Tuesday, August 22, 2006

As violent crimes rise, law enforcement officials battle $1.1 billion funding cut

With murder and other violent crimes on the rise in many American cities, local law enforcement agencies and elected officials are battling to stave off $1.1 billion in federal funding cuts proposed by President Bush.....more
Scientist: Dolphins are stupid
Dolphins are not as clever as previously thought

Dolphins may have big brains, but a South African-based scientist says laboratory rats and even goldfish can outwit them.....more
Citizens 4, St. Pete Beach 0

St. Pete Beach joins a few other Florida communities where angry citizens are trying to take more power. They are early battlegrounds in a movement called "Hometown Democracy," which would create universal voter control in Florida. Hometown Democracy could reach the ballot as early as 2008.....more

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Loose Cannon of 9/11

And on July 22, 2004, the 9/11 Commission issued its final report on the terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Is it possible that two twentysomethings from "a small hippie town that time forgot" could undermine that entire effort with $8,000 and a laptop?.....more

The Spread of Right-Wing Extortion

A small town in Germany is currently trying to prevent neo-Nazis from buying a hotel in the town center. But is it just a ploy? The right-wingers stand accused of threatening to buy property only to profit from the resulting furor.....more

McCain Calls For Escalation In Iraq
Suggests Putting More Troops On The Ground

All along, we have not had enough troops on the ground to control the situation. Many, many people knew that, and it’s — we’re paying a very heavy price for it.....more
"When The Levees Broke" on tonight HBO 8pm

Bush still in Curveball Cuckooland

You know, I’ve heard this theory about, you know, everything was just fine until we arrived [in Iraq] and — you know, the stir-up-the-hornet’s- nest theory. It just doesn’t hold water, as far as I’m concerned. The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East. They were …...more

Watch It Here

Reservists rally in Jerusalem as protests over war snowball

The campaign mounted by Israel Defense Forces reserve soldiers spread Monday as bereaved families joined them in demands for a national inquiry into the Lebanon war, and for the resignations of the prime minister and defense minister.....more

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cubby The Bear Killed In Pen By Big Shot Redneck

Troy Lee Gentry of the country singing duo Montgomery Gentry is Accused of killing tame bear. Authorities allege that Gentry purchased the bear from Greenly, a wildlife photographer and hunting guide, then killed it with a bow and arrow in an enclosed pen on Greenly's property in October 2004.....more

Watch him shooting other thing's ....here
Government fulfills few Katrina promises

The job of clearing debris left by the storm remains unfinished, and has been plagued by accusations of fraud and price gouging. Tens of thousands of families still live in trailers or mobile homes, with no indication of when or how they will be able to obtain permanent housing. Important decisions about rebuilding and improving flood defenses have been delayed. And little if anything has been done to ensure the welfare of the poor in a rebuilt New Orleans.....more
Zogby: Bush Job Approval—34%

The numbers continue to reflect erosion in the President’s political base – just 62% of Republicans give him positive marks for his job performance, while 38% give him negative marks. Even among weekly WalMart shoppers – a demographic group identified by Pollster John Zogby as a critical support group for Bush – just 45% now give him positive job marks, though his numbers among those shoppers have improved 10 points since early June. More than three out of four – 76% – of weekly WalMart shoppers voted for Bush over Democrat John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election.....more
In Nashville, Sounds of Political Uprising From the Left

“Something political will not get played on country radio unless it’s on the conservative side,” he added. “If you show both sides, it’s not good enough. It’s got to be just on the right.”.....more

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Raul Castro goes public, says he has mobilized Cuba to repel U.S.

In his first public declaration as acting president, Raul Castro said he has mobilized tens of thousands reservists and militia to defend Cuba against a potential U.S. threat. "We could not rule out the risk of somebody going crazy, or even crazier, within the U.S. government," he said in an interview Friday in the Communist Party newspaper Granma.....more
How Washington Goaded Israel to Invade Lebanon

There is increasing evidence that Israel instigated a disastrous war on Lebanon largely at the behest of the United States. The Bush administration was set on crippling Hezbollah, the radical Shiite political movement that maintains a sizable block of seats in the Lebanese parliament....more

Letter from Asia: Koizumi's shrine visits cast pall over his legacy

The shrine visits, with their predictable controversy, are useful for manipulating fear of China, much like the infamous Willy Horton ad in the 1998 American presidential campaign aroused a reflexive fear of blacks in certain quarters and increased voter turnout of a critical Republican base.....more

Poll: Bush's legacy, Israel's victory, Jewish sympathy

The decisive factor in the Bush legacy will be war. The war against terror, the war in Iraq. And Bush is still convinced that history will be kind to him....more

In dark days, they love her even more

Katherine Harris diehards admire her for many things, but especially respect her fortitude under pressure.....more

"She has my heart," proclaimed Ruth Coberley, 53, of Kissimmee, clad in a red, white and blue Katherine Harris for U.S. Senate T-shirt.

"I love Katherine," said Mary Todd, 64, of the Villages retirement community. "She's a little Dynamo."

Six years ago, Harris was mocked on national TV during the bitter 2000 presidential recount in Florida for her unsparing use of makeup and what some considered her weak command of elections law.

Weak command of elections law? Ms. Kumar you are so kind. Try fixing the election.