Friday, December 6, 2019

One of These Climate Strikes is not Like the Others

One of These Climate Strikes Doesn't Belong

Ybor City Homeless


Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Florida Keys Deliver a Hard Message

 Officials in the Florida Keys announced what many coastal governments nationwide have long feared, but few have been willing to admit: As seas rise and flooding gets worse, not everyone
 can be saved.
And in some places, it doesn’t even 
make sense to try. HERE

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Jake

Florida GOP: Patriots or Traitors

When does Republican partisanship turn into treason? We’re about to find out. HERE

Don't forget their supporters!
Remember you only get one reputation in life.

Open’ primary measure too complicated for Florida voters

Florida’s Republican and Democratic parties joined Attorney General Ashley Moody Tuesday in arguing before the Supreme Court that a proposed “open” primary constitutional amendment is too complicated for voters and should be removed from the 2020 ballot. HERE

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Italian Sausage
With Ziti at NY, NY in Ybor City


Florida GOP George Buck of St. Pete

Sent out a fundraising letter spreading falsehoods about RepIlhan Omar alleged ties to foreign nations. 
“We should hang these traitors where they stand.” HERE

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz Was The Sole No Vote On A Bipartisan Anti-Human Trafficking Bill

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz argued the anti-trafficking bill was an unnecessary expansion of the federal government. HERE

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Ybor City Homeless


Most Delusional Trump Voter in Country found in Boca Raton


Florida GOP not stopping on-shore oil drilling

State on the verge of allowing drilling in both the Everglades and 
Apalachicola basin.
Oil companies have been far more successful with drilling on land in Florida. Under Gov. Ron DeSantis, the state’s Department of Environmental Protection has done little 
to stop them. HERE

Party With Tampa DSA In Seminole Heights

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Asher’s Late Post Debate Ranking

Hello friends,

This is late, though I would like to highlight some moments from the Democratic debate some nights ago...

Bernie Sanders, with his commitment to peace and healthcare as a right, did well. Elizabeth Warren did as well, with a similar progressive agenda. Andrew Yang did well, and his points on national security were spot on. He also hit the nail on the head with positive attention to preventing men from joining hate groups. Each of these three have the character, platform, and energy to do well in the general election and beyond!

Cory Booker might have won the night with his comment on cannabis, and standing up for the issue, as well as how it affects people of color. I applaud him for that! I loved Tulsi Gabbard’s message on ending regime change wars per usual, though I wasn’t impressed with how she handled criticism from Kamala Harris—I was not happy with either during that exchange. I liked how Tom Steyer mentioned term limits! I appreciate Pete Buttigieg clarifying that his position would not be to invade Mexico, and I would love to see more common cause between him and Tulsi, rather than animosity. I was not too impressed with Joe Biden (aside from his gaffes, I did like his performance more so this time around), Kamala, or Amy Klobuchar.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Andrew Yang
3. Elizabeth Warren
4. Tulsi Gabbard
5. Cory Booker
6. Pete Buttigieg
7. Tom Steyer
8. Kamala Harris
9. Joe Biden
10. Amy Klobuchar

Each candidate has their strengths, and we should work to be kind to supporters of each. That is something my first choices are sincere about — Bernie, Andrew, and Elizabeth all have been cordial, and we should follow their example regarding positive discourse! It’s okay to criticize politics and records without unnecessary, personal attacks! As a Bernie supporter, I call on all my fellow Bernie supporters to follow Bernie’s example and refrain from senseless vitriol, especially against others on the left. Enough with the animosity; we need to set an example for strength with decency, rather than strength with venom. Thank you.

— Asher

Help HART Driver Schnaider Prophete

Mr. Schnaider Prophete, a Bus Operator since 14 + Years for HART had been brutally attacked while performing his job and if it wasn't for a brave veteran patron, who stepped in, he might would not be with us anymore. HERE

All the Company was interested in was, 
with a phone call to the hospital

Ybor Paparazzi


Ybor Historic District Tampa

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Trump Supporters in South Florida

Friday, November 29, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Chris and Carlos

Florida GOP Senators Task Ahead

Soon Rick Scott and Marco Rubio will be asked to make a decision that will follow them the rest of their lives. They can come out of this a hero or a coward.
Courage is the quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily but without being incautious or inconsiderate while coward is a person who lacks courage.

Ybor City Homeless


7 Mile Bridge - Florida Keys Drone

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ybor City Homeless

Of Camaguey, Cuba

Tampa GOP Party at a Town 'n' Country Strip Mall

Ronda Storms was honored by the local party during the event, receiving a lifetime achievement award.
But unlike the other honored recipients who paused for a photo and then moved off stage after having their name called, Storms grabbed the microphone and proceeded to verbally bash Republican legislative leaders in Tallahassee who she accused of being soft on abortion and criminal justice issues.
Saying it was time for a “family conversation,” Storms said she agreed with an earlier comment that the Florida GOP was “not the far left. But we also don’t want to be left-lite.”
 Florida clown Matt Gaetz provided the entertainment. 
“The impeachment of Donald Trump is the Democratic excuse for the lack of an agenda or an agenda that is downright terrified of the American people.”
His sidekick Ross Spano was also there
“Their ends justify their means, they believe, and they will stop at nothing for the pursuit of power, up to and including the soft revolution to overthrow and unseat a duly elected president.”
Mr. Spano is  under investigation by the Department of Justice for alleged campaign finance violations.

Ybor Paparazzi

Jay at Bad Monkey

New Ybor City Coffee Shop

7th Ave

Party With Sky U. White

Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 6 PM
At Duckys in Tampa INFO

Monday, November 25, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi


Congratulations Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s voters have turned out in record numbers to deliver a landslide for pro-democracy campaigners in local elections, handing them control of every one of the region’s 18 councils for the first time.
Both in absolute numbers and in turnout rates it was easily the biggest exercise in democratic participation that Hong Kong 
has seen.
Nearly 3 million people had voted, representing more than 71% of the electorate and nearly half of Hong Kong’s population. Many 
had never voted before. HERE
Imagine this happening here!