Friday, March 11, 2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Climate Deniers

Rep. Ted Yoho  $11,000
Rep. Dennis Ross $71,250
Rep. Jeff Miller $9,250
Rep. Bill Posey $43,000
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart $90,500 here

Dezeray Lyn: Palestine Week

An incredible five days in Beirut during Palestine week ended this evening. here

Young Florida Voters Object To Superdelegates

Sun-Sentinel Won't Endorse Any GOP Candidate

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel's editorial board says it can't endorse any of the 2016 Republican candidates -- a rebuke that especially stings Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. The Sun-Sentinel, lambasted Rubio, writing that he "has almost no experience and has done little but run for office," and criticizing his missed Senate votes.
"Because Rubio has failed to do his job as a senator, broken the promises he made to Floridians and backed away from his lone signature piece of legislation on immigration, we cannot endorse him for president," the newspaper wrote. here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Erik Fresen Of Miami

Two former nursing students from 
Mattia College, the for-profit college
That abruptly closed its South Florida campuses earlier this year, arrived in Tallahassee to urge the Legislature to stop ignoring the plight of hundreds of students abandoned by failed colleges. Fresen, would not schedule a hearing on the bill. here

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ybor Paparazzi

Jessica Rose Powell on 7th Ave

Only 300 Show Up To Rubio Rally in Tampa

Team Marco Rubio held a campaign rally at the Tampa Convention Center  Only 300 people showed up (max), so the campaign just held the rally in one collapsible room about the size of a hotel lobby. here

Tallahassee's Skunky Weed Bill

Once again, Tallahassee politicians are putting their own campaigns before medical science and the rights of doctors. They passed HB307, a bill that perpetuates the status quo except for a very small number of terminally ill patients. This law would do nothing for people like my brother, a quadriplegic, or any other person who has intractable pain. It does nothing to help cancer patients who need marijuana to counter the affects of chemo. It does nothing for our soldiers with PTSD or patients with MS. The bill is typical Tallahassee window dressing, designed more to help with campaigns than serve as a true means of access for those that need it. lt also adds a new class of eligibility to a universe of 
ZERO eligible patients.
While there are a few up there worth supporting, I lost faith in the legislature a long time ago. The ONLY thing they've done with this legislation is acknowledge that medical marijuana works, but then they specifically voted against access for hundreds of thousands of patients who need it.
This is why we took matters into our own hands, and why so many of us opened up our wallets to support getting Amendment 2 on the 2016 ballot. Tallahassee's failure points again to the need for Amendment 2, and the need for your continued support.  Doctors—not Tallahassee politicians—should decide who they should recommend use marijuana.  People shouldn't have to be terminal to be allowed this access.
- John Morgan, Chairman, United for Care

Bernie Coming To Tampa

3.10 - 4PM
The Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall 

Stop TBX Siege Begins In Tampa

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dezeray Lyn: Bourj Brajneh Refugee Camp

Wall Painting
Bourj Brajneh Refugee Camp - Beirut, Lebanon
Learn more about this Amazing Local Treasure HERE

Florida INC. Power Grab For Control Of The Courts

After the Florida Supreme Court ruled that the partisan maps drawn by the Republican-controlled Legislature violated the Fair Districts amendments, Florida GOP John Wood, of Polk, called for impeachment proceedings against the justices. Now, Wood and his colleagues in the House are asking the people of Florida to believe that the judicial term-limits bill passed in the House has absolutely nothing to do with payback. 
Don’t buy it. here
The truth is the judicial branch is the only thing that can prevent the governor and the Legislature from enacting unconstitutional laws.

John Morgan On Tallahassee Window Dressing

The Florida Senate passed HB 307 on a bipartisan 28-11 vote. HB 307 is meant to expand current medical marijuana laws to allow terminally ill patients the use medical marijuana.
Attorney John Morgan, United for Care's Chairman, said, "Once again, Tallahassee politicians are putting their own campaigns before medical science and the rights of doctors. This law would do nothing for people like my brother, a quadriplegic, or any other person who has intractable pain. It does nothing to help cancer patients who need marijuana to counter the affects of chemo. It does nothing for our solders with PTSD or patients with MS. The bill is typical Tallahassee window dressing, designed more to help with campaigns than serve as a true means of access for those that need it. Hospice centers have another drug. It's called morphine."

The Tampa Tribune Moving To St.Pete

The Tampa Tribune 
will begin printing in Pinellas County after 121 years of publishing the newspaper 
in Tampa. here

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri's Pin Joints

Twenty grams, he said, could be rolled into some 40 joints. “We’re not talking about one or two marijuana cigarettes here,” he said. Not giving first-time offenders a criminal record for possession of a small amount of marijuana is fine, but it should be handled differently. here

Monday, March 7, 2016

Tampa Activist Dezeray Lyn In Lebanon

We welcomed tonight Dezeray Lyn,
 an American human rights activist for #Palestine

Sierra Club Phone Bank to Stop SB1290

Hunting, oil drilling, timbering and farming in our State Parks?
SB 1290 would remove key environmental protections from Florida State Parks and is headed to the Senate floor next week.

 Strut your power! You beat
 the Florida Frackers,
 you can do this. Save Our State Parks. here

Gram From Tampa

I am voting  on November 8! Are you? 

Florida GOP Picking On Rick Scott

Since charging into office some five years ago, Rick Scott has routinely had an awkward relationship with the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature and other GOP officials. Now, Scott is being handed a string of defeats that could render his final 2 ½ years in office nearly irrelevant. here

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Tampa Taxes Weed

Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance chairwoman Ellen Snelling said her problem with Tampa's weed ordinance is the way it allows offenders to be caught time and time again without facing any consequences beyond a fine. here
20 grams of weed
1st offense $75
Second offense $150
Third $300 
Fourth $450Expensive bag of weed
Avoid Taxes, Don't get caught!

Palm Beach Bans Free Speach

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers, 
which represents about 
40,000 field workers, 
has sued Palm Beach in federal court 
and is accusing the town of maintaining unconstitutional ordinances that make it impossible to stage a protest. here

Florida INC. Patrick Murphy

Last summer, President Barack Obama unveiled his Clean Power Plan, a proposal that would implement new EPA standards for power plants to reduce carbon emissions 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. Big business interests and Right Wingers (such as Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi) cheered when the proposal was stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court last month. here When Florida DINO Patrick E. Murphy was asked if he thought the proposal was unfair to industry, Murphy said that there are too many unnecessary regulations imposed on businesses, and touted his co-sponsonship with South Carolina Republican Mick Mulvaney of the Regulatory Improvement Act, which created a commission to review and revise redundant regulations.

 Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

"Moderates are not needed. We shouldn't have to spend all of our time getting Democrats to do the right thing." Susan Smith

Tampa is back-dooring legalization of something

The Tampa City Council has approved on first reading a proposal to reduce the penalty for possession of small amounts of marijuana. The measure passed by a 6-1 vote on Thursday, with Council member Charlie Miranda
the lone dissenter. here
Great job City Council, we love you Charlie!