Thursday, January 3, 2008

Close Guantánamo Tampa Protest

January 11, 2008, is the six-year anniversary of the first arrival of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. We are calling on everyone opposed to torture and indefinite detention to WEAR ORANGE to symbolize their sadness and disgust with the national shame that is Guantánamo

Confused In Largo, Florida

No More Sexual Conduct With Animals In Florida

Bestiality isn't a crime right now in Florida. So a St. Petersburg lawmaker has filed a bill for this year's legislative session that would make it a first-degree felony for people to have sex with animals. Rep. Frank Peterman, D-St. Petersburg, crafted the bill to prevent anyone from knowingly committing bestiality, knowingly causing or aiding another person to have sex with an animal, or knowingly permitting sex with an animal at a property under his
The Netherlands

Fake Grouper, Not At The Columbia Restaurant

At many restaurants around Florida, the specialty of the house is a slab of grouper, blackened, grilled, stuffed or encrusted with pecans, sometimes on a roll, maybe with a slice of Bermuda onion. But not at Richard Gonzmart's

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

John Edwards - Time for Truth

Barack Obama - One Voice

Olivia's Kiss: Chapter 2

Cigarettes taste best right after a hit, so I took a smoke break on the balcony and looked out over Boston. The rush gone, I felt like taking a nap.........more

E-Mail From Howard Dean

The Democratic Party has never been healthier. Just look at the vigorous presidential primary we've got on our hands. Right now, every one of the Democratic campaigns is working around the clock to become our nominee, and any of them would be a great choice. But when the dust settles and people like you pick our nominee, the real challenge will begin.

This time, though, it won't be a debate of ideas with fellow Democrats. It will be against a Republican machine eager to redeem its losses in 2006, fighting to extend George Bush's policies for another four years. We've all seen the way they run campaigns, so we have to be unified and ready. We know that the Republicans are going to come at us with every scam they think up to suppress the vote. In the past, they've abused robocalls that hide their true identity, jammed the phones Democrats used for getting out the vote, and purged voters from the voter rolls. We need to be united in order to stop them.

Stand up and show our candidates, our opponents, and the country just how strong the Democratic Party is by joining me in a pledge to support the Democratic candidate for President in 2008 - no matter who wins. When we have a nominee, they'll know that thousands of Democrats from across the country are united - even if they may not have supported them in the primary.

Off Rob Lorei's Bookshelf

The Shock Doctrine
Naomi Klein

The Shock Doctrine retells the story of the most dominant ideology of our time, Milton Friedman’s free market economic revolution. In contrast to the popular myth of this movement’s peaceful global victory, Klein shows how it has exploited moments of shock and extreme violence in order to implement its economic policies in so many parts of the world from Latin America and Eastern Europe to South Africa, Russia, and

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Corbett Kroehler 2008

Congress Florida’s Eighth District

Dave Bruderly 2008

Florida's Sixth District

Larry Byrnes 2008

Florida's 14th Congressional District

Michael van Hoek 2008

U.S. Congress, Florida District 9

Kevin Beckner 2008

Hillsborough County Commission District 6

Lee Nelson 2008

Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections

Carl Zimmermann 2008

Florida House District 48

Wengay "Newt" Newton 2008

St. Petersburg City Council District 7

Jack Killingsworth 2008

Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections

Brian Moore 2008


Charlie Justice 2008

Florida Senate District 16

Samm Simpson 2008

US Congress District 10

Jadell Kerr 2008


Monday, December 31, 2007

Tampa Cab Companies To Boycott International Mall


These are all very bad people.They are predators.You many not even be safe in their cabs! Don't use them.

Call...813-253-2424 We will come in get you....and your family will be safe.......TIM FASANO

Kate's Jeans Dilemma

What is it about denim, spandex, and sweatshop labor that makes finding the right pair of jeans so difficult? It's a topic tackled by Oprah, countless websites, Saturday Night Live, and my

Florida Holliday Lights Extravaganza!

Choctawhatchee High School

Adam Nystrom remembers being taunted by classmates in middle school for needing so many special-education courses. "They'd say, 'Oh, that's the retard class,' and everybody would laugh," recalls Adam, who suffers from a learning disorder that impedes reading ability. "I wouldn't really say anything because there isn't anything funny about it.".......more
"Even though I am just a truck driver, I am proud of what I do and what I have become," he says. "I believe deep down inside that I have succeeded already."

Mindy McCready Coming Home

"I'm so happy to be out, I'm the happiest girl in the world right now.".........Mindy McCready

Florida Family Arrested Over Baggy Pants

Several members of a Palm Beach County, Florida family were taken into custody by police last week after they protested the arrest of one of their members over the issue of baggy pants. The family claims they were arrested by close to two dozen deputies because they were upset with the 20-year-old's
The family says in addition to number of police, there were K-9 units and a police helicopter used in the incident.

Yo Quero Taco Bell With Mucho Queso

Plant City, Florida

Sunday, December 30, 2007

This Day in History

Jose Rizal (June 19, 1861 – December 30, 1896)
Was a Filipino polymath, nationalist and the most prominent advocate for reforms in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial era. He is considered a national hero and the anniversary of Rizal's death is commemorated as a Philippine holiday called Rizal Day. Rizal's 1896 military trial and execution made him a martyr of the Philippine

The 20 Funniest Political Videos of 2007


American Muslim Youth Speak Out

Year 2 For The People's Governor

It was typical Charlie Crist. The 51-year-old first-year governor prefers cajolery to confrontation, a sunny smile to sweeping condemnations. His centrist policies and corny aphorisms -- calling Floridians "the boss," and himself "the people's governor" -- are delivered with warm sincerity. But as Crist enters his second year in office, he's finding that sincerity may not be enough -- and his personal warmth is being met by increasingly icy

There Are Rumblings On The Republican Right Wing

Loxahatchee Rock Miners And Palm Beach County Politicians

Loxahatchee rock miner Enrique Tomeu looks more comfortable in a hard hat than a tuxedo. "All I am is a hardworking guy who has busted his butt all his life," he says humbly. But in 2005, he schmoozed at the highest levels of the Republican elite - at George W. Bush's second inauguration, a $42 million cavalcade of power brunches, candlelight dinners and nine inaugural balls. To attend the four-day fete, Tomeu contributed $50,000 to Bush's inaugural committee, more than most Palm Beach County families earn in a year......more