Thursday, December 17, 2015

Marco Rubio Blames American People For Immigration Reform Failure

During the December 15 Republican presidential debate, Sen. Marco Rubio again backed away from his support of comprehensive immigration reform in 2013, saying his opinion changed with that of the American people. However, polling data suggests that Americans consistently favored comprehensive immigration reform, the Republican Party sabotaged immigration reform, and Rubio faced extreme backlash from right-wing media causing him to change his position. here
"He should start with Cuban immigration reform, people from other places 
(Central America, Middle East) are a lot worst off then those fleeing Cuba, 
yet Cubans get a free pass." YCS  

Ana Tijoux - Shock

A Few Words From Alan Grayson

"War— what is it good for? We’ve been asking ourselves this question since Edwin Starr first belted it out in 1970. I can tell you what it’s good for-- padding the pockets of defense contractors and a certain former Vice President who shall remain nameless. I can tell you what it isn’t good for-- peace, the majority of Americans, and our economy. When the rich decide to go to war, it’s the poor and middle class who end up paying for it, with both their money and their lives. Personally, I’m a firm believer that we shouldn’t sacrifice human lives so that a few defense contractors can make big bucks off of making bombs." Alan Grayson
Help him out. here

In Florida Prisons, Guards Are The Criminals

Lowell Correctional Institution, in Ocala
 Your tax dollars are financing a prison where officers from the Florida Department of Corrections allegedly abuse inmates sexually, physically and psychologically, dehumanizing them at their will. here

Read more here:

Poll: Marco Rubio Top GOP Presidential Candidate Among Wealthy Voters

According to a CNBC Millionaire Survey, 26 percent of Republican voters with at least $1 million in investable assets support the Florida senator. here

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Local Treasures: Alicia Gazga

Co-Founder @ Raíces en Tampa

Miami Under Siege

In the Miami area, the daily high-water mark has been rising almost an inch a year. here

Florida's Charter School Ripoff

Charter schools, which are public schools run by private groups, have received more than $760 million from state taxpayers since 2000 according to an Associated Press analysis of state Department of Education records. Schools can use the money for construction costs, rent payments, buses and even property insurance.
Yet charter schools in 30 districts have wound up closing after receiving as much as $70 million combined in such funding. here

Environmentalists Protect The Morris Bridge Sink

Contact Swfwmd NOW by email, or phone, and tell them not to use Morris Bridge sink water and grant a 90 day extension to discuss solutions.
Join here
"Thank you to all our great environme ntalists who stood up to protect the Morris Bridge Sink. Everyone had the same message: Sierra Club opposes the permit to pump water from the Morris Bridge Sink. Speaking in opposition was Phil Compton, Sierra Club, Mary Elizabeth Figg, Rick Garrity, Jan Platt, Sid Flannery, Janet Dougherty, the new Director of the Environmental Protection Commission and Chet Joyner." 
Pat Kemp
If we remember correctly they built The Tampa Bypass Canal 
(Destroying Six Mile Creek)  to keep the river from flooding.
 So why now do we have to take the water from The Morris Bridge Sink?

Solidarity Sunday Saturday Night Debate Watch Party

12.19.2015 - 7pm
@ Lee's Grocery in Tampa Heights

Tampa Natives Show: Fabulous Rockers" with Dr. Dennis Pupello & Lynn Marvin Dingfelder

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The 809 Idiots Of Woodland, North Carolina

The city council rejected a proposed re-zoning for a solar farm after residents expressed concern that the farm would cause cancer deaths, kill plants around the panels, and drive away young people from the town.  
But the best/worst reason 
came from local 
Bobby Mann
who claimed that the solar panels would …
 “suck up all the energy from the sun.”
here, and here

The Rubio Card

Rick Scott's Soul

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-of course) has once again demonstrated just how much he doesn't care if people—children, even—suffer and die in ways that are totally preventable on his watch. An investigation by the Miami Herald has uncovered how the state gutted its Children's Medical Services, a program designed to help chronically ill and disabled poor children. here

In Miami-Dade, It Is Illegal To Own A Pit Bill

Tell Miami-Dade, Florida to Get Educated and Drop BSL! here

Billionaires For Marco Rubio

Ken Griffin, (The wealthiest man in Illinois) one of the Republican Party's biggest donors, is backing Marco Rubio for president, the latest top-tier financier to align with Rubio 
in recent months. here