Thursday, November 7, 2019

Talkin' 'bout my Generation
Freedom Riders - 1961

Full 2 hour American Experience documentary HERE
Thu, May 04, 1961 - Washington, D.C.
A Greyhound and a Trailways bus, carrying seven black and six white civil rights activists ranging in ages from 18 to over 50, left Washington, D.C. bound for  Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.
The goal of these riders, members of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), was to bring worldwide attention to the fact that the Jim Crow Laws in the southern states were still being enforced, despite being overturned by several Supreme Court rulings that public transportation vehicles and facilities must be fully integrated and that the "separate but equal" doctrine enforced by several southern states was unconstitutional.

Fri, May 12, 1961 - Atlanta, GA
The Freedom Riders arrive in Atlanta, where Martin Luther King, Jr. warns them of violence ahead.

Sat, May 13, 1961 - Anniston, AL
When the Greyhound bus reached Anniston, Alabama, it was met by a mob who forced the bus to stop, threw a firebomb into it and forcibly held the doors shut, intending to burn the riders to death.

When the bus's fuel tank exploded, the mob dispersed and the riders were able to escape, only to be beaten by the returning mob. Only warning shots fired into the air by highway patrolmen prevented the riders from being lynched.

Sat, May 13, 1961 - Birmingham, AL
The Trailways bus is attacked. A riot breaks out at the Trailways Bus Station in Birmingham, AL. A KKK mob savagely beats both Freedom Riders and innocent bystanders alike with iron pipes, chains, and clubs.

Fri, May 19, 1961 - Montgomery, AL
The Freedom Riders arrive in Montgomery, AL where a police escort abandons them to an angry mob. Freedom Rider Jim Zwerg and Federal official John Seigenthaler are badly injured in an ensuing brawl.

Wed, May 17, 1961 - Nashville, TN
Diane Nash of Fisk University in Nashville, TN, organized a second Freedom Riders effert. A group of eight blacks and two whites, students from Fisk University, Tennessee State University and the American Baptist Theological Seminary, traveled by bus from Nashville to Birmingham, where they would then resume the Freedom Ride from there to Montgomery, Alabama, and then on to Mississippi and Louisiana. However, upon their arrival in Birmingham, they were immediately arrested – “protective custody,” according to police. Later that night, in the early a.m. hours, this group was transported by Birmingham police chief Eugene “Bull” Connor to Ardmore, Alabama near the Tennessee line, and dropped off in a rural area – an area reportedly known for Klan activity. They were told to take a train back to Nashville. After finding refuge with a local black family, they reached Diane Nash who sent a car for them, returning them to Birmingham, where they intended to resume the Freedom Ride.

Tue, May 23, 1961
The Riders board buses from Montgomery to Jackson, MS under National Guard escort. They are jailed upon arrival under the formal charges of incitement to riot, breach of the peace, and failure to obey a police officer.

Sun, Jun 11, 1961 - Parchman State Penitentiary
Riders are transferred to Mississippi’s notorious Parchman State Prison Farm.
Segregationist authorities attempt to break their spirits by removing mattresses from the cells. New Freedom Riders will continue to arrive in Jackson, MS and be jailed throughout summer.

Mon, May 29, 1961
Attorney General Kennedy sent a petition to the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) asking it to comply with the bus-desegregation ruling it had issued in November 1955, in Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company. That ruling had explicitly repudiated the concept of "separate but equal" in the realm of interstate bus travel. Chaired by the South Carolina Democrat J. Monroe Johnson the ICC had failed to implement its own ruling.

CORE, SNCC, and the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) formed a Freedom Riders Coordinating Committee to keep the Rides rolling through June, July, August, and September. During those months, more than 60 different Freedom Rides criss-crossed the South, most of them converging on Jackson, where every Rider was arrested, more than 300 in total. An unknown number were arrested in other Southern towns. It is estimated that almost 450 people participated in one or more Freedom Rides. About 75% were male, and the same percentage were under the age of 30, with about equal participation from black and white citizens .

