Saturday, March 29, 2008

How Lethally Stupid Can One Country Be?

So, happy anniversary, America! You put these people in charge, and then -- after seeing in explicit in detail what they were capable of -- you actually did it again in 2004! You stood by in silence watching the devastation wrought upon an innocent people, produced in your name and financed by your tax dollars. And you continue to do just that again, now in Year

Ybor City Scrapbook

From March 1994 to August 1998, I lived in the Tampa Bay area. This is my collection of Ybor City overviews and

Florida Lawmakers Busy With Daylight Saving Time

One Florida lawmaker wants to end the annual rites of springing forward and falling back.State Sen. Bill Posey wants the state to stop using daylight saving time.If approved, Florida would become the third state to shun daylight savings, which was used during both world wars and Congress ultimately made a law in

Rising Sea Eats Away At Florida Coastline

Global warming is boosting the sea level along Florida's gulf coast and already causing profound environmental changes, scientists

Florida Red and Blue

Some conservatives will stop at nothing to roadblock progress for GLBT people -- even if straight people will also be affected in big ways. And they never seem to miss an opportunity to pander to their anti-gay base, especially considering that it's already been uncovered that the Florida GOP has directed large sums of money to conservative anti-gay marriage groups to underwrite their efforts to pass this discriminatory

Legacy Trail Opens In Florida

Bicyclists are celebrating today's official opening of a 10.6-mile rail-to-trail that links Sarasota and Venice. The Legacy Trail takes the place of an abandoned CSX Transportation railway line that was purchased for $14.5 million in 2004. It's one of more than 1,460 rail-trails in the US that stretch across nearly 14,000 miles of

Extremist of South Florida - Joe Kaufman

For the past couple of months, Joe Kaufman has been smearing Muslims in the Tampa Bay area, if one didn’t know any better one would think that Joe lives in our community, but he doesn’t. So why the interest in Tampa, Kaufman?? A reason maybe the fact that Kaufman has discredited himself in South Florida so much that not a single mainstream media outlet would dare quote him. He’s proven to be a very bias and unreliable

Marilyn Garateix's 50 Years Of Fidel

I have never met the man, but he has been a never-ending presence in my life. My parents, grandparents and other adults in my family despise him. They had to adapt to a new country while mourning the loss of their homeland to a revolution they vehemently opposed. And they blame Fidel for

Slave Labor in Florida’s Tomato Fields

You can act now to urge Burger King to do the right thing and treat these workers with common human decency and respect. Sign the petition to eliminate modern-day servitude in America’s produce fields and join an industrywide effort to eliminate slavery and human rights abuses from Florida’s

Paul Cejas: Florida Clinton Donor

He is only one of the Clinton top donors who are demanding their money back from the DNC because of the Florida

Howard Dean Warns Bickering Has To Stop

Democratic Party chief Howard Dean says Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and their supporters should beware of tearing each other down, demoralizing the base and damaging the party's chances of winning the White House in

Friday, March 28, 2008

Hot For Teacher In Tampa, Florida

Florida Streamlines Food Stamps Process

With the economy in trouble, more people need help, and food stamps are one form of assistance. In the Central Florida region, more than 320,000 people are receiving food stamp assistance -- that's 50,000 more than a year ago. For those who are shy and do not want to apply for help in person, Florida is helping lead the way in getting to people in
To sign up for food stamps, here

Florida Forever Coalition Growing

Because of the enormous grass-roots support for Florida Forever — and the urgent need for land conservation funding in our state — more than 100 groups, businesses, and associations have now joined the Florida Forever Coalition. In addition, 38 counties have now passed resolutions in support of Florida

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Florida Lawmakers Float LGBT Rights Bill

Thirty-seven Florida lawmakers have sponsored a bill that would prohibit discrimination against gay men and lesbians in public and private employment, housing and public accommodations. State Sen. Ted Deutch introduced a measure that would amend the the Florida Civil Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act to include sexual

Howard Dean Threatened By Clinton Donors

It is not just Pelosi who is being threatened by top Clinton donors, Howard Dean is as well. This is alarming, but maybe it is good we are finding out about it. Here are details on Patricof, but other large Florida donors are threatening Dean with funds being
"He's got to exercise some leadership, and the sooner, the better,".......Alan Patricof
Howard Dean Is Exercising His Leadership, Please See The Florida Democratic Party. How I Miss Bob Graham And Lawton Chiles

3,200 Pounds Of Coke Off Florida Coast

The Coast Guard in Florida has recovered 3,200 pounds of cocaine after it was dumped by fleeing drug smuggling suspects. A Coast Guard aircraft conducting patrols in the western Caribbean sighted a suspicious "go-fast vessel" on March

Ronda Storms And The Citrus Taliban

I hope that this bill dies in Florida's judiciary committee. If it becomes law, make no mistake that Florida will garner for itself a reputation as a provincial backwater fit only for a tourism-based service sector at best and a place to be avoided altogether at worst. Florida will become, and deservedly so, a worldwide laughing stock.........more

Florida Partnership to End Childhood Hunger

Share Our Strength, one of the nation's leading organizations working to end childhood hunger in America, has selected Florida and Washington to be the first states to replicate a multi-year Ten Part Plan to End Childhood

Local Artist Don Howard


The Lee Roy Selmon Express In Ybor City

Imagine 2 of these from Brandon to Tampa in the morning. And then back in the afternoon. No need to have built The Crosstown Expressway.
Thanks To kenjr29mfl For Video.

