Tampa Jigs Repeatedly Use Taser to Discipline a Teenigger
Gold Toof Nigger Saved by his Bling-Mouf!
Victim Lives To See Nigger Plead Guilty To Horrific Crime
HNIC and The First She-Boon Have Bongo Party in the not so White House
"Just when you think niggers can't sink any lower,
they manage to drain just a little more from the cesspool"......Irateirishman
Fucking Mick!
Have to agree. A closer look at the crime problem in the USA shows that the majority of crime is committed by these 'minorities'. Move to Detroit and find out the truth.
IrateIrishman is simply showcasing - telling the irrefutable facts, the outright truth. Deal with it. Living a lie, living in denial is no way to go through life Senor Stogie.
Kudos as well to SBPDL and Thugreport, both of which, wouldn't you know, do the same thing..... Tell The Truth. What a concept!
I miss IrateIrishman, had to settle with Chimpout as a substitute and that's gone now too
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