Monday, January 1, 2024

Unadulterated fear tactics and blatant lies

Harvard University Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz: Who Supports Hamas?

The main groups that comprise the bulk of organizers and demonstrators who have supported the Hamas barbarism against Israel are:

1) Radical Islamic groups that, like the Islamic Republic of Iran after the 1979 revolution, regard Israel as the “Little Satan” and America as the “Big Satan.”

2) American revolutionary groups who used to be affiliated with Communism but now call themselves radical socialists or workers parties. Their goal is to overthrow our government, and they attach themselves to every disruptive movement in the hope of garnering support and creating distrust for American democracy.

3) Old-fashioned anti-Semites who hate anything associated with Jews and concoct conspiracy theories that blame “the Jews” for all evils.

4) Useful idiots who have little or no knowledge of the issues but march in lockstep with all “woke,” “hard left,” and “anti-colonial” causes on the theory that “if it’s left, it must be right.”

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