Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Florida GOP Wilton Manors Commissioner Ted Galatis

Wilton Manors Commissioner Ted Galatis apologized for hurling racial slurs at a woman in a parking lot over the weekend, but maintained that he did so because he felt threatened by the passengers in the car. The woman told WTVJ that that the commissioner began hurling insults at her in the parking lot of a Publix on Sunday, where he “began calling her and her passengers ’N*ggers’.” here 

A Cuban Oil Disaster And The Florida Keys

The scenario is fiction, but the high-level attention it is drawing to a looming Florida threat is real. “The Florida keys awash in Cuban crude. here 

Rick Scott's Florida: The Most Stressed-Out State In America

What stresses you out? 
A long commute? Check. 
Being unemployed? Check. 
Working long hours? Check. 
Living in Florida? Double check.

800,000 Bird Deaths in BP Gulf Disaster

Study to be released this summer by the 
Marine Ecology Progress Series 
indicates as high as 800,000......here

Monday, June 9, 2014

CHVRCHES @ The Ritz Ybor


Rick Scott: 75 Times

Central Florida Families Living On The Edge

has the lowest average wage 
of any major city in America.
 Florida has continued to use public money to feed the low-wage beast.
"Politicians have offered tax breaks and incentives to theme parks and restaurants. They celebrate the openings of convenience stores. This is simply doubling down on low wages — and using public money
 (Corporate Welfare) to do so.....here

Darryl Rouson Is Worried About Amendment 2

Rouson’s Democratic Party has largely been supportive of the amendment on the November ballot and he says he has immense respect for the influential Orlando attorney who is spearheading the effort. “But, I am worried about the amendment,”
Rouson bluntly told about 300 community leaders at a Sarasota Tiger Bay meeting last week. here

Darryl Rouson's Bong Bill

Florida GOP is winning the gerrymandering game

Republican governors like Rick Scott 
and ALEC-infested legislatures like Florida’s are ingenious at making it difficult and inconvenient to vote. 
And there are those who would make it even harder. here

Remove Florida's LGBT Adoption Ban!

Check Out Perry Thurston, For Florida Attorney General

Pam Bondi has fought 
to deny LGBT citizens equal rights, 
to deny citizens healthcare, 
and to make it harder not easier for citizens to exercise their right to vote.
 Check Out 
Perry Thurston 
Democrat  For Attorney General

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stogie's Gift Shop

Check out our other stuff here

Lakeland Cop Javier Perez

There is a controversy surrounding another confrontation between a police officer and a citizen over 
filming officers in public.   
The latest story has a weird twist. Critics are alleging that, after Michael Burns had a confrontation with Lakeland officer Javier Perez, the officer allegedly placed an anonymous call to claim that Burns was
 masturbating in his car. here

Hate group leader Tony Perkins Thanks Pam Bondi

Attorney General Bondi
 is tough to come by. 
Do your part to thank her for her courage 
by sending her a message." - 
  Hate group leader Tony Perkins more
Who is Tony Perkins?

Welcome to the new Venice

On a recent afternoon, Scott McKenzie watched torrential rains and a murky tide 
swallow the street 
outside his dog-grooming salon. Within minutes, much of this stretch of chic
South Beach was flooded 
ankle-deep in a fetid mix of rain and sea. “Welcome to the new Venice,”
 McKenzie joked as 
salt water surged from the sewers......more>
Florida’s top Republican politicians are challenging the science and balking at government fixes.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Out Of Touch Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Ybor City Drug Crime

 Last February Matthew Heller was returning to his truck after having attended a Juicy J concert in Ybor City, “When he jumps in his truck, it was torn apart inside, wires had been yanked out, the paneling had some scratches on it…” One might think that maybe it was a burglar who had been inside his truck, but nope. It was TPD, and Mr. Heller knows that because they did leave a note saying exactly what they did. Here
Soon we can avoid all this and TPD can fight real crime.

