Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Michele Bachmann

Florida lawmakers were urged to demonstrate courage and be a strong voice for the faith community when serving the public. Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann delivered the keynote address Tuesday for the Florida Faith & Freedom Coalition annual prayer breakfast. here

Brand GOP

Tampa protest disrupts event honoring Israeli Occupation Forces

A group of ten activists stood out in front of the University of South Florida (USF) Hillel building, April 12, in protest of a vigil being held for Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). here

Percy Sledge RIP

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

May Day On The Streets Of Ybor

TBT Looser Of The Week: Ken Detzner

Rick Scott's lapdog  
Has been consistent on one thing: Opposing any idea that makes voting more convenient for Floridians. here

#‎Gainesville‬ man pulled over by Deputies dressed in military clothing & driving an armored vehicle

NextGen Climate to Sink GOP Climate-Change Deniers in Florida

 A billionaire environmentalist is pledging to spend whatever it takes to defeat climate-change deniers in Florida and four other presidential swing states.

We Care for Paws Foundation - Florida

Non-profit 501c(3) dog and cat shelter in Florida. Founded and operated by 
military veterans.

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Florida INC. - Corporate Owned And Operated


Monday, April 13, 2015

New Poll: Florida Voters Want Medical Marijuana, Decriminalized Weed

Elizabeth Warren for President 2016

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Melissa
Homeless 2 years, she is from New York

Florida Support The Fight For $15 In Your Community

April 15th, 2015, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Sign Up Now

Miami Fight for 15 March & Rally

April 15th, 2015, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Sign Up Now

Orlando Fight for 15 Strike and Buses To 

St. Petersburg 

April 15th, 2015
Strike In Orlando: 5:45am
First Bus To St. Pete: 7:30am
Second Bus To St. Pete: 1:00pm
Sign Up Now

Pinellas Fight for 15 Rally St. Petersburg

April 15th, 2015, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Sign Up Now

Tampa Fight for 15 Rally & March

April 15th, 201, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Sign Up Now

Florida INC. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg

Senate Bill 896 would shift the costs for moving utility lines on road and infrastructure projects from utility companies to taxpayers. Under current law, if a local government widens or improves a public road, the utility company must move or remove lines in the affected area at no cost to the government. SB 896 (and its companion in the House, HB 391) would shift that cost responsibility to the counties and municipalities — i.e. local taxpayers — for projects that are inside a public right-of-way and that are related to water and sewer improvements, stormwater/swale improvements, bicycle lanes, streetscapes, etc. here

"Corporate utility companies make large political contributions to legislators, while local governments cannot. The motivation behind virtually every bad bill can best be understood by following the money."
Robert Karl Hutchinson

in Cuba: Obama more popular than Fidel, Raúl Castro

Barack Obama 
Is more popular among Cubans than either of the Castro brothers who have ruled the island for the past five and a half decades, according to a new poll secretly conducted there last month. here

C4G Tampa Summer Camp

Sunday, April 12, 2015

We Love Brian Willis, But!

He is running against the legendary 
Pat Kemp,
 what a waste. 
He should run for something else.

Pat Kemp For County Commissioner,
 Dist. 6

Hispanic Right Wing Media Scramble To Anoint "Most Hispanic" Label To Jeb Bush And Ted Cruz

Hispanic conservative media personalities rushed to defend whether GOP presidential hopefuls Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz "deserve" to be labeled 
the most Hispanic candidate

Ignoring polls that show Latinos care about policies, not personality, and both candidates advocate conservative policies at odds with 
the vast majority of Latino voters. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Steak and Eggs
With Grits
At Wings N Weenies in Sarasota

Stop The Florida GOP

Spring Leaf Freedom Festival in Ybor

Saturday, April 18 at 3:00pm - 9:00pm
Ybor City, Florida

Ed Dean Calls Bob Buckhorn A Liberal

Buckhorn’s reasons for supporting the Obama administration executive order are aligned with other liberal mayors throughout the country, claiming it would increase local tax revenue, stimulate local economies and improve public safety by strengthening neighborhoods. 
But Buckhorn hasn’t taken into account the cost of welfare, how it will drain the local tax base and hurt the economy, not to mention the increased costs for public schools. Liberals often play up the emotional side of the illegal immigration issue without stopping to examine the costs. Buckhorn would be wise to look at all sides of the ledger. here Is he talking about our Mayor?

Saturday, April 11, 2015