By September, CORE and SNCC leaders made tentative plans for a mass demonstration known as the "Washington Project". This would mobilize hundreds, perhaps thousands, of nonviolent demonstrators to the capital city to apply pressure on the ICC and the Kennedy administration. The idea was preempted when the ICC finally issued the necessary orders just before the end of the month. After the new ICC rule took effect on November 1, 1961, passengers were permitted to sit wherever they pleased on interstate buses and trains; "white" and "colored" signs were removed from the terminals; racially segregated drinking fountains, toilets, and waiting rooms serving interstate customers were consolidated; and the lunch counters began serving all customers, regardless of race.

Pam Bondi New Trump Minister Of Propaganda

Pam Bondi, a former Florida attorney general and more recently a lobbyist at a firm with extensive ties to President Donald Trump, will join the White House communications staff temporarily to help with messaging during the ongoing impeachment inquiry. HERE

Ybor City Homeless


Party With Sky At Cafe Hey

 November 20, 2019
 at 6:30 PM INFO

Citrus County, Florida Yokels

Commissioners in Citrus County, Florida, decided on October 24 to not approve a subscription for the library to have a digital subscription to the New York Times.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pastrami Sandwich 
At Sunday's Deli in Ybor City


Alex the Railfanning Redneck in Ybor City

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Million Mask March in Tampa

Downtown Tampa

Ybor Bartenders

Bad Monkey

Florida Right Wing Propagandist Bill Nelson

Loser to Rick Scott Is telling his flock on FOX news
 "Trump will win Florida if Warren or Sanders becomes Dem nominee." HERE

He also said Hillary Clinton would  win Florida in 2016. HERE

Hagan Only Tip of Iceberg in FBI Probe

The federal investigation into shady land deals in Hillsborough County includes several targets besides County Commissioner Ken Hagan and his family, Tampa Bay Beat has learned. Those being investigated include private citizens as well as other public officials, according to our source in Tallahassee.


Ybor City Homeless


Monday, November 4, 2019

Asher’s Hot Take on Rep. Susan Valdes

Hello Tampa friends,

With all the controversy surrounding the slew of endorsements for State Representative Susan Valdes’ re-election campaign, I will share my perspective on this issue. I first met Susan when I entered the world of local politics as a young nineteen year old forming a countywide campaign for School Board. She took the time to meet with me and discuss my ambitions—I was thankful for the experience as she was among the first locally elected officials I had ever met in person. I appreciated her vote to oust the former Superintendent Elia, and to help ensure student nutrition saw its due with a kitchen to help train cafeteria staff.

I like Susan; though I do not agree with her support and stance on privatization of education. To divert funds from public to private schools is unacceptable. I support school choice, especially in the case where parents need more support for their children with disabilities, or religious preference. Let them choose; do not hurt public education in the process!

I hope that Susan evolves on these issues and presents a comprehensive case to remain in the Florida State House of Representatives. That being said, I know that public school supporter Laurie Rodriguez is going to present a primary challenge, and I believe that will be a net positive for the election. I say stick to the issues, and I would like to see a productive conversation regarding what is best for public education and other issues. I am not prepared to endorse anyone for this race, and others—though I can say I support my friends Councilor Orlando Gudes, Commissioner Pat Kemp, and others in their right to make endorsements without supporting slashes to public education. Perhaps those who have endorsed Susan will be willing to pressure her to evolve on the issue of privatization. I hope so!

Stay groovy,
— Asher

Susan Valdes Defection Odds

Republicans versus Reality - Matt Gaetz lies about Ukraine scandal

Matt Gaetz tells one lie after another in Congress to protect Donald Trump from impeachment. The evidence is clear that Trump broke the law, but that never stopped a good Republican lap dog from protecting his dear leader. Facts don't matter to people like Gaetz. Only winning for your side matters.

President Donald J. Trump Florida Residency Day’

Florida GOP Chairman Joe Gruters reportedly announced in a fundraising email on Thursday the “President Donald J. Trump Florida Residency Day.”
In honor of this great news, as Chairman of the Republican Party of FL, I am declaring Nov. 1 to be ‘President Donald J. Trump Florida Residency Day,'” the email reportedly said. HERE

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Post For Tampa City Councilman Orlando Gudes

Mr. Gudes. Progressives in this city worked 
very hard to get you your job.

WTF are you doing?
You belong nowhere near this toxic candidate!