Amendment 2 will not pass without your VOTE. Don't let a bunch of old people shape your future.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Florida Millennials It's Your Time
Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Pam Bondi
Partners with a powerful Washington, D.C., law firm aren't registered as Florida lobbyists,
but that hasn't stopped them from
but that hasn't stopped them from
wining and dining Attorney General Pam Bondi
the past four years to discuss clients.
Bondi dropped suits or declined to investigate cases after numerous behind-the-scenes interactions with the firm. here
Endorsed by the Tampa Tribune

Endorsed by the Tampa Tribune

GOP Voters we know you guys like to take it deep so we are
still offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More
Au Revoir Rays
Florida VOTE Yes On 1
Remember, we can only win if 60% of voters vote Yes On Amendment By
voting Yes On Amendment 1, you are saying YES to clean water, restoring our lakes, rivers, and streams, and helping save Florida’s wildlife habitat and
natural areas. You are saying YES to protecting the Florida you love. here
Standout South Florida Physician Dr. Rudolph Moise Endorses Amendment 2
Doctor Rudolph Moise, DO., MBA., JD., a longtime leader in the South Florida
medical community, is expressing his support for Amendment 2 and the medical use
of marijuana.
Dr. Moise is an advocate for helping patients in desperate
need of alleviating pain, nausea, seizures and other symptoms associated with
cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, AIDS, and multiple sclerosis among other
ailments. He is speaking out about the benefits of medical marijuana in order to
encourage voters to approve this needed amendment. He is also eager to see
other Florida physicians lend their support to this effort because he believes
it would help them provide the best care possible for their patients.
“Americans are suffering with pain every day and
medical marijuana is a safe, measured and regulated way for severely ill
patients to be more comfortable and improve their quality of life,” said Dr.
Moise. “What voters don’t know is that communities with medical marijuana
availability have actually seen decreases in crime, in deaths from prescription
painkillers, and even reductions in teenage use.”
“The majority of
Americans, more than 160 Million in 23 states plus the District of Columbia,
have the legal right to choose medical marijuana when recommended by their
physician for debilitating conditions. However, in Florida the elderly and
residents who seek to relieve their suffering with cannabis are considered
criminals. This is just wrong and inhumane,”
said Dr. Moise.
said Dr. Moise.
"Having a
physician of Dr. Moise's stature come out in favor of Amendment 2 confirms what
we have been saying all along: There is strong support at the highest levels of
the medical profession for what we are trying to accomplish," said Ben Pollara,
Campaign Manager at United for Care. "Dr. Moise understands Amendment 2 is the
right thing to do for both the doctors and their patients because it puts
medical choices in their hands, not in the hands of politicians."
Rudolph Moise is the President and CEO of Comprehensive Health Center, LLC a
large primary health care practice with centers in Dade, Broward and Central
Florida. He practices family medicine and pain management. He is also the CEO of
Physician Access Urgent Care Group (PAUC), a Managed Service Organization (MSO),
which manages 40 medical practices in South and Central Florida. Dr. Moise has
received multiple awards from several organizations around the country. In 2005
the South Florida Business Journal named him one of the five finalists for the
“Best Physician of Year” award. He is a member of multiple boards, including The
Dade County Medical Association, United Way of Miami Dade County, Jackson
Memorial Foundation, and North Shore Hospital. He recently retired from the Air
Force Reserve after 21 years of honorable service as a Colonel and Flight
# # #
For more information, please call Maurizio Passariello at 786.285.6398 or
email him at
Dr. Rudolph Moise,
United for Care,
Vote Yes On 2
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Why Rick Scott was the most unpopular governor in the country
This is who we're up against -- Rick Scott, a man who...
- Turned down $2.4 billion in federal money for high speed rail
- Refused to expand Medicaid, leaving one million people without the health care they need
- Cut K-12 education by $1.3 billion -- and slashed the number of Bright Futures scholarships in half
- Heartlessly returned a rescue dog!
- Sent five men out to call equal pay for women "dangerous"
- Doesn't support raising the minimum wage
- Won't take responsibility for his government's fight against marriage equality
- Vetoed funding for 30 rape crisis centers
- Actively tried to make it harder for people to vote
- Plundered the Everglades and Florida's natural resources to benefit his biggest donors
- Hid his travel, communication, and schedule from the public to conduct shady deals
- Jacked up your utility rates and property insurance
- Re-installed barriers to restoration of rights
- Is adamantly anti-choice and wants to overturn Roe v. Wade
- Wants to take us back to the days when insurance companies could deny you coverage just for being sick
- Has a blind trust run by a close family friend that he checks in on regularly
- Created only 4 percent of the jobs he promised -- and most of those are for the wealthy and his powerful businesses associates
- Vote Florida and help Charlie out.
