Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dick Greco For Ambassador Of Tampa

Isn't there some kind of job or recognition we can give Mr. Greco for his contribution to our fair city?
I did not want him to win. But now i feel sad about his lost.

Diane Vega

On October 1, 2010 Diane Vega lost her life while riding her bike home from work. She was waiting for the light to change on the corner of Spruce Street and Himes Avenue in Tampa, Florida as a car skidded into her.

Her daughters Genevieve Almodovar and Selena Glass appear in this video to ask motorists and bicyclists alike to follow the rules of the road and watch out for each other.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Not Six Foot Rule Bob Buckhorn

On the eve of a live televised debate in the mayor's race, Ed Turanchik endorsed Bob Buckhorn, saying his former rival is "best prepared to lead Tampa."

Mr. Turanchik should have kept his mouth shut like Mr. Greco did. I think i'll sit this one out.

WalkWise Tampa Bay

A grassroots initiative is providing innovative pedestrian safety education to the citizens of Tampa Bay.

A Visit to Ybor City


In Florida School Buses Stop At Motels

Ed Turanchik and Kelly Benjamin

I read Michael Hussey's post and what he has to say about Ed Turanchik and Kelly Benjamin. I do agree we need to push every democrat to the left. I disagreed backing a progressive candidate is a waste of time.

Out of 190,000 plus eligible voters in Tampa, only 11,566 (district 6) of them bothered to show up.
The 7,221 that voted for Charlie have spoken for everyone in district 6, his campaign didn't even have an e-mail address. The sad part is Benjamin's campaign took to all the media fronts and only 4,345 of us made it to the polls. Not good.

Other races were the same. Felita 10,802, Turanchik 8,104
Reddick 3,314, West 1,140

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Step Backward With Pam Bondi

Just as the Florida Legislature is advised that ex-felons should get more help re-entering society to reduce recidivism and prison populations, Attorney General Pam Bondi wants to make it harder for felons to get their civil rights restored.

Where Tampa’s Candidates Will Be On Election Night

Here’s the rundown of where Tampa’s municipal candidates will be.

Election Campaign Action Around Tampa


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tarpon Springs Book Fairy

Book Fairy Project. Kids in coin laundries inspire local book fairy project
now 6,000 books strong!

Cigar City Brewing Bolita Brown

Notes of a Beer Nerd

Cigar City Brewing

The Late, Great Mr.George

"Don't let making a profit stand in the way of doing the right thing.".....George Jenkins
Do The Right Thing Publix

At The Spencerian
Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Racist Irateirishman

Some Of His Headlines
Tampa Jigs Repeatedly Use Taser to Discipline a Teenigger
Gold Toof Nigger Saved by his Bling-Mouf!
Victim Lives To See Nigger Plead Guilty To Horrific Crime
HNIC and The First She-Boon Have Bongo Party in the not so White House
"Just when you think niggers can't sink any lower,

they manage to drain just a little more from the cesspool"......Irateirishman
Fucking Mick!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Awake The State Rally

March 8th
Florida 580 & N McMullen Booth Rd
Lykes Gaslight Park