Friday, November 20, 2015

Florida DINOS Gwen Graham And Patrick Murphy Chose Fear Over Humanity

Gwen Graham, Patrick Murphy only two Florida Dems to vote for Syrian refugee crackdown. here

"Fear-mongering, hateful and an embarrassment to the Democratic Party." Susan Smith

"Patrick Murphy chose fear over humanity when he voted in favor of a Republican bill that will make it nearly impossible for Syrian refugees fleeing terrorism in their homeland to come to the United States.
We’re not sure whether it was Patrick Murphy’s fear of orphans and widows with brown skin that caused him to vote for this atrocious bill, or if it was his fear of going against the Republican Party. But, either way, he chose fear over humanity. Hate, over love. He has proven once again that he doesn’t have the courage to do what is right when times are hard. And we can’t have another person like that in the US Senate." 

The Battle To Keep Florida Frack-Free Is Intensifying

Fracking became an issue last year after Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) revealed that the Dan A. Hughes Co. had fracked the Collier-Hogan well in Naples, despite regulators telling it not to until the agency had a chance to thoroughly review the company’s plans. Shortly after the news broke, the move to ban fracking in Florida began. here

Local Hero Kevin Beckner

On the Syrian refugees:
 After a handful of angry and concerned calls and emails in the wake of the Paris attacks
“Some of our core principles and values as Christians and Americans include helping individuals escape from tyranny, persecution and inhumane treatment,” Beckner wrote. “While we must remain vigilant and united in our efforts to protect our community from radical extremists who commit acts of terrorism, we cannot allow our vigilance to turn into vigilantism 
against an entire religion and culture.” 
Write him and tell him how you feel. 
We do all the time, he always writes us back.

Florida's First Family Of Corporate Welfare

The Fanjul brothers, 
the shadowy kings of Florida sugar. 
The latticework of loans and tariffs that make up the U.S. sugar program force Americans to pay about twice as much as the rest of the world for the sugar they eat, and few have benefited more from the industry subsidies 
($2 billion annually) than Pepe Fanjul and his family. here

Right Wing Fools

There is this Meme from Allen West being spread on Facebook about helping the Homeless Vets before we help the refugees. May we remind these morons that it is the GOP who has refuse to help the Vets. If they just took the time to Google it they would 
find out for themselves.
 "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Gene
He is from Alabama, homeless 2 years.

Andrew Gillum The Awesome Mayor Of Tallahassee

In a rebuke to Gov. Rick Scott, Mayor Andrew Gillum said Tallahassee will continue to be a safe haven for Syrian refugees in the wake of last week's Paris terrorist attacks. here 
"As mayor, I pledge my continued support for providing the care and refuge needed by those escaping violence and persecution," Andrew Gillum

Florida Utility Companies Pour $1.9 Million Into Anti-Solar Group

Utility companies operating in Florida have donated more than $1.9 million to the misleadingly named 
Consumers for Smart Solar
 a political action committee set up to oppose a ballot initiative that would allow for third-party sales of rooftop 
solar energy.
Florida Power and Light  $595,000
 Tampa Electric Company $556,000
 Duke Energy $355,000
Gulf Power Company $380,000
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative $30,000

Rick Scott: No To Compassion, Yes To Fear

Rick Scott has said no to the Syrian refugees — and yes to fear — proving once again that terrorism works. here

Pedestrian Un-Friendly Tampa

I275 and Dale Mabry Hwy

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Our Leader Susan Smith On Rick Scott's Opposition to Syrian Immigrants

Susan Smith, the president of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida, compared Gov. Rick Scott to American officials who did not let Jewish refugees immigrate from Germany in the late 1930s for opposing bringing Syrian refugees into the Sunshine State. here

What Stogie Had For Luch

Lunch with friends at Tequilas in Ybor
Visit them here
Eat Local!

Rick Scott's Florida The King Of Corporate Welfare

He toured the state last week to promote his $1 billion tax cut that would primarily benefit 
big business. here

Florida Ranked Third Worst

In Medical Insurance
A new comprehensive study of rates of insurance coverage in the Age of Obamacare finds Florida at the bottom of the list in terms of protected people. here 

Tell Us Your Minimum Wage Story

"I met with minimum-wage workers in Tampa a few weeks ago. Before that, I had never taken an official position on a $15-an-hour minimum wage. But listening to them, I was left with no choice. They can’t survive on $7.25, and I couldn’t, either. Now, if you have something to say on this, I’d like to hear from you. You share your story. If it’s a good one, it will help drive us all toward social justice." 

