Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Yes, Florida Governor Rick Scott Is An Asshole

celebrate May Day In Ybor City

5.1.2016 - 2 PM
José Martí Park Ybor City

The Citrus Taliban Attacks Florida Supreme Court

Florida GOP Steve Crisafulli and Richard Corcoran attack the Florida Supreme Court’s 5-2 decision to suspend the state’s 24-hour waiting period for an abortion.
Crisafulli: “In my opinion, this has been one of the most activist and overreaching state Supreme Courts in recent memory. I believe our government works best when all sides respect the balance of power. It appears that several of our Justices seem to believe it is their job to invalidate any action of the Legislature, regardless of the law and constitution.”
Corcoran: “Apparently, abortion activists, and their liberal allies on the Supreme Court, are no longer content just for abortion to be legal; their goal seems to be to ensure that the maximum number of abortions are performed each year in Florida.  How else would you explain opposition to a law that simply protects women from being pressured or bullied into making a life-altering decision?”
Of course that’s pure bunk. It’s part of the effort by a GOP that’s increasingly out of touch on social issues to attack the authority of any court that Republicans haven’t stacked. Their strategy is to undermine courts until they can rig them to overturn any progressive legislation that might be passed in the future. here

Monday, April 25, 2016

Stogie Shirt

Help us out. Buy our stuff!

Local Treasure: Asher Edelson

Florida Latinos Turning Liberal

That view is supported in new research that suggests Cuban Americans in Florida are uniting, particularly the younger generation who will consider more liberal candidates, with other Latinos across party lines in the 2016 election. A new survey indicates that 65 percent of Florida Latinos say they don’t believe the GOP cares about them or is sometimes hostile to Latinos. That number is similar to the 73 percent of Latinos nationally who feel the same way about the GOP, according to the poll. here

Pat Kemp For All The Right Reasons

Fight For 15

Stop TBX

Yes on 2!

LGBT Equality

Supports The Centre for Girls

Took The #FLfor15 Challenge

Endorsed by Betty Castor, Ed Turanchik and Tampa Bay Times, Tampa Tribune, Sierra Club, Linda Saul-Sena, Tampa City Council Members: Yvonne Yoli Capin, Mary Mulhern, Lisa Montelione, State Representative Betty Reed, Former Legislators: Sen. Dan Gelber, Rep. Sara Romeo, Rep. Mary Figg, Sen. Helen Gordon Davis and this blog.

Join the tean here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Baked Fish
With Moro and Platanos
At La 41 Meat Market in Lutz
Visit them here. Eat Local!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Tampa City Council Stop Wasting Our Money On Consultants

We will give you this advice for free. Head on down to the Robert W. Saunders, Sr. Library and check out their display of what I4 and I275 did to Tampa.  The county spent all that money on consultants for 
GO Hillsborough and what did that get us? The start of the solution is simple. Buy the CSX tracks and some trains. Is someone on the council also in bed with 
Beth Leytham? here
City Council remember you work for us, not FDOT. The state tried taking away the power of cities with Fracking and they lost. You want to keep your jobs or move up? Check this out!
Huntersville NC. Mayor Jill Swain and two town commissioners were booted from office because of residents’ anger about the state’s plans to widen Interstate 77 with toll lanes. here

If FDOT wants to go to war with Tampa, bring it on!

Planned Parenthood of Florida Targeting Five Republicans And One Democrat

For abortion vote

The legislators under fire: 

Florida GOP

Jeff Atwater
Mike Fasano
Gayle Harrell
Doug Holder
Matt Hudson

and Dem Darren Soto

The Opa-locka Mob

In the past three years, thousands of dollars has been paid to prominent city officials. FBI tapes have exposed an organized network that turned the levers of government into a cash generator for themselves and others, the Miami Herald has learned. here

Florida INC. To Forfeit $250 Million In Aid To Help Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

The state did not apply for the federal foreclosure assistance, the most recent and perhaps most egregious fumble in a disappointing string of actions by the Florida Housing Finance Corp., which manages the state's Hardest Hit programs. The agency has failed to properly manage $1 billion in foreclosure aid it had previously received from the federal government. here

John Morgan: Bring It On

We knew it was going to happen at some point. Mel Sembler - Sheldon Adelson's BFF and the leader of the "No on 2" campaign in 2014 announced today that he plans to spend $10 million to defeat medical marijuana this fall.
I've got a message for Mel Sembler: BRING. IT. ON.
No amount of money and lies are going to stop us from winning this time.
I need your help TODAY. Make a donation to the campaign now
and send Mel Sembler and all those who would seek to stand in the way of compassion a message:

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rep. Grayson: The tragedy of Andrew Joseph III

Florida INC. CEO Rick Scott: Corporate Welfare Over Kids

He vetoed legislation that was passed unanimously by the Legislature that would have given dental care to low income children in underserved areas so that he could let his executive directors travel the world at  taxpayers' expense. here

Don't Inhale In Hillsborough County

Hillsborough County just received a failing grade from the American Lung Association in its annual “State of the Air” report. here

Rick Scott's California To Florida Jobs Pipeline

He announced he will be leading a domestic trade mission to California in May and meet with businesses about possibly moving to the Sunshine State. “Our goal is to create the California-to-Florida jobs pipeline,” said Scott in a statement. As Governor (Jerry) Brown works diligently to drive businesses away from California, Florida can partner in providing locations for job creators who are looking to grow jobs and opportunities for families.” In his statement Wednesday, he said California’s $15-an-hour minimum wage, combined with “high taxes and burdensome regulations” will make job creation challenging. here

Protect Lake Okeechobee From Florida INC.

Proclaim Lake Okeechobee a National Monument through The Antiquities Act. here