, the undocumented and other marginalized communities that all overflow rooms are full as well as one having to have a removable wall taken out and ten extra rows of chairs brought in... And people are still standing!" Dezeray Lyn

The Silver Guy In Ybor City

7th Ave

Miami-Dade Must Protect Immigrants from Donald Trump’s Deportation Force!

In an despicable attempt to score political points with Donald Trump, Miami-Dade County’s Republican Mayor, Carlos Gimenez, has terminated protections that would keep immigrant families across South Florida safe from Donald Trump’s Deportation Force. here

Ybor Paparazzi

James at The Bunker

Hold Tallahassee Accountable On Amendment 2

With over 71% of Florida voters passing Amendment 2 in 2016 
we thought that the will of the people 
would be followed.
However, as the Department of Health
 is moving to implement Amendment 2
 they are choosing to ignore
 and disregard elements 
that we all supported.
How you can help here

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

PACK the DAC for Community Justice Today

2.1 - 6PM
Hillsborough County, Florida Government
 601 E Kennedy Blvd, Tampa

Pam Bondi All For Trump's Immigration Order

Florida GOP Attorney General Pam Bondi on Monday praised the immigration executive order signed last week by Trump. here

Coffee at The Bunker with Dayna Lazarus

Dayna Lazarus is a Community Organizer with Organize Florida. She's worked with the Beehive Collective, California's Youth Service Bureau, Portland Rising Tide, the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, and more.


March to Mar-A-Lago for Humanity In West Palm Beach

2.4 - 5PM
Trump Plaza WPB

El Tonto Marco Rubio

Please Help Marco Rubio, Who Is Confused, About Muslim Ban.

Trump And Scott Speak About Once A Week

Trump is personally urging Florida GOP Rick Scott to challenge Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson in 2018 — and the loyal Trump ally looks increasingly likely to take the leap. here

Tuesday, January 31, 2017