Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tiger Bay City Council and County Commission Candidates In Ybor

L’Unione Italiana

Jeffrey Zampitella
Visit him here

Pat Kemp
Visit her here

Orlando Gudes

Gary Dolgin

Mitch Perry
Read what he wrote here

Marie of Tony's Ybor Restaurant
They provided the great lunch.
Visit them here

Pat and Jeff with friends

Florida GOP and Pro TBX county commission candidates Sandy Murman and Tim Schock had more important things to do and could not make it.
 "Murman is afraid to debate me because then she'll have to answer about her ethics issues that tainted the GoHillsborough process and wasted millions of dollars that ended with her vote to kill and chance we have of funding/building/operating a 21st century transit system."
Jeffrey Zampitella

Local Merchants Ericka Leigh

Makes bowties by upcycling old clothes.
Check her out here

Friday, October 14, 2016

Tampa Ranked Nearly Dead Last

According to a WalletHub studyBob Buckhorn's Tampa ranked nearly dead last at No. 94 in the overall scale, which looked at components like greenhouse-gas emissions, amount of green space, amount of bike lanes and solar systems installed per capita. here

Read more here:

Right Wing Calhoun County, Florida

Calhoun County is a little rural county in Florida’s panhandle. It’s closer to Alabama than to Miami – and its citizens vote like Alabama. It’s two-thirds white and two-thirds of its votes went to Florida’s right-wing GOP governor in 2014. But on Oct. 4, the teachers in Calhoun County’s school system made history: They voted union, with theNational Education Association.  the NEA had to run an undercover campaign to organize them. That’s because Rick Scott, had convinced the overwhelmingly Republican state legislature, five years ago, to eliminate tenure. Say “the ‘u’ word” and you might be out of a job in an area like 
Calhoun County. here

Pro TPP Bob Buckhorn

Mayor Bob says both Clinton and Donald Trump are dead wrong in opposing the controversial free trade pact. here

Marco Rubio The Great Republican Has-Been

Marco Rubio was once the Great Republican Hope. Charismatic, Cuban-American, and conservative, the 39-year-old was the face of the party’s future, except he wasn’t. here

Floridians for Reproductive Freedom urges stronger Zika response from Rick Scott

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Local Idiot Daniel Davis

Florida GOP and Pro TBX 
Hills­borough County Commission candidate Tim Schock fired his campaign manager  Daniel Davis after learning that in a recent political argument on Facebook, the manager used a homosexual slur and told a military veteran he didn't respect his service.  He also told a firefighter to "go die in a fire" and insinuated that a man's 1-year-old daughter would have to "whore herself out to get through college" because her father was poor. here

Boca Lawyer Wants To Declare Trump Incompetent

Attorney James Herb is worried about the future of the nation, he claims the GOP presidential nominee exhibits signs of histrionic and narcissistic personality disorder. here

Florida Amendment 1 is a con. And you, are the intended mark

it’s a ploy by the large utility companies to protect their dominance of the energy market. here

Marco Rubio Sticking With Trump

Marco Rubio is not revoking his endorsement of Donald Trump.
"I disagree with him on many things, but I disagree with his opponent on virtually everything." here

The Dunedin Chamber of Commerce Cozy Relationship With Government

During a four-year period ending September 30, 2015, the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce received $74,500 in government grants from the city and the county. The chamber is a private corporation, not a government agency, yet it receives money from the city without a contract specifying what the money is to be used for. here