The Shame Of The Latin Community
In a community so desperate for good role models, the ascent of Gonzales represented a double triumph: Not only would he be the first Latino Attorney General, but in addition, he would also be the first Latino to occupy one of the four positions of greatest influence in the presidential cabinet.....more
1 comment:
I agree and say the same about Condi. It's interesting to me that race does not really seem to motivate people to vote in-kind. In Tampa, especially.
Here is a twistedly different perspective on what you have to say: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/22/navarrette/index.html?eref=rss_topstories
I, of course, agree with you. The guy above (Ruben Navarette, Jr.) is practicing the worst kind of journalistic racism and party-following nazi-ism.
It's the oldest trick in the book: Divide and Conquer.
The more they can get us to hate and fear each other the easier we are to control.
Where this argument of Navarette's falls through is right here: I'm a woman and Condi needs to go. I'm a white girl and Bush needs to go.
They are not upholding the oaths to defend our Constitution that they swore to when they took public office. I don't care if that was my uncle in Bush's chair. Nothing colors the judgment of what is good for the world or the American people.
I'm very proud of you for this post. Not that it matters what I think or whatever ... I like to see the truth pointed out.
just my two cents
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