Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stop TBX Rally - Tampa

Downtown Tampa

Pat Kemp

Linda Saul-Sena

Pat Kemp and Amanda Brown

Leslie Walls
Around here, women rule!

Michelle From NPR

I am voting  on November 8! Are you? 

Tampa Bay GOP Dangerous To Your Health

The Florida GOP voted to allow concealed weapons to be carried on state college and university campuses. Over the objections of Pinellas Sheriff Bob Gualtieri and most Tampa Bay law enforcement leaders, it voted to allow 1.5 million gun owners with concealed weapons permits to openly carry their guns 
in most public places. 
Every Tampa Bay Republican 
except one voted for both gun bills. here

 Pinellas County
Rep. Larry Ahern 850-717-5066
Rep. Kathleen Peters 850-717-5069
Rep. Chris Sprowls 850-717-5065
Rep. Chris Latvala 850-717-5067
Hillsborough County
Rep. James Grant 850-717-5064
Rep. Shawn Harrison 850-717-5063
Rep. Jake Raburn 850-717-5057
Rep. Dan Raulerson 850-717-5058
Rep. Ross Spano 850-717-5059
Rep. Dana Young 850-717-5060
Pasco County
Rep. Danny Burgess Jr. 850-717-5038
Rep. Richard Corcoran 850-717-5037

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Daryl
He is a local. Homeless 1 year.

Pat Kemp Is Everywhere

Fight For 15 - Solidarity Sunday - Cuba
Yes on 2 - #FLfor15 Challenge - Seminole Heights Japan Festival 
Alan Grayson Event - Solidarity with Charleston - Stop TBX
Where are the other candidates?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Remembering Andrew Joseph At The Florida State Fairgrounds

"I will be back, every year." Deanna Hardy-Joseph

Rick Scott's Jobs Costing Florida $11 Billion A Year

A new Study on the high cost of low wage jobs in Florida. The report found that near the nearly 39 percent of Florida’s workforce, about 3 million people, are working in low-wage jobs that cost taxpayers over $11 Billion a year in public assistance programs. The report comes  at a time when both the state house and senate are considering a 
$1 billion tax cut package 
that would mostly benefit large companies. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Vaca Frita
With Moro and Yuca
At Arco Iris in Tampa
Visit them here

Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare

Transportation impact fees developers pay for new development.
Hillsborough County: $770 for a new home
Pasco County: 10,000 for a new home

"The County Commission is now considering a major overhaul of the transportation impact fees developers pay for new development. For too long, the fees has left taxpayers burdened with gridlock and paying most of the cost for new roads. For the past two years, I have worked with Sierra Club and we have taken the lead in a campaign to have new development pay more of its fair share and to use transportation fees as a tool to encourage smart growth. This plan is a big break from the status quo." 
Pat Kemp

Marco Rubio: Climate Flip-Flopper

Mayor Cindy Lerner of Pinecrest explains, (Rubio) was once in favor of action to stave off the worst effects of global warming --- such as the sea level rise already encroaching on south Florida towns like Lerner's --- before he decided to run for President and become a climate change denier. here

"Marco Rubio and all the Republican candidates who are in denial, it's really part of a campaign strategy, an ideology, that ignores the reality of the consequences we're facing," Lerner notes that where Republicans in Florida had once actual lead on Climate Change, since Republican Gov. Rick Scott took office in 2011, state GOPers have almost completely reversed course.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Love Has No Borders @ Sacred Grounds - Tampa

 A benefit show to support the work of Love Has No Borders in providing mutual aid and support for recently arrived refugees. here
Join them here

Thank you Jimmy Dunson 
For organizing this great event and inviting us.

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

The Right Wing infected Florida House passed a bill allowing some gun owners in Florida to carry openly in most public places and to carry concealed on state college and university campuses. here

Three Dems — Reps. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda of Tallahassee, Joseph Geller of Aventura and Randolph Bracy of Orlando — joined the chamber's Infestation in support.

Lee's Grocery Paparazzi

The folks from STOPTBX
Join them Feb. 6 in Tampa

Ybor City Musicians

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Tampa Roll and Florida Roll
With Soup
At Grille One Nine in NPR
Visit them here

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Libertarian Kevin O'Neill and Democrat Pat Kemp
@ A Stop TBX event in Tampa
Join Sunshine Citizens
They have a huge rally planned for 2.6
Get Involved, all parties welcome!

