Friday, March 3, 2023

Nina Tatlock: Don’t be silent

I'm not a blogger, but a friend asked me to write something. I'm not even sure if I know much. We have been gaslit right and left, so who knows what is true or not. Can we trust anyone these days? I do know that I have a lot of opinions and that I hang out with people who have a lot of opinions.

I like opinionated people. People who think and expand their ways of thinking by having open dialogue. We need to have conversations. We need to keep learning always. Keep reading the banned books. Here are more thoughts & opinions. I'll start with the BIG elephant in the room or state, which is the Republican Party in total control of our state government. They are governing as Fascist, Dominionists, backed up by Nazis, crooks, liars, sleezebags and their ilk. If you haven't heard of dominionism theology, you should look that up. It's a shitshow up in Tallahassee with all of these dominionist/Nazi laws (like bills wanting to make Bloggers register) being brandied about, trying to stick it to the Dems, demonrats or whatever they want to call people in the opposition party.

Since Florida is a closed primary state (highly gerrymandered at that), it is necessary for voters to select one of the 2 main parties in order to vote in Florida's primary elections. It is a form of voter suppression. There are many other forms of voter suppression in the state also. The Republicans up in Tallahassee seem to undo or work around every voter initiative we pass. They are relentless in their dominionism. It's the only way that this radical minority can lord over the majority of us. I personally am of the opinion that primary elections are the most important elections because it is when voters can vote for the candidate they like the best. I would prefer a semi-open primary system that allows more participation, but alas that's not what we currently have. So I'm always asking people to pick a party before our primary elections. It is the system we currently have.

Now my take on the opposition party, the FDP, Florida Democratic Party. In case you haven't heard the FDP just held an election to "select" a new Chair of the state Democratic Party. This was another shitshow of authoritarian dominance because of Bylaws and rules of the FDP. When all was said and done, it felt more like a vote that would take place in Russia, whereas the vote has a pre-determined outcome. Which is like many elections we have witnessed throughout the USA in our lifetimes. This FDP Chair race brought on so much sadness and exhaustion just like most other elections. Those at the top seem oblivious to what people out in our communities actually want and need. This is true of both political parties. Oh and by the way, the Republican Dominionists have filed a bill to outlaw the Democratic Party, which would probably also outlaw the Republican party at the same time if this bill were to pass. So I'm thinking of new party names just in case. Here's one: WIGS+ (We Include Gays & Socialists +). I know many people think that participation in both parties is a waste of time, but these parties are just made up of people.. It is very easy for them to just ignore those who are not participating. Yes sometimes they ignore those who do participate, but if we are not in the room, we can't even let them know that we know they are ignoring us. If we are not there, we become invisible. Let's not become invisible. Let's not let the radical Dominionist minority lord over the majority. Participating is work. It's not easy work, but we have to keep sharing, conversing, exploring, learning ways to work together as a majority. We need to keep voting. If you live in Tampa, please vote in the Municipal elections taking place right now.

And all of this while my homeowners insurance almost doubled, and others are having a hard time affording rent, food and things that are needed to have a decent life. It's getting hard to find places to live or to feel safe. Still we can't be silent or become invisible. Please find ways to be involved. FYI, this isn't blogging, it's rambling. Nina Tatlock

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