Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hillsborough School Board Elections?

Tampa friends —

What are you all going to do about your School Board? There are four elections coming up in 2020; all of which should be taken seriously.

In District 1, incumbent Steve Cona, a pro privatization politician, is running for re-election and should be defeated in order to heal the Board. Thus far, the only candidate who has filed to oppose him is college student Victoria Gudbranson, who has experience as a person with a disability (which is desperately needed on the Board). It is likely that former candidate Bill Person will file as well. Who else do you think should file for this seat? Who would you support?

In District 3, incumbent Cindy Stuart may file to run for re-election, while former Democratic Progressive Caucus President and substitute teacher Jessica Vaughn has already filed to run. Who else could jump in for this seat, and who would you support?

In District 5, incumbent Tammy Shamburger has not yet filed for re-election, and no other challenger has filed with the Supervisor of Elections. Possible candidates could include former candidate and teacher Robert Pechacek, and former candidate Jacqueline Leeks. Who would be an optimal candidate for this seat? Who do you think should serve the District?

In District 7, incumbent Lynn Gray has filed to run for re-election. Her only challenger thus far is Josephine Amato — I have no idea who this person is or why she decided to run. Who would make a good candidate for this race, and who would you like to support?

I would like to see spirited primaries for each of these seats, and some candidates defeat incumbents who have sided with privatization and FLGOP donors. Hillsborough County needs attention brought to ending the school to prison pipeline, student nutrition, disability equity, testing reform, and opposition to haywire privatization. Which issues do YOU believe need to be addressed for the upcoming School Board elections? Who is the candidate that will represent those issues? Please speak up and state WHY you feel candidate X or Y should serve on the School Board!

Stay groovy,

Democracy in Ybor City

What Democracy Looks Like On 7th Ave

Marco Rubio BS

On The Green New Deal......
“A publicity stunt designed to pander to a progressive base seeking to repackage socialism that will do nothing to address the actual problems Americans face every day.” Marco Rubio

RIP Ms. Cherry

Family members of Cynthia Gibson a beloved Hillsborough County school bus driver are opening up for the first time since she was killed last month. HERE

Cover Up At Florida Prison

In August, four guards at the Lowell Correctional Facility in Marion County, Florida were accused of beating Cheryl Weimar, a disabled inmate, so savagely that they broke her neck and rendered her quadriplegic. HERE
The Florida Department of Corrections is refusing to allow Weimar to be photographed as evidence in the case.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Cuban and Garbanzos Soup
At Gaspar's Grotto in Ybor City


Vlogger Lola Mojica in Ybor City

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Close the Camps Protest In Tampa

Downtown Tampa

Get The Stogie Via E-Mail

Get The Ybor City Stogie 
delivered by email


Our Revolution Starts In Ybor City

9.20.2019 - 7 PM
Meet in in front of 7-11 for a community canvassing event. We will be walking up and down 7th Ave to add contacts into 
our BERN app. 

Black Business Bus Tour Reunion

September 21, 2019 - 8:30 AM
NFL YET Center , 3310 E Lake Ave, Tampa

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Words of Jessica Vaughn

"You know which two candidates I see coming out with real substantial plans to address the corrosive and systemic issues of classism and racism within America? Sanders and Warren!
Meanwhile; Harris moves further to the right, BLM activists are calling for Mayor Pete's resignation and Biden has gone MIA in order avoid more gaffes and to court 
big money lobbyists.
This presidential race is getting more narrow by each passing day." Jessica Vaughn

Girls Trip To Tampa Florida!

Florida groups help immigrants get prepared

Charity groups were worried about vulnerable populations along the eastern coast who tend to have fewer resources to prepare ahead of major storms. They include Central American immigrants in Lake Worth and Jupiter, elderly people in retirement communities all the way up the coast, and homeless people in parks. HERE

NixLovely in Ybor City

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Florida prepares for Hurricane Dorian

Florida GOP Ted Yoho Was The Only One On The List

At least 48 Republican members of Congress have filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that LGBTQ people should not be considered a protected class when facing discrimination from employers.
Among the congressmen is U.S.
 Rep. Ted Yoho of Gainesville he was 
the only Florida representative on the list. HERE

What the Hell Is Up With Florida?

There’s nothing quite like the stigma of being from Florida. HERE

Tampa Troublemakers School

November 16, 2019
Hillsborough Classroom Teachers 
Association Hall
3102 N Habana Ave., Tampa INFO

Friday, August 30, 2019

Tampa Hoods


The Don'ts of Visiting Tampa, Florida

Helen Frigo of Jensen Beach Asks

We can see Louisiana from space. The heel and sole of the “boot” is pretty much gone. Channelizing and controlling the Mississippi River has deprived the Delta (swamp) of land-creating soil. Has Florida been doing the same with its River of Grass? HERE

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gary Stein Coming To Ybor City

Join HCYD at 6:30PM on September 17th for their monthly meeting. Discussion will focus on cannabis regulation at both the state and national level. The incomparable Joe Redner will be speaking along with his attorney Adam Elend and cannabis expert Gary Stein. Christopher Cano and Central Florida NORML will also be pairing with us. INFO

Tampa Hoods


Florida Right Wing Infestation

 Florida GOP Ron DeSantis has packed a new Florida Government Efficiency Task Force with conservative movement leaders and Republican campaign donors. HERE

Sky U. White Flash Mob

Tampa Berners Wanted

Industry-backed candidates and their friends in the media know that we have already won the war of ideas inside the Democratic party.
That’s why they re instituting a blacklist and pushing increasingly absurd narratives in the press in a desperate attempt to undermine our vision of a democracy that works for people, not special interests and corporations.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Congratulation Fight For 15 Florida

See what you guys started!

Another battle won!

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor announced that a raise of the minimum wage for city employees will take effect this year.
Castor said a $15 minimum wage will go into effect for all new and full-time city employees Oct. 1. HERE
Happy Labor Day From The Mayor!
Kudos to Ashley, Kofi, Kelly and all the fighters
 I have met along the way. Thanks for letting me tag along. HERE

Tampa Paparazzi

Charlie and Wayne

67% of Floridians Want Pot Legal

Tampa Hoods


Crashing the economy to own the libs’: Marco Rubio torn to bits