Saturday, April 28, 2007

Scotty's Final Ride
More than 100 people gathered in New Mexico today to bid farewell to Star Trek star James Doohan, a day before the actor's ashes are blasted into space on a private rocket. A symbolic portion of his ashes will be on board a SpaceLoft XL rocket that is scheduled to take off from a private launchpad near Las Cruces, New Mexico......more

Friday, April 27, 2007

A Humanitarian Catastrophe Now Looms Over Somalia
Where Is The US Media?

The United Nations says more people have been displaced in Somalia in the past three months than anywhere else in the world. Some 350,000 have fled fighting in Mogadishu since February, more than one-third of its population The escalating war in Somalia has received little attention in the U.S. media especially on broadcast television. Using the Lexis database, Democracy Now examined ABC, NBC and CBS's coverage of Somalia in the evening newscasts over the past three months. The result may surprise you: ABC and NBC has not mentioned the war at all. CBS mentioned the war once. The network dedicated a total of three sentences to the

I Like The Old America Better, When We Use To Care About These Things.
Dont Mess With Those Mormons
Utah Allows Guns on College Campuses
As states and colleges across the country review their gun policies in light of the tragedy, many in Utah are proud to have the nation's only state law that expressly allows the carrying of concealed weapons at public colleges......more
"If government can't protect you, you should have the right to protect yourself," said Republican state Sen. Michael Waddoups
Putting Osprey On The Map
The seaside town of Osprey will get their much-anticipated Bay Street Village & Towncenter which breaks ground next month, the 550-home mixed-use development will bring a Starbucks and boutique shops and restaurants to this seaside village. The owner of Gabby's Patisserie not far from the Bay Street site, said she looks forward to big-city amenities. She makes some of her living serving coffee to the morning commuter crowd, said she is not concerned about Starbucks stealing her customers. Her business retains the advantage of a local business selling homemade goods to local people......more
For How Long Ms. Gabby?
How Much For That Ultrasound?

Women seeking abortions in their first trimester of pregnancy could be required to have ultrasounds of their fetuses. This guys idea, Rep. Trey Traviesa,
Storms filed a separate proposal this year requiring health care workers and abortion clinics to take DNA samples from pregnant minors. A committee she ran shot down her bill, which could have used the DNA evidence for criminal prosecutions against the person who impregnated the minor.

Wikipartia Howard Dean
How The Web Is Restoring Democracy To Politics
The Internet is the most significant tool for building democracy since the invention of the printing press. People are now easily able to create, discover and connect with networks within hours, anywhere around the globe.......more

Thursday, April 26, 2007

VideoVets: Michelle Barish

Mike Gravel 2008

88.5 Pre-FCC Hearing Workshop April 28

WMNF is sponsoring a PRE-FCC HEARING workshop on Saturday April 28 at 10AM, here at the station in preparation for the FCC hearing being held in Tampa on Monday April 30th.
“For more information, call 877.888.1533 or visit
Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard
Senate Battle Over Britches

Florida State Senator Gary Siplin's bill would prohibit students from wearing their pants or shorts below the waist. Majority whip Mike Fasano (R-New Port Richey) says, that should be done at the local level. [We should be] letting our elected school board members decide that."

It's Nice To See Our Elected Officials Doing Their Jobs. We Can't Be Showing Those G-Strings.
Iraq: The Women's War
Dispatches from Iraq

A film by two Iraqi women who risked their lives to make it, recording what life is like for Iraqi civilians and the heroic efforts of Iraqi women doctors and nurses. This isn't CNN or Fox or
Stop the Funding. Stop the Lies. Stop the War.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Limbaugh Plays "Barack The Magic Negro" On His Show

Michelle Malkin, A Great Modern Conservative Thinker.

It's Time To Trade With Cuba
Capitalism's Appeal

Two things should be clear concerning America's Cuba policy: Everything the United States has tried over the past five decades has failed, and it is high time that Washington does something to help transform the country's Communist system.......more
Cheney Is Wrong About Me, Wrong About War
By George S. McGovern
Vice President Dick Cheney recently attacked my 1972 presidential platform and contended that today’s Democratic Party has reverted to the views I advocated in 1972. In a sense, this is a compliment, both to me and the Democratic Party. Cheney intended no such compliment. Instead, he twisted my views and those of my party beyond recognition......more.......h/t samm
A Baker/Iorio Bench In NPR

Howard Dean
Florida to be punished if it moves presidential primary

Not only will Florida be punished if it moves up its presidential primary before Feb. 5, but any Democratic candidate who steps foot in the state will be too, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said today......more