Charlie Crist And Hometown Democracy

In the days following Feb. 1, when the Secretary of State’s office announced the Florida Hometown Democracy amendment wouldn’t make the ballot this year, Crist’s office received several complaints. Correspondence obtained by this newspaper alleged serious procedural glitches at local and state
“Hometown thought it was playing on one board while the game was secretly moved to another board.”........Ion Sancho

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Florida Has A New Blog

A place for progressive Floridians to speak out on national politics and issues.

Third Parties In Florida

Have you ever wondered just how many minor political parties are actually registered to raise money and present candidates for public office in Florida?

Florida Politicians Tackle Evolution

Foreclosures are soaring and unemployment is increasing. Florida’s shaky economy is creating a state government budget crisis leading to cuts in school and health-care spending. Meanwhile, lawmakers are devoting part of the 60-day session to

"We shouldn't be having this kind of confrontation, as far as I'm concerned. We were ranked 50th in the nation in our science standards. That's what started this whole thing. And the Board of Education needed to do something about that. The science test scores were among the lowest in the nation.".........Sen. Nan Rich

My House in Florida After Wilma

I love Florida but… hurricanes are scary… I’m going home

Ronda Storms’ “Academic Freedom” Bill Passes

A Senate panel endorsed “protections” [SB 2692] Wednesday for students and teachers who offer alternative theories to evolution — despite a report saying there’s never been a case alleging such discrimination in
Secular Homeschooling: The last safe haven from theocratic lunacy

Florida Legislature Apologizes For Slavery

Sen. Tony Hill, black caucus leader, is spearheading the latest effort behind a proposed resolution apologizing for the state's history of participation in slavery, but has been working with Senate President Ken Pruitt for months on the
Sen. Arthenia Joyner, D-Tampa, cried as curator John Phelps read a sobering history of slavery in Florida.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hovering And Staring In Miami

A small pilotless drone manufactured by Honeywell International , capable of hovering and "staring" using electro-optic or infrared sensors, is expected to make its debut soon in the skies over the Florida Everglades. If use of the drone wins Federal Aviation Administration approval after tests, the Miami-Dade Police Department will start flying the 14-pound (6.3 kg) drone over urban areas with an eye toward full-fledged employment in crime

April is Water Conservation Month in Florida

Recognizing April as Water Conservation Month helps promote the importance of water conservation, encouraging Floridians to become environmental stewards at home and in their communities. Conservation is not about “doing without.” Floridians can conserve water just by adopting efficient habits that reduce water

PDA: Barack the Vote

Wednesday, March 26 9:00 pm EDT
Now it's time to finish this primary season cleanly, positively, with a clear winner and a unified party. To me, that argues strongly for the candidate who inspires the young in such massive numbers; the candidate who had the Iraq War right before it started; the candidate who seems to have not only the best chance to win, but also the best chance to increase the number of blue states, and expand the electorate; the candidate who started his career as a community organizer; the candidate whose very election will say to the world, America has finally "turned the

Broward County School Board And Redline

Four teenagers from Falcon Cove Middle School in Weston were taken to a hospital emergency room this month, their hearts racing and their bodies dripping with
If parents allow teens to bring energy drinks to schools, that is their decision to make," ........Tracey Halliday

The SunCruz Casino Boats

The operators of SunCruz casino boats are dredging up, figuratively and literally, their history of harming the waterways on which they make their unwholesome living. The state Department of Environmental Protection is investigating to determine if the Port Richey-based gambling ship has slashed its way through fragile sea grass habitat off the coast of

Another Florida Election Scandal

Until a couple of days ago, I thought that state or provincial birds were cute, folksy things that appealed mainly to primary school students and people who worked in tourism offices. I thought that – until I heard about the Florida State Bird election controversy. Maybe you are tired of hearing about yet another Florida election scandal, but this one is important,

A Zip Through The Florida Keys

So, the plan was simple: bike down to the Keys over Thursday and Friday and back Saturday and Sunday. I wasn’t sure how far I’d get, but as the weather seemed to be agreeable I decided Friday afternoon to go all the way to Key West........more

New Bikes For The Lake Mary Police Department

“A faster, safer, better-performing motorcycle that's cheaper.” That’s how Officer Chris Dye from the Lake Mary Police Department described his new Honda ST1300 to a local news station. His department worked out that not only were the Honda’s $2,500 cheaper than the rival from Milwaukee, but that the servicing costs, for each bike, per year, would drop from $2,700 with Harley to $520 with

Rev. Wright Event In Tampa Canceled

There is no question that Rev. Wright's comments were despicable and loathesome.
However, it's sad that Obama has to apologize for his preacher's comments while John McCain begs for the endorsement of equally ignorant and bigoted pastors like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell who have said not "God da_n America" but "God has dam_ed America."

that double-standard actually reflect the very racism Rev. Wright was railing against, albeit in a very ignorant fashion?


Gay Rights & Protections Needed in State of Florida

Please spread the word to those who live and vote in Florida: vote "No" this November on a Florida State constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and unions. Take this fight a step further by clicking on the following link and joining HRC, Human Rights

Joe Garcia on Republican Dirty Tactics

My pro-Democracy in Cuba credentials are solid. Before my opponent was in the Florida State Legislature I was marching and meeting with US lawmakers in DC advocating for democratic change in Cuba. This, however, will not stop them from disparaging my record. Similar to how they attacked national heroes like Max Cleland and John Kerry for being unpatriotic, they will try to label me as a communist
This, however, will not work for them in 2008.