Thursday, August 31, 2023

Florida Medicare for All Town Hall w/ Rep. Maxwell Frost

More than 2.5 million Floridians do not have any health insurance. In addition to this, between April and July of 2023, over 400,000 were disenrolled from Medicaid. Co-pays, deductibles, cumbersome pre-authorizations and other unnecessary barriers prevent Floridians from receiving the care they need. In addition, the status quo of U.S. healthcare is too expensive and inefficient.
It is past time to demand Medicare for All!
Medicare for All will cover all medically appropriate care including dental, vision, reproductive care, long-term care, prescription drugs and more, with no out-of-pocket costs.
Please join Congressman Maxwell Frost and a panel of statewide experts for an important state-wide virtual Medicare for All townhall.
We will discuss how Florida residents can support one another through this still ongoing healthcare crisis and ways that we can get involved locally to build support for Medicare for All, including how to pass city and county council resolutions.

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