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless living in Tampa

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fight For 15 Rally @ Dale Mabry Walmart

Meet local hero David. He is about to get fired for speaking out.
Read more about him here

TBX: Lipstick On A Pig

Tampa Bay no need to worry, FDOT has offered to put dog parks, ball courts or other green spaces under or near the overpasses and try to enhance interstate walls and supports with brick, ornamental lighting or public art so when you are sitting in the patio at Lee's Grocery on Central Ave in Tampa Heights having your beer and pizza you will be able to enjoy the huge artsy wall in front of you. here

Shake Off Those Charter Chains!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Ropa Vieja
With Yellow Rice and Yuca
At Cafe Masaryktown, visit them here

Florida Mayors For Corporate Welfare

Mayor Howard Wiggs - Lakeland
Mayor Randall Henderson - Ft. Myers
 Mayor Van Johnson - Apalachicola
Mayor Carlos Hernandez - Hialeah
The Brevard County Commission has also passed a resolution supporting Corporate Welfare.

Happy Birthday Howard Dean

Sign Gov. Howard Dean's birthday card.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Walmart Press Event- Real Wages NOT Food Bins In Tampa!

Tomorrow at 1:00pm
Walmart Tampa - 1505 N Dale Mabry Hwy

TBX Supporters

Bob Buckhorn 
Wants to be our governor.
Lisa Montelione 
Is running for 
Florida State House District 63.
Remember them when you vote!
Stop TBX
Should we post this once a month to remind you?

Update: Huntersville Mayor Jill Swain and two town commissioners were booted from office in this week’s elections because of residents’ anger about the state’s plans to widen Interstate 77 with toll lanes. here

Read more here:

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Big Sugar and Corporate Welfare

For decades, the sugar subsidy has been lambasted as the worst form of corporate welfare. Big Sugar's perks amount to legalized corruption of the campaign finance system. In Florida, Big Sugar money influence is so great that the industry acts in the state capitol 
as a shadow government. 
What Big Sugar wants, it gets. 
These days, a solid GOP majority in the state legislature, 
Gov. Rick Scott, and Adam Putnam 
-- the agriculture secretary aiming to replace Marco Rubio in the US Senate -- are so deep in Big Sugar's pocket, you can't even see them. Not that Floridians are looking. here

artLOUD Tampa Bay

Visit them here

Extreme Right Wing Marco Rubio

He has long denied that human activity contributes to climate change.
“I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it. When I'm president, Keystone will be approved, and President Obama's backwards energy policies will come to an end.
Rubio has repeatedly voted against ending tax breaks 
for oil companies.

Florida New Dem Darren Soto

Read about him here
Then check out this lady.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mayor And Two Commissioners Booted From Office Because Of Toll Lanes

Huntersville Mayor and two town commissioners were booted from office because of residents’ anger about the state’s plans to widen Interstate 77 with toll lanes. here
"The citizens wanted to have their voice heard, and they did it through the ballot box. The incumbents who lost got complacent and weren’t really listening to the citizens.” Danny Phillips, a toll opponent and the top vote-geter in the board race.
Looking good Guido! here
Don't forget Mayor Bob likes this idea too. Should we re-post this once a month to remind voters? Plant City and Temple Yerrace pay attention.

The Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

Our generation — the triangulation generation — devised anti-crime policies and welfare reform, got nervous at the mere mention of same-sex marriage, was taught that government should work through market mechanisms, rather than act as a countervailing force, and learned to govern through inoffensive gestures like tax credits.
The Democratic Party, as an institution, had little meaning for this generation. It was not ideologically coherent — extremely conservative Southerners were still Democrats well into the Clinton years — and the party’s operatives did little to make it meaningful to young people." Susan Smith
Join the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida

Ethically Challenged David Rivera

Marco Rubio's sleazy friend keeps showing up at the debates, but no one is willing to own up to letting him in the door. here 

Rick Scott's Corporate Welfare State

His plan for more than $1 billion in tax cuts and corporate welfare, he seems intent on forcing the need for further budget cuts rather than reinvesting in education, the environment and other priorities. here

Florida State Park: Killing Fields

A checklist that park planners use in reviewing what can be allowed in Florida's park system now calls for adding hunting as a possible activity. here

Bob Buckhorn Kissing FDOT Ass

"They have done more than I have ever seen FDOT do. I think they have been far more responsive, far more open, far more willing to look at options" 
Mayor Bob Buckhorn
Mayor Bob, the only option is, it doesn't get built. 
You say you want to be our governor. You really should talk to 
Huntersville Ex-Mayor Jill Swain about toll lanes.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pam Bondi Siding With Polluters

Corey Jones Killer Gets Fired

What about murder charges?
The cop who murdered  Corey Jones on an 
I-95 ramp was fired Thursday by the 
city of Palm Beach Gardens. here

Read more here:

Miami Is Sinking

Miami Beach consists of a long, low barrier island accompanied by a scattering of manmade islets. It’s one of the lowest-lying municipalities in the country, and its residents are leading the way into the world’s wetter future. here

Dade City Bans Fracking

It’s a dirty word in Dade City if you go by a city commission resolution that advocates banning the practice in Florida.
Loud applause greeted the board’s decision.

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Joe Negron

Dozens of state Sen. Joe Negron's allies stroked checks for thousands of dollars to his political fund for the privilege of hobnobbing during a two-day spa and golf retreat at The Brazilian Court — "the ultimate Florida vacation destination for the rich and famous" here