Friday, May 6, 2016

Support Fairness in Employment and Programming at WMNF

We, the undersigned, listeners, programmers, producers, technical volunteers, etc and lovers and supporters of WMNF 88.5 FM, call on the Station to institute fair and equitable integration of the staff (hired and volunteer personnel) during the day at this community radio station (WMNF 88.5 FM) and we demand proportional integration of the programming crew at the Station, during prime time hours (6:00 AM to 7:00 PM) to be implemented immediately.

We the undersigned, also demand the reinstatement of Alvaro Montealegre, long time fighter for these issues, to his volunteer position of Coordinator of Training and Scheduling of control board operators.

Sign petition

Florida GOP Frank Artiles

Florida Strong documentation:
1. Property appraiser by trade – It is asserted that the materials disseminated wrongfully assert that Mr. Artiles is a “property appraiser by trade.” However, from the documentation relied upon in describing Mr. Artiles’ occupation, it appears that he has described himself that way:
Artiles Works As A Public Adjuster & Appraiser By Trade. “Newly-elected State Representative Frank Artiles, a public adjuster, appraiser and umpire by trade, held a teleconference on November 22, 2010, with the goal of introducing himself to Florida insurance industry representatives and other interested parties and discussing their concerns, such as fraud and other issues impacting the property and casualty market.” [Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky & Abate law firm, newsletter, 2010]
2. Artiles voted to raise property taxes – It is asserted that Mr. Artiles’ support of HB 7099 “has nothing to do with property taxes.” However, from the documentation relied upon in describing the impact of that legislation, that is also a true statement:
Artiles Voted For Tax Package HB 7099. On February 11, 2016, the Florida House of Representatives approved their tax package version, 96-17. Representative Frank Artiles voted Yes on this measure. [HB 7099, 2/11/16]
HEADLINE: “Sen. Tom Lee faults Gov. Rick Scott’s budget, built ‘on the backs of local taxpayers'” In February 2016, the Tampa Bay Times
reported, “You can add the influential voice of Senate Appropriations Chairman Tom Lee, R-Brandon, to the list of Republicans howling about Gov. Rick Scott’s budget — and its heavy reliance on higher property tax bills. As Lee’s committee prepares to wade through, amend and pass its first budget proposal Wednesday, Lee had choice words for Scott’s plan to increase spending for public schools by taking advantage of higher property values for homes and businesses. ‘We’re building the increase on the backs of local taxpayers and then we’re running around the state and doing a victory lap,’ Lee told the Times/Herald. ‘I’m opposed to the way we are funding public education largely on the backs of local taxpayers.'” [Tampa Bay Times, 2/3/16]
3. Artiles voted to protect insurance companies and rates have risen – It is asserted that Representative Artiles’ support of SB 1770 does not support the statements made. However, once again, the materials relied upon by Florida Strong suggest otherwise:
Artiles Vowed To Protect Insurance Companies Right After Being Elected. On a teleconference with the insurance industry in 2010, Artiles said, “I want to protect
insurance companies to make sure they do make a profit, because at the end of the day, I am a Republican.” [Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky & Abate law firm, newsletter, 2010]
SB 1770 Created A Clearinghouse Intended To Help Protect Consumers. In June 2013, News Service of Florida reported, “Here are highlights of some of the bills taking effect July 1: … SB 1770: The Citizens Property Insurance Corp. overhaul, less imposing than initially proposed, still prevents coverage for new homes in high-risk, environmentally sensitive coastal areas, creates an internal inspector general position, and a clearinghouse intended to shift at least 200,000 policies into the private market.” [News Service of Florida, 6/29/13]
Tampa Bay Times: “To Say The [State-Run] Clearinghouse Has Underperformed Expectations Is An Understatement.” In January 2015, the Tampa Bay Times reported, “To say the clearinghouse has underperformed expectations is an understatement. Eleven months after its launch in January 2014, only 12,000 out of 148,000 policies run through the clearinghouse — 8 percent — were found ineligible for Citizens because a private insurer had offered coverage within 15 percent of Citizens’ rates.” [Tampa Bay Times, 1/9/15]
Said Clearinghouse Has Only Helped Private Insurers Line Their Pockets. In January 2015, the Tampa Bay Times reported, “Critics say the results show the clearinghouse is a waste of money. Private insurers are already writing more business and a separate ‘takeout’ program has been booming, with private insurers taking hundreds of thousands of policies out of Citizens.” [Tampa Bay Times, 1/9/15]
Private Insurers Now Have More Flexibility To Raise Rates On Consumers.In January 2015, the Tampa Bay Times reported, “They have more flexibility to raise rates of takeout policies. The clearinghouse option lets customers go back to Citizens during the first three years if their new company hikes premiums more than 10 percent.” [Tampa Bay Times, 1/9/15]
HEADLINE: “Homeowners insurance: Floridians pay more than double U.S. average.”In January 2015, the Tampa Bay Times reported, “In fact, Florida homeowners are now paying more than double the national average. Average insurance premiums statewide for the most common type of homeowners policy rose nearly 8 percent in 2012 to $2,084, according to data released this week from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. That makes Florida the first state to cross the $2,000 mark in average premiums and widens the gap between the next two states on the list, both of them coastal: Louisiana (average premiums of $1,742) and Texas ($1,661). The national average: $1,034. For the record, Florida’s premiums are 102 percent higher.” [Tampa Bay Times, 1/21/15]
In sum, Florida Strong stands by the statements contained in its materials as such assertions are, in fact, true.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Local Photographer: Amina Minka Spahić

