Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's Bizarre In Florida

Florida, well-known for its theme parks and beaches, has another - more dubious - distinction, a tendency toward bizarre news and 2007 was no exception. There was the battle over former Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith's body, the city manager who was fired after he became a she, and the love triangle involving the female astronaut who drove 1 609km, allegedly using diapers to save time, to confront a romantic

North American Union

Controlling the scared and the lazy is simple.

Bruce Gagnon - Swords into Plowshares

Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space will be speaking at 7:00 P.M. Friday evening, January 4th.
Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road in Clearwater, Florida
Bruce is an expert on the rise of the Military Industrial Complex, the on going space weapons program and the urgent need to transition our "war economy" into a new paradigm of productivity and peace. There is no charge. Donations will be taken. Canned goods accepted.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tent City In Suburbia

Between railroad tracks and beneath the roar of departing planes sits “tent city”, a terminus for homeless people. It is not, as might be expected, in a blighted city centre, but in the once-booming suburbia of southern California. The unraveling of the region known as the Inland Empire reads like a 21st century version of The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck’s novel about families driven from their lands by the Great

Friday, December 21, 2007

Florida Identifies 272 Impaired Waterbodies For Cleanup

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, DEP, has identified five groups of waterbodies that are impaired and in need of water monitoring, cleanup and restoration. In the latest round of evaluating impairments in the surface waters of Florida, DEP Deputy Secretary Mimi Drew signed a final order on December 12 targeting 272 impaired waters for cleanup in the Everglades, Indian River Lagoon, Perdido, Springs Coast and Upper East Coast

The Legacy Of The Dean Campaign

I believed that we had to stay steady and hang in there, donate to the party and vote loyally...that we would make a difference. I am trying to still trust, but it appears lately there is an agenda already pre-set that doesn't need us and in fact finds the netroots rather cumbersome to have hanging around. I hope I am

The Frank Factor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
--Edmund Burke

Mr. River Alan Wright

We have just been informed by Alan's life partner, John Wilsusen, that our dear friend, Alan Wright, died early this morning at Melech Hospice in Temple Terrace. We feel blessed to have known this pure soul. Our gratitude for his friendship and tireless work for the Hillsborough River is beyond,

Democracy In The Crescent City

Police used chemical spray and stun guns Thursday on protesters who tried to force their way into a City Council meeting, the latest strife over plans to demolish some 4,500 public housing units in a redevelopment project that council members ended up unanimously

"That our fundamental principle that every resident has the right to return to better housing will not be empty promises but words in action."......Ray Nagin

To Pander To The Right-Wing Elements In The Cuban Community

Top Florida officials say they treated the politically charged custody fight over a young Cuban girl like any other case, but documents obtained by The Associated Press show they took extraordinary steps to stop the youngster's father from taking her back to the communist
Rather than allowing Izquierdo to take his girl home, DCF hired 19 lawyers and spent over $250,000 to oppose their reunification.

US Worse Than Britain During Its Imperial Heyday

The Archbishop of Canterbury
Has said that the United States wields its power in a way that is worse than Britain during its imperial heyday. Rowan Williams claimed that America’s attempt to intervene overseas by “clearing the decks” with a “quick burst of violent action” had led to “the worst of all worlds”
“Our modern western definition of humanity is clearly not working very well"

God, Guns And Guts

Dale Mabry Hwy. And Van Dyke Rd.

Howard Dean: Economy to Be a Big Issue

"The economy is really alarming a lot of Americans," he says, noting that people are afraid of losing their homes and their jobs. In a year-end interview with U.S. News, he added that the party of an incumbent president usually pays a severe price when the economy goes bad—and that's what will happen to the Republicans in next year's

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Is Stogie A Sucker For Ron Paul?

I smell a false-populist, false revolution. Recognize Ron Paul's phony rallying cry to protect the constitution as a ploy by the "Republican" party to continue their destruction our republic....... Mark Frankenberg
What Happen To "Vox" On "Tampa Blab?"

Fantasy League Election: Bill 92 vs Barack 08

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gov. Crist May Sue Insurers

Gov. Charlie Crist has asked three trial lawyers to build a case for a possible class-action lawsuit against property insurers, alleging that the industry hasn't passed on savings to consumers as required by a new Florida law.......more
"I would give the insurance industry an F, a dead F, because I think they have failed not only what the law requires, I think they have morally failed the people of Florida."

