Sunday, May 27, 2018

R. David Walker at the Trinity Democratic Club

In the race to succeed Adam Putnam as the Commissioner of Agriculture, no other candidate has the drive of R. David Walker. Walker is a 5th generation Floridian and a scientist. He has also kept a packed schedule during his odyssey to Tallahassee. This week Walker spoke to the Trinity Democratic Club and was well received by an enthusiastic crowd. R. David Walker is crossing the state, county by county, building his case for Commissioner while his campaign continues to gain momentum.

Asher Edelson on The School Board Scandal

The recent leak on our School Board is upsetting. It shows our community yet another example of how dysfunctional the Board is. The sheer level of hostility between the Board members is certainly disappointing. The interactions highlighted in the La Gaceta are eye opening, and there are more photos that need to be released to confirm what was in the article. What I saw on their page was unfortunate; school board members colluding with each on how to influence elections isn’t a great thing to have out. I remember Snively pompously disdained my idea on making Election Day a school holiday, and nowadays she’s intent on being just another
right wing politician.

Her interactions with candidates and other persons show me that their faction of the Board is morally bankrupt and ready to push for more control. I am not happy with April Griffin, either, who seems to be Snively’s boogeyman. I want to see a new “factionless” faction on the Board to fight for our county and be above
this foolish pettiness.

Asher Edelson

Knife, Stun Gun Pulled on Muslim Students at St. Augustine McDonald's

Ybor Paparazzi

Rachelle Settambrino
Professor of sign language - USF

Democratic Florida state Rep. Kim Daniels: Dolls Are Possessed By Demons

Ms. Daniels, an exorcist preacher whose bill requiring all public schools to display “In God We Trust” goes into effect this summer, has some thoughts about dolls in her new book on witchcraft.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Andrew Gillum Tampa Fans

Asher Edelson endorses The Mayor

Ybor Bartenders

At  Reservoir

Hillsborough County school Board Member Melissa Snively Is Up To Something

She is encouraging and organizing opposition to her peers on the Board.
La Gaceta has received image after image of conversations on Facebook messenger. It seems she is leaving her Facebook account logged in on places she shouldn’t and exposing her discussions.