Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Floridians Defeat The Florida Frackers

Thanks to Floridians like you, communities throughout our state will be able to protect their land and water by banning fracking. Earlier today, the sponsor of the dangerous fracking bill, 
Florida Fracker Garrett Richter withdrew SB 318 from the Senate Appropriations Committee saying 
"I didn't have the votes."
Give yourselves a hand Florida. This didn't happen by accident. Thousands of Floridians from every corner of our state spoke loudly and clearly, putting daily pressure on their elected representatives in the legislature. It worked. here

Florida Frackers
Remember these guys next time you vote. here

City of Tampa Vote on Cannabis Decriminalization

Downtown Tampa

Dennis Ross Aganist Minimum Wage Increase

2014: While holding a forum for constituents in
 Tampa an Arby’s employee asked him about
 raising the federal minimum wage
 Shaneeka Rainer wanted to know if the GOP

 congressman supported President Barack 

Obama’s proposed minimum wage increase,

 Ross wasted no time in flat-out saying, No


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Working For The Other Side

Payday lenders have been gunning for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau since the day President Barack Obama tapped Elizabeth Warren to set up the new agency. As the CFPB has moved closer to adopting new rules to shield families from predatory lending, the GOP has assailed the agency from every conceivable angle -- going after its budget, attempting to tie its hands with new layers of red tape and Wasserman Schultz is co-sponsoring a new bill that would gut the CFPB's forthcoming payday loan regulations. She's also attempting to gin up Democratic support for the legislation on Capitol Hill. here

Stop TBX March In Tampa

3.5 - 11AM
2105 N. Nebraska Ave

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Florida's New Superhero Jim Lange

Polk and Lake
counties your chance to rid yourselves of your Right Wing Infestation.

Check out this guy:
* He established and runs the Haiti Recovery & Development Co., a nonprofit he created shortly after learning about the devastating earthquake there that killed nearly 300,000 people more than six years ago.
* His stance on immigration, he refers to his American Indian heritage to guide his path (his mother was of Choctaw descent). “Immigration without restrictions didn’t work out very well for us, but as an American at this moment in time in 2016, I am not going to take any stance that says I’m running 12 million people out of the country,” he said. “If we can put a probe on Mars, we can figure out a way to path you to citizenship.”
* He expressed disappointment about Washington lawmakers’ hesitancy to allow Syrian refugees to enter the U.S. PresidentBarack Obama has said he would like to bring in at least 10,000 over the next year, saying he’s confident in the vetting process.
* And,  he supports “common sense reforms” such as removing cannabis from the Controlled Substance act. here
Sound minds in Polk and Lake you gotta vote!

Lee's Grocery Paparazzi

local legend Ronny Elliott

Hillsborough MPO Board Meeting In Tampa Today

9AM Frederick B. Karl County Center
601 E Kennedy Boulevard

Mothers Fighting For Their Stolen Children

Monday, February 29, 2016

Team Pat Kemp

Pat Kemp, now more then ever! Join us

Protect Tampa At All Cost

We can start by making sure that the local  accomplices to this carnage (TBX) never serve us again. here

Huntersville Mayor and two town commissioners were booted from office because of residents’ anger about the state’s plans to widen Interstate 77 with toll lanes.The citizens wanted to have their voice heard, and they did it through the
ballot box

Ybor Paparazzi

Meet Zoe
Check her out on Facebook

Daniel From Tampa

I am voting  on November 8! Are you? 

‎Central Florida NORML‎ Smoke Out In Tampa

Saturday, March 5 - 11:00 AM
Rowlett Park, Tampa

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Bernie Fans Party In Ybor City

If the Bern feels like enthusiasm, we felt it!

Bernie is a fan of the Stogie

Norwood Orrick of Solidarity Sunday

Elizabeth of the non-partisan Fight For 15

The smartest crowd in Ybor City! 

Pediatrician Silenced’ By Rick Scott

Sixteen people traveled to the Florida Capitol last week to testify on Gov. Rick Scott's Department of Health secretary and state surgeon general nominee John Armstrong but none was given the chance. Now at least one advocate has taken steps to make sure he gets heard. here
“It’s not really a democracy the way they do it,” said Tallahassee pediatrician Louis St Petery who wanted to share with members of the Senate Committee on Health Policy concerns he has with the direction of programs like Children’s Medical Services under Armstrong’s leadership. “What can you say? That’s the way they run the show.”

Sonic Aftermath - Tampa Bay

Check them out here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio pushed Miami-Dade County officials in May 2002 to allow a multimillion-dollar industrial development to be built on restricted land near the Florida Everglades, months after he backed a law as a state legislator that made it harder for people to challenge such projects. here

The Centre for Girls: The Launch Party

Thursday, March 3 - 5:00 PM
The Centre for Girls
105 W Sligh Ave, Tampa

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Laila's Elevator Ride In Tallahassee

I was in an elevator with several members of the Florida House. We had just gotten out of a committee hearing that passed the ludicrously unconstitutional anti-refugee bill (whose premise, may I add, is entirely bigoted and Islamophobic) and a Representative that should damn well know better walked into the elevator and jokingly hesitated while looking at me, "Oh, is it safe to ride the elevator with you." Everyone laughed. Every single one of them laughed (Democrat, Republican, white, black, old, young) as I was belittled with a wildly inappropriate remark that because I'm a Muslim this Representative should be afraid to ride in an elevator with me. It's not funny. It hurts. 