"Don't Tase Me, Bro!" Named Top Phrase Of '07

Little did University of Florida student Andrew Meyer know back in September that his 15 minutes of fame would live on in the pantheon of dubious utterances after he disrupted a speech by Sen. John

Florida's Early Voters

Weeks before Iowa voters trudge through the snow for the presidential caucuses on Jan. 3, thousands of Florida voters will get the first crack at casting a ballot, thanks to Florida's early-voting laws. The Republican Party traditionally has dominated the absentee voting wars, but the Democrats will compete with them this year, said state Democratic Party spokesman Mark Bubriski. Republicans "have reached a ceiling as far as how many guaranteed early voters they've got," he said, and for Democrats, who have not, "the sky's the limit."
State Democrats will kick off Wednesday their "Create Change 08" campaign to recruit Democrats to sign up as "permanent absentee voters" who can vote online or by mail in every election through 2010.

Sen. Dodd Comments After the FISA Victory

Progress Energy Signs Contract For Second Waste-Wood Plant

BG&E, based in Atlanta, Ga., plans to build a power plant in north or Central Florida that will use waste wood products -- such as yard trimmings, tree bark and wood knots from paper mills -- to create electricity. It would generate about 75 megawatts, or enough electricity to power 46,000

Federal Judge Throws Out Florida Voting Law

A federal judge ordered state election officials to stop enforcing a 2-year-old voter registration law, ruling Tuesday afternoon that there is already proof that the change put in place by the GOP-controlled Florida Legislature has resulted in actual harm to real
Greg Palast: “The 2008 Election Has Already Been Stolen”

Monday, December 17, 2007


Barack Obama's rise in the polls has many pundits comparing him to JFK. But maybe he's just a more charismatic Howard
"Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line."

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Howard Dean Looking Good In Guam

"This party is a party that includes everybody and Guam is not going to be an exception. One of the first things I did when I was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee was make sure that territories had the same voting power as states,"

Tackle Sprawl Or Voters Will

With a public fuming over congestion and sprawl, state planners and legislative leaders are again seeking ways to better manage Florida's growth. But unlike years past -- when politicians and planners passed tough growth laws only to water them down afterward
they're up against a possible public

The Shameless Self-Promoter At The Tampa Convention Center

Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Speech at Free Indoor Event, Saturday December 15, 2007
Who's up for some peaceful but spirited protest? Contact Mike Fox

Clinton Accuses Obama Of Being Too Liberal

Using a curious tactic in a Democratic primary season dominated by liberals, Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday accused Barack Obama of being too far left to be elected president -- citing a decade-old questionnaire indicating Obama once opposed the death penalty and backed socialized
The Democratic Wing Of The Democratic Party.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Florida Officer Busted

Asher Wright, 20, a corrections officer with the Walton County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office, was arrested about 8:30 p.m. Friday during a road check at Smith Avenue and Kern Street. Asher’s two citations were among 47 issued during the Smith road check and another later Friday night at Cairo Road and the west bypass. The road checks had been planned for about two months. The events were designed to send a message to the public that Thomasville Police Department is serious about highway and vehicle occupant

They have "Road Checks" in Communist Cuba, there they are called "Point Of Control".

Gov. Crist Visits Solar Energy Building

Florida's governor was in Fort Lauderdale Monday for the ribbon cutting of a business that will run completely on solar power. Advanced Green Technologies Advanced Green Technologies at 2100 N.W. 21st Ave. has the largest solar-power roof in the Sunshine State for its 10,000-square-foot

Howard Dean To Speak In Guam

One Of America's Most Influential Politicians
Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the annual Jefferson/Jackson dinner at the Hyatt Regency Guam tomorrow evening. As part of the Democratic party's 50 State Strategy, Dean's visit further highlights Guam's emerging presence in the national consciousness. This latest success by the local Democratic Party may bode well as Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama both appear to be running strong in capturing national attention as well as fundraising

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jack Tanner Arrested For Jaywalking In Ft. Myers

Florida Zoo Getting 30 Puerto Rican Monkeys

Puerto Rico officials have a new plan to solve their monkey problem: export them to Central Florida. About 30 patas monkeys have been shipped to the Florida International Teaching Zoo in Sumter County as part of a larger strategy to capture, neuter, track and export packs of monkeys that have invaded the island from a defunct research facility........more
"These are animals that could become an endangered species soon in their native Africa because they are being aggressively hunted for food,"..........Mark Wilson