Friday, June 24, 2016

Orlando Prosecutor Suspended For Racist Facebook Rant

Scott And Bondi's Discrimination Against LGBT Floridians

Gov. Scott has fought to maintain discrimination against LGBT Floridians since being elected. He and his Attorney General, Pam Bondi, vowed to never allow same sex marriage and spent tens of thousands in taxpayer funds to fight all court decisions that upheld equality. Bondi so strongly supported LGBT discrimination that in 2014, she said marriage equality must never be allowed because “that would impose significant public harm.” That was both divisive and untrue. Well, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for equality, and Scott and Bondi lost – resoundingly. But they clearly have not learned anything, since their campaign to discriminate against LGBT people lives on. here

Tourist Beware: Don't Drink Florida Water

With minimum public input, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has been working for four years on a proposal that could let more cancer-causing toxins be released into the state’s surface waters. Most Floridians have been kept in the dark regarding the plan that will cause great harm to the state’s aquatic environment, residents and visitors, according to activists and some elected officials. here

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Register To Vote Florida

Spent the day registering voters with my new friends in Belmont Heights. Thanks, you guys are awesome!

Miami Women Visit Dentist For Reproductive Healthcare

A group of women in Miami walked into a dental office seeking pap smears and treatment for yeast infections. About a dozen women crowded into a dental clinic at the Jessie Trice Community Health Center in Miami. "I came to see the dentist," said Yolanda Davis. "I have a bad yeast infection." Rosalie Whylie asked the receptionist if she could make an appointment for a pap smear. A representative from the dental clinic, who did not identify herself, told the women the dentists do not offer those types of services. But the women insisted, saying that Florida's GOP-led legislature instructed them to come to a dental clinic for women's health care. here

Fire Marco Rubio For Not Doing His Job

Rubio has gained a reputation for hating his job and seems to have all but given up on doing it, racking up the Senate’s “the worst attendance record, missing 35 percent, or 120 of the 339 roll votes” last year. He even skipped votes on bills that he talked about on the presidential campaign trail. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Moo Goo Gai Pan
With Fried Rice
At China 1 in Ybor City

Florida Woman arrested after allegedly threatening to blow up Sunrise mosque

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ybor Paparazzi

At Elmer's Sports Cafe
Visit them here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Pam Bondi

Pam Bondi had shown that her priority wasn't the public.
Bondi joined the lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act. Last summer, Bondi also joined the lawsuit against the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming and sea level rise. According to a study  no state faces a greater threat from rising seas than Florida. Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Jacksonville are the cities most at risk. Yet Bondi would block the program that allows states to create plans for reducing emissions by 2020. here
Given her resistance to the Affordable Care Act and the Clean Power Plan, it is no surprise that Bondi placed her political interests above the interests of Floridians who complained to the state that Trump University scammed them. The difference is the clarity of Bondi's selfishness.

Ybor City Roosters

In Ybor roosters rule!

Vote For Solar Florida

The Florida August Primary Election is right around the corner and Amendment 4, a proposal to remove taxes on solar power, 
is on the ballot. here
To sign up to vote by mail, visit Don’t live in Florida? Share this blog with pro-solar family and friends in the Sunshine State!

Florida INC. Income Inequality

The top 1 percent of wage earners in Florida make $1.27 million on average, nearly 35 times more than the bottom 99 percent, for which the average income is $36,530. here

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dezeray Lyn: Fuck Jails. Fuck Judges

"I have to let everyone in Tampa know that we are now safer... I sat in a courtroom this morning doing jail solidarity and watched the police/judge keep my community 'safe' by delivering 'justice' in the form of sentencing a young houseless man to a year in jail for stealing food worth less than ten dollars from 7-11. 

This came from a judge who ten minutes earlier started shouting and had a young man arrested for his phone ringing in court. This is from the judge, "IF YOUR PHONE RINGS IN CHURCH, GOD SENDS YOU TO HELL! IN MY COURTROOM YOU GET SENT TO JAIL!" 

One young man facing life in prison who wouldn't take a plea deal because he insisted upon his innocence was treated like absolute shit for it. And our friend... Navigating life with mental health issues and crushing poverty will have a year in jail to review his 'crime' of thinking that food was a human right. One might assume that the poverty driving people to steal food, and the fact that so many thousands of our community members are on the streets, food insecure, hungry and lacking adequate medical care, would be an indictment of the ciry rather than the community members themselves. Fuck jails. Fuck judges." 
Dezeray Lyn

Rick Scott's Florida Neglect Of Children

Florida's children have fallen behind in economic well-being and health, earning the state the rank of 40th out of the 50 states in the latest annual report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. here

Register To Vote Florida

Meet Marilyn 
Registering people to vote in Ybor City

Walk with Kevin in the Brandon 4th of July Parade!

July 4th - 10AM

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Citrus Taliban In Tampa

A Christian local government employee in Tampa has claimed that flying a Pride flag in wake of the Orlando shootings has created a “hostile work environment”. here

It is unclear why a worker would anonymously complain to a Republican anti-LGBT Commissioner but not to their direct superiors or anyone who could actually respond to their concerns beyond using them to make a political point.

Stop TBX Speak Up And Then Drink Up!

Several local establishments will thank those who attend and speak at the MPO Board meeting on June 22nd to StopTBX, by providing a free beer or soft drink after the meeting! here

6.22 - 6PM
MPO board meeting to vote on funding TBX here

Florida Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis A National Embarrassment

Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis posted on Facebook on Sunday that “All Orlando nightclubs should be permanently closed. With or without random gunmen they are zoos,; utter cesspools of debauchery.” here

Floridians Don't Like Marco Rubio

A survey, released Friday, found 30 percent of Floridians polled said they approved of Rubio’s job performance. Another 49 percent said they disapproved of the job Rubio was doing, while 20 percent stated they weren’t sure. here

Florida GOP Giving Away Free AR-15 Semiautomatic Rifle

Sen. Greg Evers a congressional candidate and state senator from Florida’s Panhandle announced a “Homeland Defender Giveaway” contest to give residents of the district a chance to win an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle on Independence Day. here
For 14 years, Evers has earned an A-plus rating from the NRA.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Tampa Bay Alan Grayson Campaign Starts In Ybor City

Our leader Becky Killik

Our hero Wayne Schucker

 Join the Campaign here

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Joe Kaufman

Joe Kaufman is  running against Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Tim Canova for Florida's 23rd Congressional District. On Sunday, he put out a call to shut down "every Florida radical Muslim institution" —  though he couldn't say how he'd sort out "radical" from "nonradical" ones. Kaufman is running, in essence, on a platform that boils down to "Muslims are scary." He writes often for the ultra-right-wing FrontPage Magazine, where he calls Muslims "terrorists." here