Florida, nothing about our legislature reflects our amazing communities, my warm and loving neighbors and friends, and our Florida that I and many others fight for every single day. It's far past time that we take it seriously that the large majority of the 120 members of the House entrusted with the responsibility to govern and lead, are not fit to lead and are certainly not fit to govern. 

Please help me get all of this
disconnected, bigoted, small minded, pos legislators out of office.

Oh, and on being an "ally": an ally, in moments such as today says, "Representative, that is not funny, it is offensive, please apologize." That's what it means to be a leader. That's what you should do when someone is belittled in your presence. Laila Abdelaziz

Florida Frackers

All Florida GOP
Thad Altman, R-Melbourne 
Don Gaetz, R-Crestview 
Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton 
Rene Garcia, R-Hialeah 
Denise Grimsley, R-Sebring 
Alan Hays, R-Umatilla 
Garrett Richter, R-Naples
 David Simmons, R-Altamonte Springs
Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon

Lizbeth Benacquisto: Also this one is suspected to have only voted against in order to bring it back up. So be sure to call on her to publicly denounce fracking or be subjected to treatment as a snake. 

Tampa Bay Homeless - Less Than Human

"Tony died a few days ago. Kind college students made this documentary on the houseless community in Tampa and Tony participated in it. He will be missed." 
Dezeray Lyn

Protect Tampa - Stop TBX

Laila Abdelaziz Speaks To The Florida House

Florida INC. Shitty Water On Our Beaches

With tourist season just around the corner, Florida’s beach communities would normally be preparing for a happy, healthy summer. Instead, they’re reeling from polluted water that is likely to inflict severe damage to the local economy and environment. here

Friday, February 26, 2016

Florida GOP Pig Tom Goodson

"Oh, is it safe to ride the elevator with you" 
Tom Goodson
What this piece of shit asked Local Treasure Laila Abdelaziz as he was getting into an elevator.
 Call him and tell him what a pig he is! 850.717.5050

Lee's Grocery In The Heights

John the owner
Best Pizza in town. Visit them here

Rick Scott's Florida Culture Of Corruption

A cancer treatment company financially tied to Gov. Rick Scott that got a no-bid, 25-year contract from Broward Health in January 2012 later contributed nearly $400,000 to the governor’s re-election campaign, state records show. here

StopTBX! What you need to know!

Kochs' D.C. Guru Joins Marco Rubio

Marc Short, the Koch brothers’ top political adviser in Washington and a trusted member of their inner circle for five years, is making a surprise move to the Marco Rubio campaign as a senior adviser. here

Syrian Refugees Education Program @USF

Investing in a better future
3.5 Marshall Student Center, USF info

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tea Party Bloggers In Their Underwear In Ruskin

Our great County Commissioner Kevin Beckner has a new plan for our future.
Lets put 47 percent of the money raised to transit, bike and pedestrian projects.
Mayor Bob thinks Beckner's plan "threw the cities under the bus" and negates 2½ years of effort, including nearly 100 public meetings that led to the drafting of the sham that is Go Hillsborough, the one under investigation. He is willing to take that risk and not back down in the face of three tea party bloggers sitting in their underwear in their basements in Ruskin. here
"This is more than opposition from the tea party. I got opposition coming from my own Democratic Party, saying, 'We don't like this plan. It doesn't invest enough in transit."
 Kevin Beckner
There's basements in Ruskin?

Trump/Scott 2016

The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza listed Scott on a short-list of possible running mates that Trump might be contemplating as he continues to roll through the Republican primary. here

Thank You Florida GOP Miguel Diaz de la Portilla

For the second time in a month, Diaz de la Portilla broke with his party’s traditional fealty to the NRA and single-handedly denied the organization a vote on a top legislative priority. 
The first bill he buried in late January, would have allowed concealed carry permit holders to bring their handguns onto state college campuses. The second would have granted licensed gun owners the right to openly carry their weapons in public. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Pat
He is from Ohio. Homeless 2 years.

Close GITMO Mr. Jolly

Florida GOP blasted the idea
Pinellas County U.S. Rep. and U.S. Senate candidate David Jolly issued a prepared statement prior to the president’s 10:30 a.m. announcement. “Moving enemy combatants onto United States soil will only embolden the enemies of freedom who wish to do us harm,” Jolly said. “At a time when terrorists and radical extremists are spreading around the world, we must remain steadfast in our resolve to defeat those who wish to attack Americans.  The President should focus on defeating terrorists, not accommodating them.   The stakes are simply too high to jeopardize America’s security and close Gitmo.” here

Rally For Equality At Jacksonville City Hall