Friday, May 11, 2018

Coffee with Joe Kotvas

In the early eighties, Joe Kotvas was a well-respected County Commissioner with dreams of political grandeur. The former Tampa Police Officer and City Council Member had envisioned a future that led him to the White House. However, his ambitions were quickly shattered on February 1, 1983 when Kotvas was arrested by the FBI in what is perhaps one of the most infamous cases of corruption in local government.

Kotvas served 5 years of a 12-year sentence in federal prison for his part in taking bribes to secure favorable zoning votes. He has continuously maintained his innocence. The former County Commissioner has repeatedly declared that he was set up and framed on bribery and corruption charges as part of a witch hunt designed to put dozens of prominent people who did business with the government in prison.

Now at 75 years old, Kotvas is chasing his political dreams again. He hopes this time around that Hillsborough County residents will read his book and give him the chance to finish the job the FBI cut short 35 years ago.

How To Legalize Marijuana In Florida

If you are not registered to Vote. Do it now.You must register as a Democrat. I know that is a lot to ask but we will tell you why later.
If you are already registered and not a Democrat you have to switch party.
Info here
All of the Republicans running are NOT for Legalization. Of the 4 running as Democrats only one is. 
Mayor Andrew Gillum. 
Here is the catch. 
With Florida's closed primary system 
you have to be a Democrat to vote for him. 

Sounds easy right? It is!

Remember Yes On 2?

We did it once, we can do it again.
But you must follow the steps above. 
And an added bonus, you can VOTE by mail.
Please remember. We are a powerful voting block. If WE all VOTE we can do this again!

Our Moment & Path to Victory

Progressive Layla Hartz at South Shore at Nite

May 15 - 6:30 PM
Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce
With special guest
Layla Hartz 
for Florida House District 57

Ybor Paparazzi

Andrew Davis
County Commission Candidate 

Florida Welcome To The Far Far Right

Consider the Republican candidates for governor and their priorities.
Adam Putnam:  A proud NRA sellout and pledged he would sign a so-called “heartbeat bill, legislation that would make abortion illegal after a doctor can hear a fetus’ heartbeat. WTF! What about the victim of gun violence heartbeat?  
Ron DeSantis: Trump's choice. Rather than campaign in Florida, DeSantis campaigns almost exclusively on Fox News. For weeks, he’s practically had a casting couch on Sean Hannity’s TV and radio shows.
Richard Corcoran: For the last two years he has championed legislation that undercuts traditional public education and helps charter schools that educate only 10 percent of Florida students. Corcoran congratulated himself for the post-Douglas school safety bill that will add no new money for academics and leave school districts short as they comply with new rules on police officers.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

If Leftists Follow The Tampa Model We Might Actually Have a Chance

I knew of no leftist organization that could match the tenacity, strength, and cunning of the average street gang. That wasn’t the point. I drove 180 miles into the heart of Tampa Bay to see whether or not the Left was capable of doing anything besides shitpost.

Elitist Straz’ TGH Tenure Proves He Protects the One Percenters, Not You

During the last 15 years or so, there has been a gradual erosion of pay and benefits at Tampa General Hospital (TGH), most acutely felt by the longest tenured employees, who also happen to be the most experienced and most highly skilled. Meanwhile, at the top of the TGH food chain, the story is quite different with ballooning benefits for principal administrators. The large payouts for executives coupled with the shrinking benefits of the average worker coincide with the tenure of stiff neck David Straz, Tampa mayoral candidate, on THe board of directors.
More from Jim Bleyer

Ybor Paparazzi

My favorite Ybor bartender Hank,  
with his famous Bloody Mary!

Words From Layla Hartz

For those of you who know me, you know that my father is from Iran and that we have a lot of family who live there. Which is why today is a terrifying day.

It’s no secret who John Bolton is and what is his ultimate goal in life. Cancelling the Iran deal is both astronomically stupid, but it also points to ambitions of war on the part of Trump and Netanyahu (and Saudi Arabia).

Today reminds me of 2002. Then, I wrote an article in the Daily Joklahoman outlining what a mistake invading Iraq was. I was met with retorts ranging from how unpatriotic I was to racist (get out of my country) responses. 
I was right.
I’m right today as well.
Trump is a menace to peace around the world.


Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Florida Neocons

“I’m glad that President Trump decided today to withdraw from the flawed Iran nuclear deal and impose crippling economic and financial sanctions against the Iranian regime." Marco Rubio
“Last week I called on President Trump to withdraw from the reckless deal." Rick Scott
“Iran promotes violence and terrorism throughout the Middle East and around the world." Charlie Crist
“POTUS has consistently & correctly recognized Obama-Khamenei nuclear agreement as a disaster."
 Ron DeSantis
“I strongly support the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the reckless and dangerous Iran deal." Mario Diaz-Balart
“I stand with President Trump in his decision to withdraw the United States from the Iran nuclear deal." Neal Dunn
 I fully support President Trump’s decision today to withdraw the United States from the Iran Nuclear Deal." Matt Gaetz
“President Trump’s decisive action today is a much needed first step." Brian Mast
 "I welcome President Trump’s decisive action to withdraw from this deeply flawed deal, and to reimpose sanctions on the Iranian regime.” Dennis Ross