Friday, January 27, 2017

Lunch With Kelly Benjamin

Portobello Wraps

With Kelly Benjamin

At Mazzaro in St.pete

Visit them here
Thanks Kelly

Shifty Of The MCM Warns Florida Ports

Rick Scott warned Florida's ports via Twitter on Wednesday not to do business with Cuba. 
"I will recommend restricting state funds for ports that work with Cuba in my budget." 
Rick Scott

Bob Buckhorn: We are not a sanctuary city

While Tampa is not on that list, Hillsborough County is. The ACLU of Florida released a report last year identifying some 30 counties in Florida that currently have policies declining to respond to Immigration and Customers enforcement. They includes Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco and Sarasota Counties. here

What Stogie Had For Dinner

Crab Meat Loaf
With Rice
At La V in St. Pete
Visit them here

March for Science St. Pete

Like their page

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fight For 15 Protest At Hardees In St. Pete

Local Merchants: Fubar

Visit them here

Def Leppard Coming To Florida

One of our favorite bands is coming our way
Ft. Myers and Jacksonville
What about Tampa?

Florida GOP Rick Roth

Florida politicians don't like it when you take control of your own government. They want to be the ones pulling the strings ... well, they and their lobbyist pals. So Florida GOP Rick Roth has introduce a bill to make a Constitutional amendment harder to pass. He wants to raise it to 67 percent. here
BTW.  He only got 58 percent of the vote in his last election

Matewan: Fundraiser Film Screening In Tampa

Today - 7:30PM
Tampa Theatre

Shirts will be available for $25

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Jon Steverson

Jon Steverson will be leaving his job at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. His new gig is at the law firm of Foley & Lardner. In a contract signed at the end of November, the DEP agreed to pay Foley & Lardner $96,000 a year to represent Florida in meetings of the Restore Council, a coalition of states and federal agencies that oversee spending the oil spill settlement money. here
The fact that DEP's leader was hired by a company that just received a DEP contract "doesn't pass the smell test," said Ben Wilcox of the watchdog group Integrity Florida. "It's pretty stinky. It's almost like the new job is a thank-you for sending the contract their way."

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January Fight for 15 Meeting

Today - 6:30PM
Seminole Heights Library

Florida Earthship School Build Spring 2017

The earthship is partially built, your mission, should you choose,
 is to help complete it.
 We first wrote about this in 2008. 

Tracks In Need Of Trains In Tampa

Take what CXS has to offer!

Crislip Arcade In St. Pete

Visit them here

Letter From Dezeray Lyn

My name is Dezeray Lyn and I am the co-founder of Love Has No Borders, a grassroots Refugee solidarity movement based out of Tampa, FL. In light of the incoming administration’s vitriolic rhetoric rising an atmosphere and empowerment of race hatred, bigotry, xenophobia, racism, religious discrimination, white nationalism, homophobia, transphobia, neo-nazism, anti-Semitism, anti-Immigrant, anti-Women and anti-Muslim sentiment, we reach out to you in this time to show our unwavering support 
and solidarity. here

Tuesday, January 24, 2017