Wednesday, January 2, 2008

E-Mail From Howard Dean

The Democratic Party has never been healthier. Just look at the vigorous presidential primary we've got on our hands. Right now, every one of the Democratic campaigns is working around the clock to become our nominee, and any of them would be a great choice. But when the dust settles and people like you pick our nominee, the real challenge will begin.

This time, though, it won't be a debate of ideas with fellow Democrats. It will be against a Republican machine eager to redeem its losses in 2006, fighting to extend George Bush's policies for another four years. We've all seen the way they run campaigns, so we have to be unified and ready. We know that the Republicans are going to come at us with every scam they think up to suppress the vote. In the past, they've abused robocalls that hide their true identity, jammed the phones Democrats used for getting out the vote, and purged voters from the voter rolls. We need to be united in order to stop them.

Stand up and show our candidates, our opponents, and the country just how strong the Democratic Party is by joining me in a pledge to support the Democratic candidate for President in 2008 - no matter who wins. When we have a nominee, they'll know that thousands of Democrats from across the country are united - even if they may not have supported them in the primary.

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