Friday, January 18, 2019

Hamburger Mary's Needs Some Love.

There's a lot of love a soul can find in Ybor City and here's the chance to give some back. There was NO employee of Hamburger Mary's who tested positive for Hepatitis-A, the one targeted actually did get tested and the test came back negative. Hamburger Mary's NEVER presented any threat to the public. Though the Health Department will not admit their wrongdoing and will especially not admit that Hamburger Mary's was unjustly targeted, the wrongdoing literally closed the business.
Closed Sign

There is a possibility of a lawsuit now, I think it's justified and I sincerely hope Kurt King wins BUT that would be only the beginning of his battle. There seems to be a public misconception that will be a major hurdle for Hamburger Mary's and it was based on lies. We can do something about that.

I make a promise now that WHEN Hamburger Mary's reopens for business, I will be there to congratulate them, have a burger and let Kurt know what a valuable asset his business is to the community I love.

Join me

Candy Lowe and John Godwin Party In Ybor


What Stogie Had For Lunch

Sausage with Ziti
At New York, New York in Ybor City

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

To MPO or not to MPO

Always looking for the most exciting news in the Tampa Bay area, last night I went to a meeting of the Hillsborough MPO, Metropolitan Planning for Transportation.

The Hillsborough MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) is tasked with policy making for long-range transportation needs in the county. Last night's meeting was a presentation of the results of several workshops conducted by TBARTA (Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority) intended to assess the feasibility of merging the MPOs of Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco counties into a single regional MPO. The presentation was given by Scott Lane of Stantec Consulting Services, Center for Transportation Research, a consulting firm commissioned by TBARTA.

So, buckle your seatbelts, folks, and get ready for the ride (pun intended). Below is the complete video of the meeting.
The meeting begins at 5:50 in the video and Scott Lane's presentation starts shortly after the meeting is called to order.

The really, really exciting moments in the meeting are at the following time marks in the video:
County Commissioner Pat Kemp presents a well elucidated counter-point argument in opposition to the merging of MPOs.
Tampa Councilman Harry Cohen presents a very passionate statement opposing an MPO merger.
The public speaks on the issue, every one of who vehemently opposes the idea of an MPO merger.
My good friend, Dayna, presents a convincing argument against the idea of merging MPOs
My pretty face (at least until the switch to the front view camera) unexpectedly appears and I elucidate on the practice of our local government bodies brazenly and openly making efforts to circumvent Florida's Sunshine Laws.  

Ok, maybe it could have been a little more exciting but the circus performers and the Riverdance crew had last minute engagements elsewhere.

In reality though, the ongoing meetings by several committees of our local government and HART concerning transportation improvements in the area will have a VERY important bearing on the future of the transportation needs of you, the citizens. I can not express strongly enough that each and every person in the county, who cares about our future, should make every effort to stay aware of what these committees are doing and, whenever possible, come to these meetings and use your voice. Our government officials are not likely to make great efforts to come to us so.....WE MUST GO TO THEM!