Friday, August 14, 2009

Dr. Jason Newsom Of Bay County

Railed against burgers, french fries, fried chicken and sweet tea in his campaign to promote better eating in a part of the country known for people's unhealthy lifestyles.
He might still be leading the charge if he had only left the doughnuts

Via....Out In Left Field

No Competition Allowed In Tampa Bay Taxi Business

While the officials are hiding behind "safety" claims,
the truth is that it's a typical move of regulatory capture by the cab companies, limiting competition so they can keep their prices artificially high and avoid any sort of business model

SPCA Tampa Bay Euthansia Rate

The St. Petersburg Times' Kris Hundley writes that many take their pets to the facility in Largo believing it's a "no-kill" shelter. The brutal reality is otherwise. Animals taken in by SPCA Tampa Bay stand about a 50-50 chance of leaving

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spring Hill's Jersey Cafe Private Stimulus Plan

Joe and Valerie Cuce would appreciate that their customers not look at them funny Wednesday when they walk into the Jersey Cafe and find that they're giving away

Hamburger Mary's Bar and Grille Is Coming To Ybor

Mary is coming to Tampa!! After looking for the perfect location for some time now, Mary has found the perfect spot for her newest location. Centro Ybor will be the next location for Hamburger Mary's Bar and Grille ... Mary's going to be working hard for the next few months to get the place up to her standards, so be on the lookout for updates on her progress ... Luv Mary!!

Charge Point In Tampa Bay

Forget fuel, goodbye gas guzzlers— the Bay Area is about to get plugged in. Electric car charging station coming. Largo company plans to install first one in

Life On Bayshore Is Great

While the rest of us can jiggle and jostle on area streets all over town, Bayshore Blvd.
will be smoothed

Tampa Before The Electric Car

So much for energy-efficiency and reducing our carbon footprints.
“Before these kinds of vehicles came about, our guests would have to wait 45 mintues for a cab,”

.......Ferrell Bonnemort of Cafe Dufrain on Harbour Island

State Rep. Darryl Rouson Of St. Petersburg

Is it appropriate for State Rep. Darryl Rouson to lobby Hillsborough County Planning Commissioners pushing sprawl?
He openly advocated for a “multi-modal” center out in the far corner of the county, where we purposely do not have urban services such as water and sewer and where the land use designation does not allow for this sort of thing. If Democrats are good for anything, isn’t it usually being anti-sprawl and pro-gay rights? Rouson appears to be neither,

but then I found he used to be a Republican.

Bringing Sunshine to the Netroots Nation

Kendrick Meek
As a candidate running to represent Florida in the U.S. Senate and as a four-term member of Congress with a 15-year public service record, I have taken great pride in representing my constituents to the best of my ability. In recent years, there has been an explosion of new technologies that help elected officials stay more in touch with their

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jadell Kerr For 2009 Moral Courage Award


Demoncrat Karen Miracle Of Hillsborough County

The spectacle at the Children's Board in Ybor City sounded more like a wrestling cage match than a panel discussion on national policy, wrote the St. Petersburg Times' Adam
Ms. Miracle Needs To Keep Her Hands To Herself.

The Spencerians Are Having A Baby

I recognize that so much is going to change. So much that I can’t even anticipate right now. But some I can. Like this blog. Four-plus years on, and I would really like to keep it going. But there’s no way it can stay the same – and because I know my focus and priorities will change with a baby in the house, I know this blog will

Hippiefest In Daytona Beach


The Leftists, Marxists And Fruitcakes

Listeners say Hernando County talk show host Bob Haa may have advocated shooting the president during a recent conversation with a caller.
“So what?” he says. “This is America!”
"Very forthright. My kind of man. We need more like him."
Murray Grubbs, former head of the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sotomayor Vote Could Impact Florida Senate Race

If there is one place where any bad feelings from the hearings on Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination could have lasting consequences, it's Florida, the pesky swing state that the second-largest Puerto Rican community outside the island calls home..........more

Peter Schorsch For Best Local Troublemaker

"Tampa Bay's political bad boy." - St. Petersburg Times
"Schorsch is a one man election wrecking crew." - Wayne Garcia, Creative Loafing
"The wild-card political consultant." - Howard Troxler, St. Petersburg Times

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Local Blogger Tim Fasano

I used to vote Republican until I realized that I was getting the shitty end of the stick.
I have worked all my life to make other people rich. The people that are crashing the Health reform meetings are insane. I bet most of them don't even have health
Looks like Tim might be changing sides.

Scenic Courtney Campbell Parkway

One of the most extensive algae blooms in Tampa Bay's history stretches more than 14 miles from Safety Harbor to Weedon Island, and scientists predict it soon could lead to fish

Captain America In Ybor City

Night of the Living Dead

In Ybor City

John Hummel's Night at the Tampa Health Care Town Hall

I've seen the news lately, so I had an idea of how noisy these events are around the nation. When I arrived, some two hours before the event started at six, there were already 20 some odd people

Video: Right Wing Thugs In Ybor

Friday, August 7, 2009

Kendrick Meek Chats With Peter Schorsch

Congressman Meek would be in Tampa on Wednesday to open a new field office, sit for a taping with Bay News 9 and was open to an interview with me. Me, a blogger. A card-carrying member of the new media. I couldn't say 'Yes" quick

Right Wingers Riot In Ybor City

Glenn Beck's Minions
Democratic Rep. Kathy Castor struggled to make herself heard and eventually cut her appearance short as dozens of people shouted "Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!"
Who Would Have Thought People Could Get So Passionate About Protecting Insurance Company Profits?.........Out In Left Field
Stogie Sees Stupid People

Protect Cockroach Bay

A California developer wants to change our Comprehensive Plan to build a "multi-modal" cargo distribution center near Cockroach Bay. Unfortunately, the developer has persuaded the Ruskin Chamber to support this, in the name of "economic development." So unless we get a big turnout of opposition, the commissioners will be led to believe that citizens support this

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Only $20 Million To Fix The Friendship Trail Bridge

Hillsborough County commissioners agreed Wednesday to seek federal stimulus money to fortify the crumbling recreational span that has been closed since

Tampa Bay Gay Publisher: Big Mistake

Watermark publisher, Tom Dyer, counts missing the Ryan Skipper hate crime murder story the deepest regret of his publishing career. Watermark, a gay publication serving Tampa Bay and other metro Florida areas for 15 years, ran no stories on the Skipper case in 2007 even though it happened in nearby Polk County, between Tampa and

St. Pete To Privatize Public Sidewalk

The City Council voted 7-1 Thursday to move forward with a controversial plan to privatize the sidewalk fronting BayWalk and improve security at downtown's struggling entertainment
Council member Wengay Newton cast the lone dissenting vote.

Casitas in the Night

Tampa Daily Photo

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pinellas GOP Posts Inflammatory Photo

Although the title of the picture is "Evil Clown," and the image bears some resemblance to The Joker of Batman lore, how can this picture not be construed as a racially-motivated attempt to literally paint Barack Obama in "whiteface"?

Olivia's Kiss: Chapter 23

Catherine Durkin Robinson