Candies made by unionized workers
Raíces en Tampa to Protest President Obama's Lack of Action
WHO: Immigrants rights supporters
WHAT: No More Broken Promises Rally Against President
WHEN: Monday, November 3, 2014
- 6:30 PM
WHERE: Democratic Party Office, 1002 E. Palm Ave. Ybor City
WHERE: Democratic Party Office, 1002 E. Palm Ave. Ybor City
Contact: Marisol Marquez (813)846-6893
Catherine Lim (863)
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Vote Yes On 2: The Doubters Are 0 For 3 And Soon, 0 For 4
First they said we'd never get on the ballot.
Then they said we would lose
in the Supreme Court.Then when a billionaire got in the race, they said we
were toast.
Well, guess what: None of that happened. In fact - we're surging, thanks in part to your help we are at 61% and climbing. We're going to prove the doubters wrong again.We need your help. here
Well, guess what: None of that happened. In fact - we're surging, thanks in part to your help we are at 61% and climbing. We're going to prove the doubters wrong again.We need your help. here
Mark Danish, Democrat, for Florida State House, District 63
A Stong Voice For The
Middle Classhere
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
King County Sheriff John Urquhart, Marijuana Is Working In Washington
King County Sheriff, John Urquhart, from Seattle shares how the new approach to marijuana is working in Washington. Taxes are going to schools and police, not drug cartels, wasteful arrests are down, DUIs are down, and drug prevention programs are getting funding. It's already better in Washington State.
SAY NO TO bouncing babies off walls
AND Crooked law enforcement!
SAY NO TO bouncing babies off walls
AND Crooked law enforcement!
6 Days Left Florida
United for Care Sends Cease and Desist Letter Regarding No on 2 Campaign’s False TV Advertisement
United for Care, the largest organization advocating for Amendment 2 on
Florida’s November ballot, sent a cease and desist letter to all of the
television stations broadcasting the latest ad produced by the No on 2 campaign
entitled “It’s Nuts.” In the :30 second spot, multiple speakers take turns
laying out untruthful and illegitimate claims designed to discourage Floridians
from voting for the amendment, which would only allow for the medical use of
marijuana by patients with debilitating diseases and medical
For the
entire Politifact article, please click below:
Medical Marijuana Researcher Dr. Suzanne Sisley In Ft. Lauderdale
Also featuring local physician and
veterans’ advocate
veterans’ advocate
Dr. Anne Morgan and a
patient testimonial
Tuesday, October 28th at 3pm
Greater Ft. Lauderdale
Chamber of Commerce Building
512 NE 3rd Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Press conference will be held in the Chamber’s Board Room
event is open to the public.
John Morgan,
Suzanne Sisley,
United for Care
"Moved In" - Florida
Monday, October 27, 2014
Florida Cops Rake in Cash Busting Marijuana
The most visible opponents of medical marijuana beyond the Drug Free Florida ads are the Florida Sheriffs Association, a law enforcement group run by Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, who uses Reefer Madness-esque rhetoric to claim marijuana will ruin society. "I see the guy that's up all night with a baby that's screaming, so he smokes him a blunt and a half and he thinks that'll help and ends up bouncing the baby off the walls," Judd said at an anti-pot press conference earlier this summer.
Though recent evidence suggests that marijuana liberalization actually reduces violent crime, law enforcement has its own motives. In an investigation published last month in The Nation magazine, I noted that marijuana busts have become a huge revenue source for police, which influences their political opposition to drug reform. In Minnesota and other states, police lobbyists have privately told legislators that relaxing marijuana laws could cost them financially. here
A blunt and a half, bouncing babies off walls, Mr. Judd? You are a funny guy.
GOP Propaganda,
Grady Judd,
Sheldon Adelson
Al Higginbotham is lying, and his lies are blatant
Ask Joe Keel
of Keel and Curley Winery in Plant City.
is he a little worried about his current re-election chances against challenger Pat Kemp?
Die-in at Tallahassee Police Department
against police brutality. here
Rick Scott's Florida,
Tallahassee Police
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Ybor Paparazzi
Ryan, Bianca (People United for Medical Marijuana)
Manny (Mace Multi-Media) and local musician Christian.
Tampa working mother Shatara Brown
At a campaign stop in Tampa, Rick Scott continues to ignore the questions from the press, debate moderators and now Tampa working mother
Shatara Brown.
Yes On 2 @ Guavaween
United for Care,
Vote Yes On 2
Jeff Brandes, People Are Dying
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Florida medical marijuana debate: John Morgan vs. Bob Gualtieri
Strobe Lights and Cheech and Chong
Florida mom Susan Schrivjer
Toys R Us has announced it will pull the Walter White and Jesse Pinkman action figures it's stores have been selling after Florida mom Susan Schrivjer started an online petition to have the Breaking Bad figures removed. here
No On 2: Right Wing Propaganda
“It’s not about
compassion; it just legalizes pot smoking.”