Check out her work here

Cara Jennings Responds to Rick Scott #StopRickScott

Speak Up Florida

The mission of Speak Up Florida is to advocate and empower communities to contribute in constructing comprehensive and holistic solutions to the challenges faced by the collateral damages affected directly by the War on Drugs. 
Visit them here, like them on Facebook

UFO Over St. Pete

March Against Monsanto - Tampa

5.21 - 10 AM
Lykes Gaslight Square Park

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Power Of Florida’s One Million Puerto Ricans

“The increased migration from Puerto Rico to Florida takes existing trends in the growth of the Hispanic vote and accelerates them,” veteran GOP pollster Whit Ayres, who has long warned that Republicans need to deal with the growing demographic threat that Hispanics pose to the GOP. here

Friends Of The Stogie

Ted with Coco

Miami Cubans Not Big On Trump

One of the more solid pro-Republican voting blocs in the USA can be found in the Miami-Dade county of Florida and the large Cuban-American population there. Of course, it’s not so solid when Trump is figured as the nominee: Donald Trump is the catalyst who could force a decisive break between Miami-Dade County’s influential Cuban-American voters and the Republican Party, a new poll has found. here

Chelsea Of New Port Richey

I am voting in November, are you?

GOP Florida Latino Problem

Emerging data from the Sunshine State indicates the GOP could be in a deep, deep hole there in the increasingly likely case that Donald Trump is the nominee.  
“In this critical swing state, it is clear to us that Republicans continue to suffer substantial brand damage amongst all segments of the ascending electorate (younger voters, Hispanics & No Major Party voters) and this presidential campaign has clearly exacerbated these attitudes,” Ryan Tyson, a Republican who serves as the group’s vice president of political operations, wrote in a memo to his members.
One of the most astounding — and depressing — results for Republicans like Tyson was the percentage of likely Hispanic Florida voters who have a negative impression of Trump: 87 percent. Only 10 percent viewed him favorably. here 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

3rd Annual Give Day Tampa Bay!

Want to help us out?

The few ads we have are donated PSA. 
We make no money from this blog while 
providing a valuable community service since 2003. 
Please help us if you can. We are in dire straits right now.

Metropolitan Planning Organization Can Save Us From The Florida DOT

MPO don't include TBX in the Transportation Improvement Plan and they will leave us alone.
FDOT District Secretary Paul Steinman in his desperation to ram Rick Scott’s political agenda through said that if you guys don't include TBX in the Transportation Improvement Plan, the FDOT will take the hundreds of millions of dollars they were going to use to distroy our city and distroy somebody else's. Hillsborough County can kiss interstate improvements goodbye, at least for the next 20 years or more. here
Please see if you can talk them into 40 years.

Gov. Jerry Brown Smacks Down Rick Scott

"Rick," wrote Brown, "a fact you'd like to ignore: California is the 7th largest economic power in the world. We're competing with nations like Brazil and France, not states like Florida." here
In other words, stay on the porch. Floridians this is on our dime.

