Saturday, October 1, 2016

Tampa Catching Up With The World

Marion Transit Center

Now lets do it countywide.
Riverside, CA. and Richmond VA. do it. 

Rick Scott Wants $250 Million For Corporate Welfare

 Saying Florida needs to be in "the game" of trying to lure new companies, Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday said he will ask state legislators to give him $85 million in the coming year for Corporate Welfare. here

Tampa's Concrete Rose Collective

Roger at The House

Visit them here

Florida GOP And Alex Jones

Team Pat Kemp @ USF

Wayne Schucker

Jerry Weeks

Join the team here

Friday, September 30, 2016

Marco Rubio: Traitor, Backstab and Betrayal

Juan Escalante thought Marco Rubio was on the cusp of being a hero to him and thousands of children brought to Florida by undocumented immigrant parents. Now he wants to end the U.S. senator's political career for good.
"He abandoned us, we cannot forget that he has backstabbed our community time and time again when it comes to immigration."

Party With Lisa Montelione In Ybor

10.4 - 5:30PM
Florida Cane Distillery

Howard Frankland Bridge Under Attack By The Florida DOT

The Florida Department of Transportation plans to give one of four lanes (Which we all have paid for with our tax dollars) in each direction on the Howard Frankland Bridge to the rich folks who can 
afford to use it. 
At a recent candidate forum in Temple Terrace, transit champion Pat Kemp who was allotted only a couple minutes to speak said this:

" They're taking away a lane you now use, and they're turning it into a congestion, high-priced toll lane, a lane that we pay for with our general revenue, all the rest of us who can't afford to pay that will be stuck in even more 
congestive traffic."

The guy she is running against was not at that forum but he told the Times he thought DOT's plan for the bridge was just one option and that community concerns would have pushed the agency to reconsider. 

Tim Schock is a transportation consultant and previously worked as an executive for TransCore, the company that developed the toll collection device called SunPass used on Florida's toll roads. 
He supports TBX.

This Novenber, VOTE wisely!
Whoever wins the commission seat on Nov. 8 
could have an opportunity to sway the debate.

Jessica Rose Rocks Hyde Park Tonight

7PM At Irish 31

Racism & the Struggle for Liberation with Author Eugene Puryear In Tampa

10.1 - 7PM
Sacred Grounds Coffee House

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Investigate Florida DEP's Cover-Up Of Water Poisoning

Phosphate mining company Mosaic reported that a sinkhole opened beneath a pile of waste material at a mine in Polk County, leaking 200 million gallons of radioactive waste into Florida’s main aquifer. Although Mosaic informed regulators including DEP about the incident on August 27th, the public was not informed until September 15th. 
Sign on to our letter demanding the Office of Inspector General (OIG) fully investigate why Gov. Scott’s DEP actively covered up this incident for weeks rather than informing the public of a potential public health threat. here

The Citrus Taliban Is Suing The Florida High School Athletic Association

Cambridge Christian School of Tampa is suing the state’s high-school athletics oversight body over its ban on pre-game prayer broadcast over loudspeakers. here

Florida GOP Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry went on Twitter, calling the decision “absurd,” “cockamamie,” and saying it was “ridiculous that two private Christian schools were denied the right to pray before the game.”

Trump Deplorables In Melbourne

Florida GOP Sandy Murman's Publicity Stunt

“I think Sandy Murman’s plan was a gimmick to get in the headlines.” 

The Democrat trying to oust Sandy Murman from the Hillsborough County Commission says she was disingenuous when she offered an alternative to a proposed transportation tax last fall.
Learn more about Ms. Murman here

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief: Solidarity not Charity In Tampa

10.1 - 6:30PM
Sacred Grounds Coffee House

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Shit In The Water At Tampa Bay Beaches

Tampa Bay area residents and visitors may want to think twice before diving into the waters at two Hillsborough County beaches. The Hillsborough County Health Department issued an advisory for Ben T. Davis Beach Tuesday as a warning remained in effect for E.G. Simmons Park. here

Florida GOP Deborah Clark Disrespectful To The LGBT Community

Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Deborah Clark’s push to register new voters at nine Chick-Fil-A restaurants located throughout Pinellas is not sitting well with the Pinellas County Stonewall Democrats, who say the decision is highly partisan and is “completely disrespectful” to the LGBT community. here