Friday, May 13, 2016

Yes On 2: Join The Party

Check this out. 
Victory Party in Ybor City, Florida

Susan Smith Rant

"Democratic powers-that-be support Blue Dogs/DLC/New Dems (many of whom are former Republicans). When these weak Democrats win, party leaders spend all of their time complaining that these DINOs won't work together with the caucus. The DINOs vote with Republicans giving them "bi-partisan" cover for shitty legislation. Voters then stay home at election time because they are disappointed in Democrats and don't know what we stand for." Susan Smith

Thursday, May 12, 2016

CIW: Boycott Wendys Tampa Bay

We have stood with 
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers 
for a long time.
They are asking for your help.
That is not a problem around here, we only eat local.  

How Payday Lenders Invested In Florida INC.

Payday lenders have donated about $2.5 million to Florida politicians and both political parties in recent years, according to a new analysis by a liberal group.
The group gave the Miami Herald an advanced copy of its new report, “A Florida Plan: How payday lenders bought Florida’s political establishment.” The report lists donations given to federal and state candidates as well as the state’s Republican and Democratic parties since 2009.
Overall, Republicans received $1.6 million and Democrats received about $890,000, while $29,000 went to independents. But the top individual recipients were South Florida Democrats:
▪ U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings of Delray Beach: $110,700;
▪ Former U.S. Rep Kendrick Meek, who ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010: $72,800;
▪ U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter, who is running for the Senate: $51,000;
▪ Wasserman Schultz of Weston: $50,600.
The Republican Party of Florida received $1,083,447, and the Florida Democratic Party received about $366,500.

Seminole Heights FDOT Meeting May 5th

They didn't want anymore of this. here

Miami Pot Scores High

61% -36%
In favor of medical marijuana

Tampa Hoods

Tampa Heights Corner of Florida and Palm.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Is Susan Smith And Deborah Mary Newell Leaving The Democratic Party?

"Count me in that (one-third of voters). I'm going to vote for Alan Grayson in Florida's August primary for Senate, then I'm out of the Democratic Party for good. Same thing with the husband and both voting-age sons. Well-done, Democratic Party! I'm hard-pressed to think of a more disappointing, corrupt establishment purporting to represent "progress". Deborah Mary Newell

"I came close to leaving the Democratic Party in 2010 over its ineptitude. If what I heard this afternoon is true--that someone in the Miami Dade Democratic Party is trying to push Senator Dwight Bullard out of his Senate run--then that could be it for me. Senator Bullard is a champion for women, minorities, low-income communities and the public schools. He is a progressive hero. If the party tries to push him out to make room for (yet another) former Republican, I will be done." Susan Smith

Florida INC. Keeping Wages Down

Florida INC. CEO Rick Scott is encouraging economic refugees to move here, to a state with low wages and scarce jobs. More people seeking scarce jobs would help keep labor costs down in Florida, by making sure that existing workers have more competition, and employers don't. It's yet another great way to keep wages down. here

Ringling's Circus Elephants Retire to Florida

The last 11 touring elephants from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus kicked off their retirement in Florida on Friday with a buffet brunch of carrots, apples, celery, loaves of bread and lots of hay.

Florida Progressive Hero Senator Dwight Bullard Wants Legal Recreational Weed

Sen. Dwight Bullard, D-Miami, filed a detailed proposal on Monday that would allow people age 21 and older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana for personal use and to cultivate up to six marijuana plants. here
Great job Senator!

Oligarch Rick Scott Laying Ruin To Florida

Scott’s net worth, according to the Tampa Bay Times, went from $84 million in 2012 to $132 million in 2013 to $147 million by the summer of 2015. In 2009, the year before Scott was elected governor, he feared health insurance reform would endanger corporate profits and formed the anti-Obamacare pressure group Conservatives for Patients Rights. Despite being reelected by a narrow margin in 2014, Scott remains unpopular in Florida; in most polls, his approval ratings have generally been in the low 40s. Scott, a persistent opponent of health care reform, has a long history of profiting from the U.S.’ troubled health care system. here

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

John Bachtell - Communist Party USA In The Heights

5.12 - 6 pm
Lee's Grocery
A discussion with John Bachtell, national chair of the CPUSA, on this year's campaigns and struggles in the long, anti-racist, for women's control of their bodies, peace, immigration reform.... Tampa Bay People Before Profits. RSVP

DWS: Numbers Rahm-ba in #FL-23

Community Roots Collective In The Heights

Visit them on Facebook

Ben Pollara: You Vote?

 "Moocher Mel Sembler has promised to collect $10 million of his friends' money to try and keep this medicine out of the hands of patients.  In 2014, Mel got a billionaire to put in $6 million, and it cost patients 2 years of suffering. We must raise millions between now and the end of Summer. We need to make sure voters throughout the state know why they should vote for Amendment 2. Don't assume they know already: This is, because of the presidential race, a larger pool of voters than in 2014." Ben Pollara
Help United For Care here

You vote? John Morgan warned you in 2014 that if you didn't we would lose. Get it right this time. 
Register to vote florida

Still Walking- Nakba68 In Ybor

5.14 - 8 PM

Florida INC. Schools

In case you missed it, Newpoint Education Partners, which operated four struggling schools in Pinellas and one shuttered school in Hillsborough, was indicted by a grand jury last week on grand theft and other charges relating to three Pensacola schools. Millions of dollars in grants and state funds flowed through those schools, which begs an obvious question:
Who's responsible for this mess? The simple answer is the management group. But that's a cop-out. When you give a for-profit company access to taxpayer funds with minimal oversight, should you really be shocked when money is missing? here