World Famous Blunt Coming Back To Ybor City

5.4 - 7 PM
East Coast Unity Cypher with CFL NORML
At Stone Soup Company 
Pics taken last time it was in Ybor. here

Liberals Fortress Of Democracy In Miami

Headquarters of the Florida Alliance, a secretive Democratic group comprised of big-money individual donors and labor unions who grew weary of the Florida Democratic Party.
The group has used its considerable resources to push for causes favored by liberals within the Democratic Party. While the Florida Democratic Party fights to elect any candidate with a "D" next to their name, including moderate candidates in swing seats, Alliance donors want to focus their efforts on helping elect candidates focused on causes championed by progressives, including climate change, voting rights and immigration reform. here

There is hope people!
Join the Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

Monday, May 2, 2016

May Day Celebration In Tampa

Photography: Amina Minka Spahić
Thanks to Love Has No Borders, 
Communist League of Tampa 
and Tampa Food Not Bombs

Cathy Jordan Hitting The WorldFamous Blunt In The Heights

Tampa Celebrates End Of TBX

FDOT Paul Steinman said
"Hillsborough County can kiss most interstate improvements goodbye."

Black Jacksonville Cop Beats A Handcuffed Woman

This was a Black officer hitting a White woman and he got fired and charged with battery. What about the other cops standing around watching.  93% of White cops that kill a Black person is still on the job.

Pat Kemp Gets Around

Keel and Curley Winery
BlueberryFestival - Plant City
Visit them here. Join the team.
Photography: Kate M Connolly
Thanks to Joe & Alicia Keel for all of their support.
#PatKemp2016 #HillsboroughCounty

David Jolly Exposes Congress Saying Its Main Business Is Fundraising

David Jolly seems like a good guy, for a republican!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Jessica Rose Rocks The Heights

 2nd Annual 
2016 Spring Leaf Freedom Festival
Red Star Rock Bar

Florida Laborers Success Story

Don't ever think you can't make a difference!
Described as recently as 2003 by a U.S. Justice Department official as “ground zero for modern slavery,” Florida’s tomato fields are becoming an unlikely civil-rights success story. And the unempowered laborers who in 1993 formed the CIW in response to decades of violence, sexual harassment, wage ripoffs and even involuntary servitude have started a conversation that may even spread to Central America, South America, Africa and Europe. here
More here 

2016 CFL Norml Spring Leaf Freedom Festival In The Heights

Jessica Rose

Chris Cano

Red Star Rock Bar

Local Treasure Cathy Jordan

With Jessica Rose

Worlds biggest blunt

Join Central Florida NORML

GOP: America's 33%

According to a report by the Pew Research Center, 62 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of the Republican Party. That’s up since October, when 58 percent of people said they had an unfavorable view of the GOP. The survey found 33 percent of the public has a favorable impression of the Republican Party. here

Do you think the United States made a mistake sending troops to fight in Iraq back in 2003?
No 32%

Do you generally support or oppose the use of government surveillance methods to help fight crime and terrorism, even if they invade our privacy?
Support somewhat 35%

How strongly do you feel about this issue? (Privacy)
This is a less important issue to me 34%

Thinking about abortion, do you consider yourself more pro-choice, 
or more pro-life?
Strongly pro-life 31%

do you support or oppose allowing oil companies to drill offshore?
Support strongly 29%

Do you support or oppose the government making sure that every American has health insurance?
Oppose strongly 29%

Do you think there should be more or less government redistribution of wealth from the better off 
to the less well off?
A lot less 29%

In general, do you think the cost of college education should be borne more by the students (and their families) or by the government?
Mostly by students 38%

Overall, do you think immigrants make a contribution to American society or are a drain on it?
Are a large drain 29%

Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for people 
convicted of murder?
Strongly favor 33%

Rick Scott On Running Florida INC.

The differences between running a business and running a government:
 "You do have more media ... You’ve got Congress. In my case, I have a legislature." Rick Scott

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Florida DOT Threatening Tampa

The district transportation secretary 
Paul Steinman has indicated more than once recently that unless the state’s plan for express toll lanes moves forward, Hillsborough County can kiss most interstate improvements goodbye, at least for the next 20 years or more. here
State government officials STILL don't get it. If all FDOT can build is TBX with our money, then we don't want them here in our community, wasting our money screwing it up with their deadly boondoggle lanes, like the disaster they built in Miami. The state can direct the highway money to other FDOT districts dumb enough to build such disastrous lanes, and FDOT D7 can be shut down for lack of work. It will save taxpayers millions, and save thousands of taxpayers from undue misery and harm at the hand of their own corrupt government. here
Please go away and leave us alone!

For all you GOP voters who voted for these people.

Jessica Rose - "Maybe"

La Gaceta's 2016 "Best of West Tampa" Politician: Local Treasure Guido Maniscalco

"Thank you to everyone who voted in La Gaceta's 2016 "Best of West Tampa" poll and selected me as the "Favorite West Tampa Politician". Thank you for allowing me to serve you!" Guido Maniscalco

VOTE Christopher Cano for Bernie Sanders Delegate

5.7 - 10 AM in Plant City