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Earning the American Dream

Fascist America, In 10 Easy Steps
From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all.......more

Monday, April 23, 2007

Why I Don't Believe in the GOP's God
Your God Only Cares About The Corporate Bottom Line

My God is the creator of all things; the universe and all of its wonders were his gift to mankind. But your god doesn’t care if you destroy what he has created through pollution and lack of stewardship. My God is the creator of all people, and they are equally His children. But your god is only interested in white Christians. Your god doesn’t hear the prayers of Muslims, he only hears yours......more

Letterman Top 10: W Moments, Correspondents Dinner

Hispanics Not Welcomed!
In The Liberal Enclave Of Seminole Heights

Some people in Seminole Heights, known for its arts community and aged bungalows, are irritated. The Hispanic restaurants, they say, are taking over. Some who have lived here for years now feel discriminated against because they can't read Spanish menus or communicate with waiters. Others say Hispanic restaurants don't serve their neighborhood, that they attract outsiders.......more

Wasn't Viva la Frida A Mexican Restaurant? "The beloved neighborhood landmark", Please! If SH Had Supported Angelica She Would Still Be There. "They attract outsiders" What Kind Of Remark Is That? It's A Restaurant. If They Had To Count On Only SH Showing Up They Would Go Broke. What A Bunch Of Racist Snobs. I Guess It's True The Poop Doesn't Smell In Seminole Heights................Also @............. here

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Congratulations Ségolène Royal
France Votes
Royal and conservative Nicolas Sarkozy appeared headed to a presidential runoff, setting up a stark choice between one of France's most right wing politicians and a liberal who would be the country's first female
The voter turnout rate was heading over 80 percent, nearing the record of 84.8 percent
Merkel, Royal and Clinton?
Conch Republic Independence Celebration

The Conch Republic was established by secession of the Florida Keys from the United States of America, on April 23rd, 1982 in response to a United States Border Patrol Blockade setup on highway U.S.1 at Florida City just to the north of the Florida Keys. This heinous act effectively isolated Keys Citizens from the U.S. mainland since the blockade was on our only land artery to and from the mainland. This roadblock portrayed Keys residents as non-U.S. citizens who had to prove their citizenship in order to drive onto the Florida mainland! Hardly an American thing to do!.......more
Charlie And The GOP

After three months in office, Republican Gov. Charlie Crist has earned praise from surprising quarters - Democrats, environmentalists and even The Nation, which bills itself as America's leading journal of liberal political opinion.......more

Some Of The Awful Things The Governor Has Done:

•Wetlands regulation. Saying he would veto a bill to strip local governments of the authority to regulate destruction of wetlands by developers - a measure strongly favored by developers.

•Voting machines. Joining with U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, a liberal Boca Raton Democrat, to advocate new voting machines that include a paper record of votes cast.

•Teacher meeting. Meeting in his office with representatives of the state teachers union, an organization scorned by Bush.

•Gay marriage. Announcing that he doesn't want the Republican Party to continue funding a constitutional amendment petition drive to ban gay marriage.
And Of Course state action against global warming and restoring civil rights for felons.
How Much Longer Will We Take This?
Campaign Against Alleged Voter Fraud Sought To Bolster The GOP

For six years, the Bush administration, aided by Justice Department political appointees, has pursued an aggressive legal effort to restrict voter turnout in key battleground states in ways that favor Republican political candidates, according to former department lawyers and a review of written records........more
Compromising Your Countrys Democracy, As Long As Your Side Wins.
The Police In La Habana

Response was quick and expectantly hysterical from at least one Cuban-American blogger to the news that the Police have apparently agreed to play a free concert in Havana in December. Henry Gomez, writing for Cuban-American Pundits, had this to

End The Embargo On The Cuban People

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stogie Interviews The Local Homeless
Meet Randy
He is 29, born In Panama. He has lived in Tampa 5 years. Been homeless 3 of those years. Has no family. Lives on the street. Says he doesn't want help, he just wants a job. He was crying throughout our chat.
Painting Your Heart Out In Ybor

Mayor Pam Iorio calls Paint Your Heart Out, Tampa "...the best all-volunteer program that this community has ever had." And it is!

Ava Lowery - Camp Casey Easter 2007

Hamas Says, America and Israel Will Be Annihilated
Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Sheik Ahmad Bahr from Hamas, Declared during a Friday Sermon at a Sudan Mosque that America and Israel Will Be Annihilated and Called upon Allah to Kill the Jews and the Americans "to the Very Last One" it here