Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lenny For Tampa Mayor Fan


Florida GOP Stacy White has costed us $158,000 and counting

Public agencies are spending thousands on lawyers to defend a lawsuit by County Commissioner Stacy White that challenges the voter-approved measure.

Hillsborough Circuit Judge Rex Barbas ruled last week that White could not challenge the tax in his official capacity as a county commissioner. HERE 

Florida GOP James Grant Takes On Ocasio-Cortez


Truth to Tower in Tampa

Friday, March 22, 2019

Lenny For Tampa Mayor New Website

Extinction Rebellion Tampa Bay Comes To Tampa

Ybor Rob: First Amendment Audit Orient Road Jail

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Fox News anchor Shannon Bream  is scheduled to keynote a fundraiser for a conservative group alongside Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and 
Ashley Moody.

The group, James Madison Institute, describes itself as “Florida’s premier free-market think tank.” The organization has ties to billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch.

UF Wants Wendy's Off Campus

The University of Florida Student Government escalated student pressure on Wendy’s – and on UF President Kent Fuchs.

 Voted unanimously to call on the UF administration to cut the university’s contract with Wendy’s until the fast-food giant joins the Fair Food Program. The vote came just days after students, farmworkers and Gainesville community members organized a huge march on President Fuchs’ office, demanding action in support of Florida farmworkers’ fundamental human rights. here

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Tampa Locavore: Top 5 Ybor Restaurants

Florida GOP Mike Hill just knows the schools are full of porn

A pair of bills introduced in the Florida state legislature are aimed at cleaning all the dirty books from Florida schools, and at jailing any librarians or teachers who might allow a student to read filth like A Clockwork Orange or Toni Morrison's Beloved or The Bluest Eye. 
he bills, were pushed by the rightwing Florida Citizens Alliance.

"The purpose of the bill is to remove pornography out of our public schools, which is existing there today. I've seen it firsthand [...] It is simply trying to protect our children." 
Mike Hill

Ybor Rob: First Amendment Audit (ARRESTED) Follow Up

Shameless Florida GOP

Florida GOP Readies Poll Tax to Nullify Ex-Felons’ Voting Rights

Florida’s Republican-controlled Legislature is moving to roll back parts of a historic November constitutional amendment that reinstated voting rights for convicted felons. HERE

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Seeking Shelter- Exploring the Affordable Housing Crisis - Tampa

Bernie is not a Democrat


What Stogie Had For Lunch

Beef Brisket 
With Potatoes and Beans
At Holly Hogs BBQ - Downtown Tampa


Support for Rob Lorei

Wow! What a turnout for last night’s WMNF Board meeting! Thank you! More than 150 people packed the boardroom and hallway outside to show the board what they thought of the decision to fire me. Later- during a closed session of the board I was given ten minutes to make my case that the firing should be overturned. The board members were polite and listened closely. An issue that board members kept raising was “Doesn’t Craig have the absolute right to fire any staffer- even if his reasons aren’t valid?” Clearly some board members lean to the conservative/corporate side when it comes to treatment of employees! Economist Richard Wolff would have some choice words for these board members.

What this means is that letters to the board still count. If you believe in enlightened employee relations please let them know. The board is likely to make a final decision this week. Like I said last night- it will take the rest of my life to thank you for supporting me by speaking last night, emailing, petitioning, calling and otherwise challenging this miscarriage of justice. However this turns out- when you see me- remind me of your support and I’ll buy you an adult beverage. Long May You Run!

Florida Jim Crow Republicans

Florida Republicans, seeking to keep power in the swing state, were doing everything they could to restrict the voting rights of felons that were restored under a constitutional amendment in November. HERE