Saturday, September 28, 2013

Congratulations To Rosario Dawson

Actress Rosario Dawson (A hero of ours around here) accepts the Outstanding Commitment to Cause and Community Award at the 2013 NCLR ALMA Awards at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, California. Listen to her  Amazing Acceptance Speech.
Voto Latino, Visit her site here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

2 Real Tacos with rice
$5.00 At Don Julio's Cockteles in Wimauma.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Tampa's dancing homeless guy.

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

With Obamacare about to be implemented, Republicans are desperate to deny health care access to the uninsured. The deputy secretary of Florida’s Health Department has now ordered state health facilities to ban federal outreach workers—called “Navigators”—who are trying to sign people up for Obamacare subsidies. That’s right. The Florida Health Department—whose mission is to “protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida”—wants to deny the uninsured access to learning about federal health care subsidies they may be eligible for. Sign our petition, demanding that the Florida Health Department rescind this order—and allow health care Navigators in state health facilities to discuss the Affordable Care Act. here

Avowed Tea Partier Dan Tucker

Pinellas GOP state committeeman made fun of County Commissioner
 John Morroni’s health issues.
 “Doesn’t he have cancer of the brain… hmmm?”
Morroni does have cancer The  comment was made after Morroni’s endorsement of
Darden Rice for the St. Petersburg City Council.......more

Friday, September 27, 2013

Republicans are ‘Afraid that Americans Are Going to Like Obamacare’

In a few years they will be saying it was their idea.

Obama Convicted In Ocala

Sentenced to 10 years
On September 19, the Citizen's Court convicted President Barack Hussein Obama of lying to the American people about his birth certificate, which was alleged to be a forgery, after considerable investigation. This birth certificate, which was belatedly posted on the White House website after he was challenged about his eligibility to be president, since it was alleged that he is not a "natural born citizen" born in the United States to two American citizen parents, is not genuine but allegedly altered (see to view the verdict), Obama was indicted by a citizens' grand jury in Ocala, Florida. He was served with the indictment at the White House but refused to respond and plead his innocence, leading to a non-jury trial in Ocala for his false statements over his birth certificate to the American people and the people of Florida. These alleged false statements fraudulently allowed him to be placed on the Florida presidential ballot in 2008 and 2012, ultimately leading to his election and reelection........more

Green Eggs And Ham

Is this guy a moron or does he just act like one,
does he even know what this book is all about?

Free Marissa Alexander

Ms.  Alexander sentenced to 20 years in prison after firing a "warning shot" during an argument with her abusive husband won a new trial on Thursday in a case under Florida's controversial self-defense law. A state appeals court ruled that Marissa Alexander, deserved a new trial because the judge failed to properly instruct the jury regarding her claim of self-defense........more

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Am Rick Scott

Habitat Hillsborough BUILD UP Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we invite you to join us for an amazing two-day event, October 10 and 12, 2013, to help build a home and increase breast cancer awareness. During these two days, all the construction on the home will be led by women.
Yvonne Meredith
813 239 2242

Grand Theft Tampa Bay

In 2006, the GOP controlled legislature, at the behest of an army of utility lobbyists and their wads of campaign cash, passed a law allowing utility companies to charge customers upfront for the future construction of nuclear plants, even if they don’t actually build one. And get this, now that Duke Energy has finally declared that they won’t be building any new nuclear plants, we don’t get any of our money back. Even more absurd, we’re going to continue to pay Duke Energy $108 million dollars a year for the cancelled nuclear plants. Join us this Saturday, September 28th at 10:30 am in downtown St. Petersburg in front of Duke Energy of  Florida headquarters and tell them, and the politicians and regulators in their back-pocket, “enough is enough!” It’s time to tell Duke Energy, their bought and paid for elected officials in leadership, and the so called “Public Service Commission” to stop ripping us off.
Who: Everyone! Florida Ratepayers, Small Business Owners, Concerned Citizens
What: Rally for Ratepayer Refund and Teach In
Where: 299 1st Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida
When: Saturday Sept 28th @ 10:30am

Totally Biased: The Florida Intervention

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is Ted Cruz A Liberal Plant?

one senior House Republican said "Cruz is the leader of a secret cabal of leftists that are seeking control of the conservative movement. Their aim is to force the party to take on suicidal missions to destroy the movement from within." After all he is from  Canada where he learned to love Socialism and all that Socialized Medicine shit. And his father is Cuban, he has traveled to Cuba and he has refused to discuss the things he learned from Fidel Castro. Keep up the good work Mr. Cruz we will be cheering for you in the primaries.....more
Pic thanks to Dante Hadley at Mad Mug.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

One of Brew Town's great burgers

Ybor Paparazzi

At The Czar. Were they texting each other?

Help JJ From Seminole County

I desperately need your help to pressurize our local public school into providing my 9 year-old son’s work in an accessible format. My son, JJ, has multiple and severe physical disabilities; he can’t walk, he’s unable to hold things in his hands, he’s visually impaired and uses a computer to talk (go to OK4JJ on Facebook.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bill Gunter aka The Beer Boogeyman

 Along time ago before he found god Bill Gunter was know around the beaches of Bradenton as The beer boogeyman. He would run into convenience stores at night and steal two to three cases of beer, along with some potato chips, can't forget the chips. He smoked his first joint when he was in the 5th grade. From marijuana, he went onto LSD, reds, valium and speed. “My parents found pot and rolling papers in my laundry,” he added. “I smoked pot in my room, and pretty much did what I wanted to do because my parents were scared of me.” His dream was to play football at a major university but if that didn't work out he  had already planned his alternative occupation: to work with a cocaine dealer as a thug. “I was on my way to it already. I was hired once – I drove by and shot at a man’s house and broke his windows.  Pasco beware, read more about Mr. Bill here