Florida Frackers Stay Out Of Hillsborough County

Florida Senate Appropriations Chair
Tom Lee’s home county has just come out against a fracking bill that will get its next hearing in that committee; on Wednesday the Hillsborough County Commission passed a resolution to oppose the bill to study and regulate hydraulic fracturing at the same time it forbids local governments from banning the drilling practice, as many have done. here

Street Preaching - Ybor City

Ashley From Tampa

I am voting  on November 8! Are you? 

Raíces en Tampa: Know Your Rights | Fight Back Workshop

2.13 - 4pm
Lutz - info

Team Pat Kemp

Team Leader Kate M Connolly
Join the team, we did!
Help Pat Kemp to the Hillsborough County Commission.
Need a yard sign? Let us know.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Stop TBX March In Tampa

TBX is a boondoggle! 
Express Toll Lanes are wrong for Tampa. 
But, it is NOT a done deal. 
Join us for a one-mile march to protest the loss of historic homes, churches, businesses, parks and green space. Our group's path will illustrate how wide the swath of detruction caused by the proposed widening of I-275 would be. RSVP and invite others. info

The Citrus Taliban: Pastor Protection Act

A debate is again building in the state Capitol about same-sex marriage as conservative lawmakers back a proposal known as the “Pastor Protection Act.”
Florida GOP Rep. Scott Plakon of  Longwood
Florida GOP Sen. Aaron Bean of Fernandina Beach
Carlos Guillermo Smith of the gay-rights advocacy group Equality Florida called the proposal “an invented problem” aimed at getting religious conservatives to the polls. here

Ybor City Top 7 Facts

The 35th Annual WMNF Tropical Heatwave

Early bird tickets!

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Patrick Murphy

One of Chuck Schumer's and Steve Israel's front groups for tricking low-info grassroots Democrats into contributing to their Wall Street candidates disguised as Democrats calls itself EndCitizensUnited, a scam that funnels money into its own pockets and to right-of-center Democrats like Patrick Murphy. here

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

We Remember Andrew Joseph, III Memorial Weekend In Tampa

Feb 5, 2016 @ 2pm
 Protest of Student Day 
Florida State Fairgrounds-Tampa

Feb. 6, 2016 @ 9am
Middleton High School Old Track
22nd Street and Geneses, Tampa
more events here

Stop The Florida Frackers - Call Your State Senator

Sen. Joseph Abruzzo
Sen. Thad Altman
Sen. Aaron Bean
Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto
Sen. Rob Bradley
Sen. Jeff Brandes
Sen. Oscar Braynon
Sen. Dwight Bullard
Sen. Jeff Clemens
Sen. Charlie Dean
Sen. Nancy Detert
Sen. Miguel Diaz De La Portilla
Sen. Greg Evers
Sen. Anitere Flores
Sen. Don Gaetz
Sen. Bill Galvano
Sen. Rene Garcia
Sen. Andy Gardiner
Sen. Audrey Gibson
Sen. Denise Grimsley
Sen. Alan Hays
Sen. Dorothy Hukill
Sen. Travis Hutson
Sen. Arthenia Joyner
Sen. Jack Latvala
Sen. Tom Lee
Sen. John Legg
Sen. Gwen Margolis
Sen. Bill Montford
Sen. Joe Negron
Sen. Garrett Richter
Sen. Jeremy Ring
Sen. Maria Lorts Sachs
Sen. David Simmons
Sen. Wilton Simpson
Sen. Christopher Smith
Sen. Eleanor Sobel
Sen. Darren Soto
Sen. Kelli Stargel
Sen. Geri Thompson
 Find your State Senator by clicking here.
Call your State Senator at his/her Tallahassee office, say that you live in the district, that you vote, and ask him/her to vote NO on fracking bill SB 318. (Leave a message if no one answers and call back during business hours.)

Love Has No Borders Benefit Show In Tampa

2.4 - 6 pm
Sacred Grounds Coffee House

Florida Keep It Civil, Tickets Not Arrests for Marijuana