Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Bulls for Bernie Barnstorm in Tampa

Open Letter to the DNC: You Cheat, We Bust

Dear DNC,
If you continue to cheat the American people out of a Bernie Sanders nomination, millions of voters will become disgusted with our political system and sit the 2020 presidential election out.
If you cheat, millions will refuse to play the game.
If you cheat, you ensure four more years of Donald Trump.
Should you rig the primaries to benefit Buttigieg or your other billionaire-backed establishment candidates, you will lose the support of millions of voters. You will lose the public trust. You will destroy faith in our democracy.
Should you cheat, we all lose. HERE

Sky U. White for Hillsborough County Commission - District 3

In order for our county to move forward, I need your support and your vote. Invest into our campaign and your kids future. HERE

Go Green Florida

Bernie will...
Legalize marijuana in the first 100 days 
with executive action
Vacate and expunge all past 
marijuana-related convictions

Andrew Joseph: Our Journey To Justice

Let the Nikki Fried primary begin

As Florida’s only statewide Democrat, the Agriculture Commissioner’s in high demand. Need proof? Just look at her calendar in recent weeks. She had dinner with Mike Bloomberg, and has had calls with Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, and Jill Biden. She will also be in Las Vegas Wednesday for the next Democratic debate. There, she will have an in-person meeting with Amy Klobuchar. One candidate she has not talked to: Bernie Sanders. HERE

Shit in the streets of Fort Lauderdale

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Help Sky U. White

Thank you to everyone who is supporting our campaign. In addition to our new commercial, your donations allowed us to put up these beautiful road signs and purchase yard signs. This is YOUR investment in moving our county forward. Help her here!
Photo credit: Sky U. White

Berners something big is happening across the country

We’re going to finish the
political revolution
we started!
Young people you are Bernie's strength. 
Get Involved, bring your friends.

Our Revolution Tampa Bay

What is Scandinavia?

According to the 2019 Happiness Report, Finland is the happiest country in the world, with Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and The Netherlands holding the next top positions. HERE
The economies of the countries of Scandinavia are amongst the highest in Europe
They have Heath Care 
and Education For All

Hillsborough Democratic Poll Watcher

As we learned in the 2018 recount, every vote matters. That's the reason we need poll watchers (inside the polling site) and poll greeters (outside the 150-foot zone at the polling site) to assist voters who may encounter problems or need information. Poll watchers cannot interact with voters but poll greeters can. Poll watchers must have credentials from the Supervisor of Elections office. It is vital to our election efforts that poll watchers and poll greeters work as a team. Please use this form to

Florida Cannawarriors Last Chance

Bernie will...
Legalize marijuana in the first 100 days 
with executive action
Vacate and expunge all past 
marijuana-related convictions

Republicans Try To Boost Bernie Because They Think Trump Will Beat Him

Monday, February 17, 2020

Former Florida GOP chair becomes Democrat — to vote for Buttigieg

The former Republican Party county chair from Florida is changing her party registration so she can vote for someone to replace President Donald Trump.
Cindy Guerra endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016 over her objection to Trump, but she remained a registered Republican through that election before dropping her party affiliation. HERE

Tampa Music Machine - Tampa Paradise

Forgetful Katie Hodges

Tensions emerged towards the end of the event, however, when Kate Hodges, a volunteer with the Buttigieg campaign in Florida, asked Pratt if the Sanders campaign had something similar to Buttigieg’s “rules for the road” platform, a campaign document that stresses that those involved in his campaign cultivate a sense of respect.
“Because I’ve seen some things in here tonight that give me great concern,” Hodges said, alluding to disparaging comments that she said she heard Sanders supporters in the audiences make about some of the other candidates at the forum. “Does Bernie have a similar protocol in writing that requires those in his campaign and supporters to be respectful and truthful?”
Pratt said that yes, Sanders had taken a “clear and unequivocal position on civility in politics,” but added that he completely rejected Hodges contention that the Vermont Senator’s supporters were poorly behaved, setting off a large cheer from the Sanders contingent in the room. 
Mitch Perry

"Our community is divided over the direction of the party and when party leaders seek to force conformity in a time when there should be vigorous debate it irritates to no end. If the establishment leadership wants the support of the people, back better candidates. Racists, sexists, bullies, and billionaires...these are not leaders we should be uplifting and demanding unity behind." Chis Cano

2020 Florida Progressives Running For Congress

Monica DePaul - FL-04 
Tim Canova - FL-23