Amendment 2
explicitly states: “Nothing in this section authorizes the use of medical
marijuana by anyone other than a qualifying patient.” Moreover it
states: "Nothing in this section shall affect laws relating to non-medical use,
possession, production or sale of marijuana.”
“…Not just for serious diseases…”
“…Not just for serious diseases…”
In a ruling
handed down on January 27th, 2014, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed that the
scope of Amendment 2 was unequivocal: only patients with debilitating diseases
and conditions would be allowed to have access to medical marijuana under
Amendment 2, including those suffering from cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis
and Lou Gehrig’s disease among others.
“How do they know it’s safe? They don’t.”
“How do they know it’s safe? They don’t.”
In 1988 Drug
Enforcement Agency Administrative Law Judge Francis Young said, “marijuana in
its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to
man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the
supervised routine of medical care.” There isn’t a single instance of an
overdose death caused by marijuana. Marijuana is safer than many medicines
commonly found in our cabinets like Advil and Tylenol, which cause 12,000 deaths
per year in the United States.
“Kids can legally get it without their parents’ permission.” “No parental control.”
“Kids can legally get it without their parents’ permission.” “No parental control.”
As Politifact
stated in its May 20, 2014 fact check on this topic, Florida minors would not be
able to get a recommendation for medical marijuana from a physician because,
“currently, a parent or guardian must provide consent for medical treatment for
a minor, except in emergencies or other unusual circumstances, such as when the
Department of Children and Family Services must get involved.”
For the entire Politifact article, please click here
City of Opportunity - City of St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman
Make Calls from Home to Help Save the Senate!
"Together" - Gwen Graham for Congress
The Stogie Recommends
Governor: Charlie Crist
District 2: Gwen Graham
District 3: Marihelen Wheeler
District 9: Alan Grayson
District 15: Alan Cohn
District 16: Henry Lawrence
District 17: Will Bronson
District 26: Joe Garcia
District 63: Mark Danish
District 3: Marihelen Wheeler
District 9: Alan Grayson
District 15: Alan Cohn
District 16: Henry Lawrence
District 17: Will Bronson
District 26: Joe Garcia
District 63: Mark Danish
Hillsborough County Commissioner
District 2: Elizabeth Belcher
District 7: Patricia Anne Kemp
School Board Member
District 2: Sally Harris
District 6: April Griffin
Yes on 1
Yes on 2
No on 3
Friday, October 24, 2014
ohn Morgan To Join United for Care Team at “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” Event in Orlando
United for Care Chairman John Morgan will be walking
with approximately 85 United for Care volunteers and staff at the “Making
Strides Against Breast Cancer” event in Orlando on Saturday, October 25th. The
United for Care contingent, calling themselves the “For the Patients” team, will
participate in order to commemorate those who have lost their lives to breast
cancer, to support those who are currently fighting the disease, and to work
towards a future without this ailment.
United for Care walks for
the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” event
United for Care Chairman
John Morgan and the “For the Patients” Team
Lake Eola Park – 24
Rosalind Avenue, Orlando. Survivor Tent (Lot 21) sponsored by Morgan &
Morgan Law Firm
Saturday, October 25th, 2014 at 9am
Saturday, October 25th, 2014 at 9am
Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act,
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer,
United for Care,
Vote Yes On 2
Looking for Rick Scott today?
You won't find him where a judge ordered
him to be: In Tallahassee, giving a deposition on the secret email accounts he
illegally used to conduct state business. Instead, Scott is holding a
massive fundraiser in Miami. I was going to suggest you send him an email
to his private address --
to try and reach him. But alas,
you'll just get an error message.
DINO Bob Buckhorn No Fan Of Amendment 2
Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn believes the legalization of medical marijuana is a “slippery slope,” and is no fan of Amendment 2 here
“There are alternatives for people who are in that type of pain, It’s hard for me to explain
why I would legitimize what is a drug.”
Mayor Bob, I think the alternatives are called drugs. You need to take your head out of your right wing ass and listen to the experts.
"Modern Science has proven the medical uses of marijuana, yet so many politicians ignore the studies and instead listen to those with money and power. And of course those with money and power have a lot to lose if medical marijuana passes."
Amos Miers
Are you on the payroll? WasBishop Chuck Leigh right?
"Modern Science has proven the medical uses of marijuana, yet so many politicians ignore the studies and instead listen to those with money and power. And of course those with money and power have a lot to lose if medical marijuana passes."
Amos Miers
Are you on the payroll? WasBishop Chuck Leigh right?
Folks it's never too early to start thinking of 2015!
Bishop Chuck Leigh,
Bob Buckhorn,
Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act,
Florida's Culture Of Corruption,
Peter Schorsch
Gwen Graham With Bill Clinton At Florida A&M
The event will be held at Florida A&M Quad and lands in the only Sunday of early voting -- the "souls to the polls" day that could drive a critical African American vote. Admission is free and doors will
open at noon. here
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