Rubio's Climate Change Problem

Public Policy Polling 
shows voters by a 56 percent to 33 percent margin trust scientists more than Rubio. here

Florida Vote Yes On 2

Litbrit On BBC World Radio

Talking about Edward Snowden

Friday, June 6, 2014

Dear Mr. Rubio

Thank you very much for your e-mail
"Thank you for contacting me regarding marijuana usage.  I understand this is an important issue to you and I appreciate hearing your thoughts.  
Up front, let me say we disagree.
The use of illegal drugs has a profound impact on many people in our country, especially children.  Drugs contribute to violent crime and enrich international crime organizations.  More than that, they destroy lives and undermine our society.  The federal government has an important role to play in combatting drug trafficking and the criminal organizations that benefit from it. 
H.R. 499 the "Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013", was introduced by Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado. This legislation seeks to remove marijuana from the list of Schedule I controlled substances.  H.R. 499 has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy, and Forestry.  There is no companion legislation for H.R. 2306 in the Senate. I cannot support blanket legalization for marijuana and I would like to see more scientific research and data before changing the laws on medicinal marijuana.  
It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as your United States Senator.  I appreciate you offering your opinion on this issue.  If I can ever be of any assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me."
Sincerely, Marco Rubio, Uited States Senator

First of all Mr. Rubio, drugs do not contribute to violent crime, drug laws do.
and second instead of enriching international crime organizations
we could be enriching our states coffer. This is going to pass, with or without your support. So you better get used to it.

Florida DINO Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The age of progressive politics I am 
highly disappointed in 
DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz
She obviously doesn’t understand the benefits of medical marijuana and hasn’t bothered to understand Amendment 2, either. 
She was irrelevant in the Democratic Party before this, now she is siding with 
Pam Bondi and Rick Scott 
She is neither compassionate 
nor progressive.”

John Morgan, Chairman, United for Care
“As a constituent of Rep. Wasserman Schultz and the father of a little girl who suffers from terrible seizures that could be alleviated by the use of medical marijuana, I find her remarks extremely troubling and disappointing. I don’t know how Congresswoman Schultz would feel if she was getting constant text messages from home every single day letting her know that her young child was suffering from yet another of hundreds of debilitating and potentially deadly seizures, but I suspect her view on Amendment 2 would be quite different. I hope no one in her family ever has to experience what my Becca does every day, and I hope that she reconsiders her position on this life or death issue.” 
Visit United for Care

Meet The Republicans Who Are Definitely Not Scientists

Serial Bride Pam Bondi

Her marriages, divorces, and out-of-wedlock relationships are her business – not state business. But it’s hypocritical of this serial bride to use sanctimonious arguments to try to convince a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and SAVE on behalf of gay and lesbian couples seeking to have their out-of-state marriages recognized in Florida. more>

The Florida Doctrine of Medical Necessity

Right now there is a provision in Florida law that allows the use of medical marijuana 
for certain patients. 
The Florida Doctrine of Medical Necessity 
is not well known but it is being used by people here in state who say medicinal marijuana is their last hope. The use of medical marijuana has been legal in Florida for medical use for more than two decades. more> 

Right-Wing Hypocrites

You got to hand it to American conservatives. 
They may not be rational,
 but at least they’re consistent. here

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rick Scott to Attend Fundraiser at the Home of a Tax Cheat (Cancelled)

Scott has raised gobs of money to fuel his campaign—and apparently he isn't especially particular about where it comes from.On Saturday, he is scheduled to appear at a $10,000-a-person fundraiser at the Boca Raton home of James Batmasian, a powerful real estate developer and philanthropist in the state who also has done hard time for tax evasion......more

Scott cancelled the fundraiser 

Call Rick Scott, Ask Him To Veto HB1047

This morning, HB1047 arrived on Scott's desk.  Please take a moment now to call 850.488.7146 
and ask him to veto this anti-woman bill.  
Then, join Ruth's List and help send legislators 
you can be proud of to Tallahassee.  Just click here.
Help replace Tallahassee's radical Republicans

Lawton Chiles Niece, U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan Coming To Tampa

She grew up in Lakeland and is a niece of the great Senator Lawton Chiles.

More Men Will Be Raped In Florida Thanks To Rick Scott

How To Vote By Mail In Florida