Friday, March 23, 2007

Americans Support The Troops
Private support for US soldiers looks as strong as ever
Not all care packages come from Americans who support the war, but many soldiers don't seem to mind. "I would still accept it," says Pvt. David Bounds from the 610 Brigade Support Battalion in Baghdad. "They may not support the reasons why we are here, but it's good that they still care in some aspect.".......more
ExxonMobil Risks Valdez-like Oil Spill in Alaska
Eighteen years after the most devastating oil spill in U.S. history, ExxonMobil still has not paid the punitive damages owed to the victims of the Exxon Valdez oil spill and is operating the largest, most dangerous oil tanker in the area -- the Exxon Valdez sister ship, Sea River Long Beach.........more

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Revolution is a Moment
It’s hard to imagine a bright future for the Cuban revolution when you see a Havana trapped in a time warp. Everything seems a contradiction. Cubans come up to me and start a friendly conversation that ends in a business transaction of some kind; colonial building in decay but that still look royal, and the deafening Studebakers, Chevys, Fords and Cadillacs from the 40s and 50s move among the modern cars that carry a tourist license plate.......more
Let's End The Cuban Embargo, Only With The Free Exchange Of Ideas With The Cuban People Will We Bring A End To This Disaster They Call A Revolution. This Embargo Has Done Nothing But Divide Families And Bring Hardship To The People Of Cuba.
In Cuba, Fidel Castro is the last person to feel the pain caused by the U.S. measures...Cato

Sunsara Taylor takes on Bill O'Reilly

The US Prepares its First Guantanamo Trials

The Pentagon is launching its first trials of long-term detainees at Guantanamo. The trials will take place before military tribunals, which grant very few rights to defense attorneys. Ironically, it became clear long ago that the overwhelming majority of the prisoners at Guantanamo were not terrorists......more
Chavez vs Bush in Latin America: No contest
From Buenos Aires
US President George Bush has been touring Latin American countries this March with two goals in mind: keep the continent divided and keep it subservient to US imperialist interests. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has also been visiting his neighbours. His goals are the opposite: to unite the countries of Latin America and to encourage and support the continent’s independence from US imperialism.......more

Re-Elect Gore in 2008!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Attorney General Gonzalez
The Shame Of The Latin Community
In a community so desperate for good role models, the ascent of Gonzales represented a double triumph: Not only would he be the first Latino Attorney General, but in addition, he would also be the first Latino to occupy one of the four positions of greatest influence in the presidential cabinet.....more
The nickname Bush gave Alberto Gonzales is Fredo - from Wikipedia: in Mario Puzo's novel, Fredo was always thought of in the Corleone crime Family as the weakest and most foolish of the three Corleone brothers, and so was given its unimportant businesses to run......ahnc
I know it was you, Fredo....
Embattled Bush
During President Bill Clinton's final six years, the Republican-led majority in Congress issued more than 1,000 subpoenas to the White House; during Mr. Bush's first term, the Republicans issued none. Of course, this is the same Republican majority that took 140 hours of sworn testimony about alleged misuse of the Clintons' Christmas card list but a mere 12 hours on the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.......more
Buddy Johnson is a Buffoon

Or worse, he is manipulating local elections. Either way, he should be fired, suspended or otherwise relieved of his duties.......more

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Troops in Iraq want out
"Bush can come fight here. He can take my 1,000 dollars a month and I'll go home."
A poll commissioned by the BBC, ABC News, ARD German TV and USA Today, showed only 18 percent of those questioned had confidence in US and coalition troops, while 78 percent opposed their presence.......more

Blackwater: Bush's Shadow Army

Jeremy Scahill reports on the Bush Administration's growing dependence on private security forces such as Blackwater USA and efforts in Congress to rein them in.

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Outpost-Earth is a "Dynamic" directory of the latest updates from bloggers across the web and from around the world. As a visitor you can browse blogs by location or topic to discover what people are talking about in your area. As a member, by adding your own blog, your latest posts will appear across the Outpost-Earth network bringing exposure and traffic to your site......more

Big Sister 1984

Howard Dean and the Last Laugh

"I'm Howard Dean and I'm here to represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party!" Dean thundered in February 2003 as he began his race for the Democratic nomination. Dean's anger was directed not only at George W. Bush, but also at those Democrats who were backing Bush's Iraq war, tax cuts and No Child Left Behind legislation.....more